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Showing content with the highest reputation on 13/01/17 in all areas

  1. I'm calling it out - they aren't competing - one's thrilling, and one's MDMC.
    11 points
  2. Green Lantern is objectively the better ride, it's no matter of opinion, in my opinion.
    3 points
  3. However your car doesn't safely traverse top hats, inversions or airtime hills.
    2 points
  4. MDMC shouldn't be compared to anything - it's part of its own little group of awful rollercoasters along with Goudurix and Zamperla Volares.
    2 points
  5. I generally work on in life – the simple things are often the best. BuzzSaw is simple and effective – winch the train up and then let it go, it has the sensation of speed and height. GL is complex and relies heavily on intervention to get the train around the track. It doesn’t go very fast and isn’t very high. What I mean by over engineered (maybe not the right term, probably over designed) is that I think they’ve tried to fit too much into a small platform coaster. My 16 yo son hates heights and is very cautious when it comes to rides. He goes on GL and isn’t fazed, but refuses to go on BuzzSaw, no matter how much I try and coax him into it. I just prefer coasters that use gravity, are fast, and through good design requires minimal mechanical intervention (obviously excluding starting and stopping), like Superman. But anyway, each to their own.
    2 points
  6. I disagree, but it is personal preference - i enjoy the slow, teetering hanging off the edge, beyond vertical drop and soundtrack. IMO its a pretty good ride.
    2 points
  7. What MDMC needs is a complete retheme to justify new trains. Something quadbike-y like Juvelen wouldn't be hard to come up with a good theme for.
    1 point
  8. I think for me the biggest downfall of MDMC is the restraints, as someone who is around 6 foot 2 I find it extremely uncomfortable and I spend more time in pain (especially my dang knees) on it than I can to enjoy some of it. When I was 10 it would have been more exciting so I agree on families finding it good; however even then I preferred GD, TOT, Cyclone (using that name as that is what it was when I was 10) and Wipeout. I appreciate the length of the track however it does get let down with theming as was mentioned above. JR has always to be been more thrilling, not only due to how low it gets but the intensity of some of the turns I find make genuinely thrilling and more enjoyable overall.
    1 point
  9. Would it be worth doing a series of these that last for say a week or so @Richard? That way we could have a week-long poll for each competition rather than creating a mega-thread again. In regards to this one @YLFATEEKS - I'm going to go with Jet Rescue. JR: Lower to the ground giving the feeling of speed Second launch Great for families*/thrill seekers While limited, still has attempted theming Overall: 7/10 MDMC: Slower Great as a 'first time' coaster for younger kids/families* Too high off the ground to be a MotoGP coaster No second launch No real attempt at theming once you leave the station/queue area (and even then it's limited) Overall: 4/10 in my opinion and based on their marketing as a "thrill ride". I'd bump it up to a 6/10 IF they marketed it to families instead of thrill seekers. *Depends on the family
    1 point
  10. @djrappa that's what I was taught in QLD also. I also taught how to secure my horse & cart before entering the pub.
    1 point
  11. I think AlexB has the authority here, especially if he is driving highways every day. NSW always taught safe traveling distance as a value of time not length. You should be 2-3 seconds behind the car in front. The length of that gap increases exponentially as your speed goes up.
    1 point
  12. And when you do leave a safe gap some one decides that's a space and changes lanes into it effectively cutting your safe gap in half... happens all the time on the M1.
    1 point
  13. I see what you did there! Actually the carpark to the west (as can be seen in images from nearmap) had a temporary film set constructed on it With absolutely no insider knowledge whatsoever, my prediction is that Reanimated's version of events is correct, and BBF is completely wrong and should probably take the hint.
    1 point
  14. Next time something goes down and the reporters ask everybody on the way out if you were on it somebody should make some bullshit up to the reporters. "Yea I was like hanging from my feet and like, the park was worried I was getting dehydrated so like, they had to hook me up and like, rehydrate me through my ass because like, it was the only hole pointing upwards.” "They like, told me to keep my mouth shut so I wouldn't like, seep"
    1 point
  15. I think that's playing it down a bit too much. I find Arkham one of the least comfortable seats to be in, add on top of that the tight harness, being 20-30 odd meters in the air and in direct sun (granted the structure would provide some partial shade at times) but to compare it to being in a airplane seat for 90 minutes? That's a stretch. As most people on here are enthusiasts we’re more likely to play issues down like this and may even be happy that you were one of the stuck riders and had to be rescued. However for the average punter that goes to Movie World, being stuck on that thing for 90 minutes in the near middle of a summer’s day, while likely on holidays and then having to be rescued by Fire and Rescue, probably with ropes and other equipment high above the ground, would be an ordeal. It's no wonder it gets in the media. While the media does go over the top with these reports, I find this forum then goes a bit over the top the other way – not directed at anyone, just a general observation from a relative new comer J
    1 point
  16. Chicks have been riding up and down on Superman's top hat for years, I see it as only fair that guys get to crest Wonder Woman's peaks.
    1 point
  17. So just watvhing gold coast news pretty much slamming the GC parks. They were talking of AA then said this comes 3 months after the tragic event at dreamworld. Really? Unfortunate event at dreamworld, a freak accident but these rides are designed to stop if theres something wrong. Just like a car. Over the media
    -1 points
  18. Buzzsaw will probably have the shortest ques for a while. only because it is next to TRR
    -2 points
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