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  1. Today
  2. I was referring to building a new flume ride and not the location. As for the location, the QLD Government still haven't canned their plans for a broadwalk outside of SW, along the Broadwater which could create side access to a Big Wheel.
  3. I mean it is, though. Using it as a restaurant, at night, makes it impossible to be a Sea World ride (especially not in the plot this thread is about), unless you want to make a ride that’s designed with the purpose to run only 1-2 months of the year.
  4. Locals have no say anymore @themagician The temporary wheel was a great success and SW wanted to keep it but due to the town planning laws at that time, council wouldn't approve it. SW could build a strata coaster today with no problems, if they wanted to.
  5. Are we forgetting that Sea World did have a Ferris wheel, but was removed due to the locals complaints. They tried that too (not operated by SW) and that went terribly too.
  6. So, what you’re saying is that you want VRTP to build a Ferris Wheel, either optionally or expressly as a food venue, perhaps adjacent but definitely not within Sea World? Like Skypoint, but in a worse location, at a higher cost, with less capacity & more operational issues? And this is being compared to a lot flume?
  7. i mean they did have one.. maybe also leviathan open on time too and with the park for once?
  8. Sounds like good reasons why you would have gaps @red dragin
  9. Are the gaps there to permit fake plants to 'grow' through in various places, smoke/fog to enter the room too, perhaps? As well as lighting effects as previously suggested.
  10. I've always thought SW could open a wheel up at night, as a restaurant.
  11. It's not for expansion/contraction. All I am doing is observing the current state of the walls going up and hoping it's not the finished product. Did you read the part where I said I hope the outside isn't like the inside?
  12. If it's dark behind, you won't notice the gaps. I hope they have some strobes/lighting and fog behind the panels seeping out. That would be cool.
  13. I agree, however i can just imagine how slow that loading would be on a big wheel.... you want a leisurely trip and would be stuck on it for an hour
  14. my guess this part of the ride will be in the dark or low lighting, and you will be moving fast
  15. There is more panels up then shown in that photo, which is why I have raised the question because to close the gaps you would have to move every panel they have installed. I hope so too.
  16. Could be purely for expansion/contraction. Either way it will be fixed
  17. Maybe it's a measure twice, cut once technique. They are lifting everything into place, securing in into position temporarily and then once they have confirmed it's all correct they will adjust as needed to make it all fit perfectly. This is probably wrong, but just trying to think of reasons why they would have it like this. Looking at this picture, you can see between the coaster supports that the panels are designed to fit perfectly together. I'm sure there is a reason for it, but it isn't obvious to me why.
  18. I hope you're right. I had a sneaky ride on ST, during work the other day and I had a quick look at the coaster and the gaps really stood out. I reckon, some of the gaps, I could fit my fist right through them.
  19. Yesterday
  20. I doubt they will be using these themed panels as the means to enclose the building to make it water tight. They will need to have layers of insulation, fibre cement/colorbond fitted to the external side of the steel frame before they construct/install the outside of the temple.
  21. If they are having issues closing the gaps internally, won't they have the same issues externally. A tube of no-more-gaps won't cut it. 🤣
  22. They do, but I’m sure there argument would be that Storm Coaster and Battle Boats ticks the water based ride box for their line up. What the park needs to do right now is make Trident and Vortex reliable because right now to amount of down time these rides have, they may as well not be there
  23. I’d say they’ll most likely be filled in once the external sheeting is up. You might not even notice during the ride because it’ll be reasonably dark during this show moment.
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