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movieworld 29th of june 2014


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I went to movieworld yesterday thinking it wouldn't be to busy like you know it's only the first day of the holidays, shit I was wrong. I got to movieworld at 9.00am and lined up. At 9.30am they let us in, i went straght to superman and lined up for a half hour. (Rides start at 10.00am so the half hour wait was because the rides hadn't started yet) I was on the first train so I didn't have to wait. Got off superman then lined up for the first stunt show for twenty minutes. I took a seat then had a snack and a drink. The crowds where still pouring in after ten minutes of waiting. I've only ever seen them house a bit over half the seating but today they where using all of it. Great stunts and awesome driving but it doesn't really have a story just filming cool stunts really. After the show we went to Scooby but it wasn't going. (Note It wasn't down for scheduled repairs) then I checked out the arcade and the bumper cars and there was no way I was even thinking of going on them because the line was backed all the way out of the building. So I went to green lantern and it had a thirty minute wait. After green lantern I went back to Scooby and it was open "yay" but it had a two and a half hour wait. I headed over to the justice league and waited fifty five minutes.All up iI was a shit busy day but at least I got to use my pass one more time.

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i went last week and surprisingly, green lantern was out to the front. superman was also out to the front (not surprisingly). wwf was a walk-on hower, and scooby doo was a near-walk on (shortest i've ever seen it). justice league looked short, but it was slow, and batwing was pretty short at the start of the day, but filled up as the day progressed. and yet again, superman broke down during the day (i've noticed it's been breaking down a lot lately, even after maintenance)

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I went Tuesday last week and it was generally busy for being before QLD school holidays officially started. Superman had an hour wait (with only one train), Green Lantern was roughly 40-60 minutes, Scooby was 30-45, and Wild West Falls was a walk-on for most of the day.

What are generally the best times of year to visit the parks? I always try to go down before the holidays officially start, but it always ends up being hit or miss.

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For Zanstabar:

Around the 2nd to 8th week of the QLD school terms on weekdays or Saturday if you can't make weekdays. Also the days with Fright Nights after them are pretty good as they run the parks in holiday mode with 2 trains on superman despite being in the down season. The week before Christmas is also pretty sweet as the vast majority of visitors are small kids.

Also try to avoid times with AA, SE or GL down. Because when GL or SE is down AA is packed. And when AA is down SE is packed. (Sorry about the massive amount of abbreviations.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I went Tuesday last week and it was generally busy for being before QLD school holidays officially started. Superman had an hour wait (with only one train), Green Lantern was roughly 40-60 minutes, Scooby was 30-45, and Wild West Falls was a walk-on for most of the day.

What are generally the best times of year to visit the parks? I always try to go down before the holidays officially start, but it always ends up being hit or miss.

I find that the best times to go are always a week or two before school holidays, and go there on a weekday if possible (preferably Wednesday).
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