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New Total Thrills Launches


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After literally tens of hours over the past six months, I've finally got the new Total Thrills site up in some sort of working form. It's fair to say that it's quite a lot different from the previous site, and Roller-Coaster.com.au. It'll focus more on "me" (without being too overly vain) - my travels etc. rather than Australian parks as this site does. Content's still a bit bare - I'll work through my photos from my USA trip over December/January (there's 3,000+ of them to sort through) over the next few days in my spare time. www.totalthrills.com is the url in case anyone's forgotten. As always, feel free to give comments, suggestions etc. (And to clear one that I might otherwise get a few of - yes I'm aware some image popups don't work and that will be fixed soon. :))

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The "fancy" look of Total Thrills comes really at the cost of easy-of-use. As it is, I think it's easy enough to get around, but there wouldn't be much room to expand on that, such as into what Roller-Coaster.com.au is. I know Roller-Coaster.com.au ain't gonna win any awards for outstanding web design anytime soon, but on that same token I think it's as effective as it possibly could be given the depth and large amounts of information it needs to display. The most important thing to note is that none of the content is actually stored in the site. It's all in a database so the design can be changed at any stage and all content will remain. Given the time invested into this current design, I can't see it being significantly changed for a good few years yet. There are some web designers out there who could make a site as pretty as Total Thrills with as much content and as easy to use as Roller-Coaster.com.au, but I don't think that I'm quite talented enough to be able to pull that off. Usually those that do pull it off are paid tens of thousands by companies to do so anyway.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The slashes are a very cheap and easy way to get around a problem that occurs with the Javascript image popups. I will fix it eventually. If you want un-slashed captions, go to the full size images, not just the mouseover ones. I see no real reason to be serious with the captions. That's Roller-Coaster.com.au's job. Total Thrills lets my sardonic sarcastic and just plain stupid sides through.

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The images on Total Thrills are even causing troubles? What screen resolution are you running with? Total Thrills was designed for 800x600 minimum, Roller-Coaster.com.au for 1024x768. If your screen is set to a resolution lower than these, then the full-sized images will be too big for your screen, in which case the best you can do is the thumbnails. That's not all bad - here for instance, the thumbnails are 300x225, which is enough to see most detail in any given shot. I do have plans to eventually add something to Roller-Coaster.com.au that will automatically resize the full sized images to accommodate smaller screen resolutions. Probably not any time soon though.

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  • 3 weeks later...

A problem that's been hanging around since the beginning has been resolved; I've fixed the problem with slashes. Long story short, Javascript makes use of apostrophes to enclose certain parameters. If you want these parameters to include an apostrophe (as with contractions or possessives), you have to put a slash before the apostrophe, otherwise it'll basically cut the parameter short where you put one. What I was originally doing was putting slashes straight into the database, which meant when the thumbnail titles were shown (when you hold the mouse over a thumbnail), they included the slashes. A single line of code which acts as a "find and replace" fixes that problem. Six Flags Over Texas gallery is now up, as is one from Universal Studios Florida. I said this a few weeks ago, but I'm hoping to get the Florida ones up pretty soon. As always stay tuned!

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I've gotten the Islands of Adventure gallery up. At 100 photographs it's the biggest gallery on Total Thrills and I believe the biggest I've ever made. See it here. The rest of the Orlando galleries will be coming as I find time to put them together. There's easily another few hundred photographs to come out of Orlando parks alone.

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Great gallery Rich but what I'd really love to see is some more Australian park photos for Roller-Coaster.com.au. I've noticed that many of our own Aussie rides don't have any pics at all. It'd be great to see a full database at some stage, with pics of even the smaller various flat rides etc.

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It's all slowly coming together. I myself can only really focus on three parks - Sea World, Movie World and Dreamworld - and the amount of content for each of these reflects that fact. If anyone has high-quality photographs from other parks around Australia, don't hesitate to send them my way. See the Contribute page for more information. I can't be everywhere, and most of the gaps in the gallery are simply because I haven't been to a particular park, or not in a long time.

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