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Eureka Mountain Mine Ride reopening discussion


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Just a hunch, but I don't ever think anyone was aiming for a 2015 opening. I'm happy to be corrected, but with little amount of activity happening within the mountain (thanks Andrew) I think its safe to assume that 2016 will be the year if the project proceeds as planned. Remember that a new CEO for Ardent has now started and has already caused some waves within the park. Lets see where we go from here, but lets not get too confident that 2015 will be the year that Eureka reopens to the public.

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Who insulted who? And how?

Are you referring to Rappa's completely apt description of the guy as a Moron?

Push - i've got news for you - that wasn't an insult. That was a perfect description of an idiot who wanders into a ride envelope, out of bounds, risks his life to take photos, brags about it, then gets all butt hurt when we don't react with absolute awe, and instead shout him down as the moron he is... so he continues to defend himself despite nobody supporting his position.

Believe me - theres enough people on these boards that know who Rappa is - so there's no anonymity there.

I'm with Brad on this one. Too many 'do-gooders' who stand up for others who don't need (and didn't ask) to be stood up for. The guy is PROUD he got banned from DW. He Brags... and continues to post the pictures he got shot down for... I don't think he wanted you to stick your brown nose into it...

YOU feel upset about it, and YOU have felt wronged often enough on these boards even when stuff has had NOTHING TO DO WITH YOU.

Stop trying to be everyone else's knight in shining armor. It doesn't suit you. By all means stand up for yourself... but your whiny-assed baby approach to defending others doesn't earn you a shred of dignity... and each time you complain about the actions of others (especially those who are the moderators and leaders - who make the rules here) you just encourage more of us to laugh at you.

Wow. I didn't know he actually ended up getting banned

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I more or less handed myself in. My name of my account is Andrew H (which is my real name), I posted a photo of me and the day I entered Dreamworld. I bought a world pass which had all my details and a photo of me so it wasn't very hard for Dreamworld to track me down. I put my real info up deliberately, not because I'm an idiot, but because I wanted to be accountable. 

A member from guest services came and spoke to me next time I tried to enter the park. 

After a period of discussions with guest services I'm able to re-enter the park, so long as I abide by the rules, which I gave my word that I would. Everything's back to normal then. I'd never try to go back of house again, and I would recommend against it. Feel free to message me if you want to ask anything more (and please stop hating on me).


Edited by Andrewh
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He posted a photo of himself, said who his employer was, and Parkz were willing to (and I believe did?) pass on the details they had from this site (be it IP address, email, maybe he had a linked social account, who knows) but with that info, it shouldn't have been too hard for them to track him down. Don't forget you're dealing with a large organisation with more resources than some random person on the internet to track someone down. 


edit- as above :P

Edited by reanimated35
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I thought Razza was talking about Andrew getting banned from Dreamworld after his foray into Eureka. I still haven't worked out how they managed to track him down.  Did he have a season pass or did they have his photo in every booth with a sign that said 'do not admit this person.'

I was though lol now I'm imagining those pictures as wanted posters in the goldrush area lol

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I've compiled a factual and accurate video about Eureka Mountain, it's history, layout and theming. If anyone would like to check it out you can see it here.



​Regardless of how the images were obtained (think we have covered that to death), I think its a great video, well done.

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