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Showing content with the highest reputation on 14/11/16 in Posts

  1. Visiting the Gold Coast got some shots. Enjoy.
    6 points
  2. Everyone is sad, everyone is shocked, but in time you will get over it, as will everyone. That's meant in no disrespect for the families & friends of those lost, but as a reality. At some point, life forces you to move forward and leave things behind. Not forget, but no longer dwell. if it truly has effected you as much as you constantly post about @POP, then you should speak with your GP and get some help - that's not a dig at you, that's a sincere suggestion
    5 points
  3. It was so surreal to go to the park enetrance and there to literally be no one else, just me. There were plenty of cars, but no people. And it also gave me a time to pay my respects and not be hassled by media. All flowers have been removed now, but someone still show their respects by laying flowers on the stairs, which was nice to see.
    4 points
  4. Definitely needed, this is actually the reason why I would rather go to WhiteWater World. Okay I know I'm dreaming nor would I know where they would put but a ProSlide RocketBLAST/ FlyingSAUCER. It looks pretty awesome and is unique no other Park in Australia has one.
    4 points
  5. General park update: Some new elements/theming/decoration has been added to The Plaza. And the white picket fence that was behind the frozen coke stand has been removed. The boat propellor has been removed from storm I really wish/hope they replace the shade sails in Polar Bear Shores The Humpback still hasn't been put back in place And it wouldn't be an update from me without a photo that was taken the right way up but uploads upside. Anyways, here's some nice boulders on the old Sea Viper site
    3 points
  6. New track is yellow and blue and installation has begun today. The end of the slide is currently being installed.
    2 points
  7. @Jobe yep they definitely still have some of the old skill games in place today, mainly the ones with the powered cannons that shoot balls at the targets. I'll try and remember to get pics next time I'm there ? Managed to put this together from the video with a bit of effort. Definitely my favourite memory of Grundy's, and the one I miss the most ❤️ Would love to know if this one ended up anywhere, or if it was just dismantled? I recognise the head up on the right with the rotating teeth from a couple of travelling show ghost trains!
    2 points
  8. Don't think so, I believe the grey to be a electrical transformer (maybe 7Kva by the size), with a switchboard cabinet behind (not sure about the blue tardis looking thing). So while your correct in the photo link, I doubt it would be connected to the crates.
    1 point
  9. I would say most likely Australian water and leisure as they made the original and if it's going to be the same I am going to assume it's them. However it could still be pro-slides or White water west.
    1 point
  10. I'm still trying to work out how the ground was saturated and storm clouds in the sky this morning at Oxenford when 8kms away where I am it was 32 degrees at 9am without a cloud in the sky and no rain overnight.. weird. What sorcery is this?
    1 point
  11. if you look closely at the 2nd last image it looks like a lake with a reflection
    1 point
  12. From seeing the ride today, I really do just think that the ride is undergoing a general maintenance period, but just don't know how long some things will take to repair. Im not going to rule out the ride completely closing, but really really hope it doesn't.
    1 point
  13. For those who haven't seen it already, here is an article from the Gold Coast Bulletin about how DW is caring for the animals during the park's temporary closure: The article also included photos of DW staff with the koalas.
    1 point
  14. I hope you are right, although the bit about the GP not finding about is probably false, because IAAPA -> these forums -> the media -> the GP
    1 point
  15. Channel 7 just had the Parking lot plans on the news, suggesting the Residents are upset and coining the term 'paved paradise to put up a parking lot'.. - Hardly Paradise, it looks like a pretty ordinary block to me? At least MW intend to make practical use of the Space.
    1 point
  16. More conveyor belts for the rafts/inflatables, so that guests don't have to painfully lug them up stairs and ramps. That's one of the major advantages I think that WhiteWater World has over Wet N Wild, despite it being the smaller park. It's a lot more convenient.
    1 point
  17. Was looking on google earth app this arvo of the footprint of TRR. Not sure if anyone had posted it yet, but here's the amount of ground the ride covers, including the track. As I said earlier on, it shouldn't be too hard to fence off the Eureka/Buzzsaw side whilst removal work takes place. However the ToT side may be a bit trickier, given its length ?
    1 point
  18. your all looking at rides that exist you should be looking at rides that's don't exist and think out of the box. that is what they said they are putting on. worlds greatest. now cmon now i expect this post to get at least a -20 rate!
    1 point
  19. Thanks for the update @themagician I must say, those footings are...
    1 point
  20. That's correct @diesal11 a forum should be about discussion. That’s the problem with giving somebody a neg rep. It doesn’t add anything to the conversation and nobody knows why you gave it, if you don't add a post. If you gave a neg rep them, you obviously had a thought about what was said so why not share it with us. @reanimated35 Welcome back and don't leave me alone with @AlexB again.
    1 point
  21. Why can't somebody say it's boring. Sometimes I don't get this site. If somebody doesn't like a ride and would prefer to ride something else why can't he say so? The people always giving negative rep to people just because they have a different idea to yours just shows how narrow minded some people are on here. Tends to be the same sheep that do it too. I don’t like the ride either and find it boring. It’s short. I have been on bigger slides then the final drop. If I took a 6-year-old on it, they would probably love it. I find keeping a ride around because you once loved it when you were 6 a bit strange. I would prefer a new ride to create new memories and new fun times.
    1 point
  22. I've jokingly requested a bit of snooping from peeps who will be at IAAPA. Until then, the festival of footers continues...
    0 points
  23. How can we look at rides that dont exist? They dont exist yet.
    0 points
  24. @xRazzBerryx I gave you a neg rep because I am sick of seeing this things face. My photo is more appropriate. @themagician Thanks for the photos.
    -1 points
  25. river ride is toast, eureka is history and that lame log ride should go too and they should build a magnificent coaster in it's place. they are trailing behind movie world cmon dreamworld time to catch up. now i'm expecting this post to get -30 don't disappoint me!!
    -1 points
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