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Everything posted by Gobbledok

  1. Much cheaper to build if you can use labour at a fraction of the cost of doing it in australia with all the labour laws and costs that come with it
  2. Generally people just fit their surroundings if they come into a workplace where everyone is upbeat and busting ass they will rise to that too If everyone is lazy and slack and miserable they will see that as the acceptable level and quickly settle into that same work ethic and attitude
  3. The maintenance workshops at seaworld is tiny though and they probably need more room with the larger complex rides they have today
  4. Jesus christ people will whinge about anything on here
  5. But were talking about the ride at dream world wind is going to completely change what that water does and they probably need to to factor that into their programming
  6. Not even remotely the wind swings direction sometimes daily and can go from 5 to 30knots in a matter if hours I gather you really dont like the trident ride by how much it gets brought up but isnt this the place to talk about dream world
  7. Fair to keep in mind too that its been pretty windy and thats always going to be a challenge with these sorts of effects
  8. Lets just ignore how quickly they built this when compared to *cough*
  9. To be completely fair that gy page is fairly level headed and almost sane they just have crazy bias. The fan pages for movie world are a whole level of bat shit crazy onto themselves
  10. found photos from this site showing the cladding but i dont really care if you believe it doesnt affect my time in the house
  11. Just checked your profile and its good you stopped by to make your annual defend dreamworld post I think youll find my comment highlighted that that particular page started to show how good the park was compared to its present self but then instantly changed its narrative as soon as they were invited to a couple events which i hardly think is a disgusting thing to point out given it totally happened Not sure who the last bit is meant to insult but hey you go girl
  12. It happened you can see the walls inside and i have literally had a conversation with the engineer responsible about it and saw it at the time Gremlins ride was never that high
  13. Perfect example of a site that was devoted to how much the park had gone downhill until the gm kissed their ass and made them feel special so they flipped their bias quicker than a venecian gondola
  14. ok what the hell happened to the christmas lights how is this the new standard its been years since the lights had their original glory they should be getting better not less they should be investing in this event
  15. The buildings roof was raised during construction to make it over twice as tall as it was originally So its correct there would have been open walls as new walls had to be put in after raising the roof
  16. Given the whole ride track has to be pulled out and then rebuilt inside an existing building that kinda explains the long time frame Much easier to build something new out in the open
  17. Daptoguy writes extensive paragraphs about why he is correct at everything New display insists on proving why he is wrong Greg is the greatest ceo of all time whilst being the most bland and boring also Just another day on parkz
  18. I dont think youre allowed to say bad things about dreamworld on here people get upset
  19. This view is from main street but it doesnt show all those buildings so kind of expected this would also be the view when you walk in Dont understand why they wouldnt want this to great you when you enter instead of some home brew metal sphere thought up by people responsible for the accident
  20. So theyve blocked the view of the new ride between the buildings with the old globe Is that right
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