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  1. Hi all, just after some advice for my upcoming gold coast trip. As I'm only there for 4 days, I'm looking at getting a 3 park 3 day village pass. Dreamworld, to me, seems like a bit of a waste of a day with GD down and my only real interest being ST. ideally I'd obviously stay a bit longer, but work commitments unfortunately hindered my ability to do so. This is My first time on the Gold Coast as an adult, so any tips or advice you guys can give me (where to eat, rides to hit first etc.) will be greatly appreciated. The trip in Question is occuring 30 Jan - 2 Feb.
  2. What the heck has happened to all the background music around Movie World? Walking around the park yesterday, the only area that had decent working audio was Main Street. All other areas were either dead silent with no music playing whatsoever or had so many broken speakers that it could hardly be heard. I know this may seem like a somewhat unimportant issue in the scheme of things (and that I’m being a little picky). However, it made for a very dull experience overall and caused many of the areas to feel pretty bland and lack atmosphere. Music is such an essential part of theme parks, helping to create an atmosphere, immerse you in the attractions and assist in making your time within the park a little more exciting, magical and special. Movie World has historically been extremely good at this, with themed music appropriate to each area of the park surrounding you at every turn. However, since 2019 things have taken a noticeable turn for the worse (and they’ve only gone further downhill as time’s gone on). Here’s a quick rundown of the current audio situation (from what I’ve observed) within the park: *Superman Escape’s external music - not working, hasn’t played since 2019. *Green Lantern’s queue music - not working, hasn’t played since 2019. *DC Rivals entrance music - playing, however only one speaker is functioning correctly. *DC Rivals queue music - playing, but only the speakers behind the murals and in the station unload area are working. *Scooby’s external music - not working during my visit yesterday, only seems to play half the time depending on the day. *Doomsday - playing, but multiple speakers are clearly damaged (sound very distorted and lacking bass or treble) *Wild West area - not working, hasn’t played since the WWF upgrade in 2021. *Looney Tunes area - not working, hasn’t played correctly since the RRRC upgrade in 2021. New speakers were added around the tree in mid 2022 and the area music briefly played through them for a while. However those are no longer operating either and the land is now back to complete silence. *Road Runner queue music - not working, hasn’t played for about 4 months. *Main Street locker area - not working, hasn’t played for about 4 months. So yeah, as you can see, barley anything is playing at the park right now and the fact that some areas (like outside Superman Escape) haven’t had working audio for over 4 years at this point is pretty ridiculous. This would never happen at any of the Disney, Universal and other “world class” parks out there. I actually managed to ask a maintenance worker I bumped into what the deal was with the lack for audio. He told me that “Superman’s outdoor mushroom speakers were stuffed” and they “were having trouble replacing them”. I’m not sure why they would have such trouble, considering they’re just speakers that sit on the ground (and I discovered that they can be purchased locally from this place in Robina, literally 20 mins up the road): https://www.scpaudio.com/LS-21-Garden-Speaker-30W-100V-3-Taps In any case, surly it doesn’t take over 4 years to fix something as simple as a basic audio system with a few speakers. As to why the new speakers around the tree in the Loony Tunes area have been turned off again, the worker informed me that they were “clashing with the sound of the carousel”. Considering the carousel and the area music have always played side by side with no issues, I’m not sure why it’s suddenly a problem now. The carousel wasn’t operating during my visit, meaning nothing was playing at all. However, it would have to be blasting pretty loud to effect the audio by the tree. In addition, all of the broken, neglected mushroom speakers in this area have still not been repaired and continue to sit there in silence, rotting away as they have done for years now. I understand I may sound a little overly negative here. However, to me music has always been such an important part of the experience of visiting Movie World (or any other theme park for that matter) and it’s incredibly disappointing to see it become so neglected by the park. In my opinion, VRTP have done a pretty good job with MW recently, turning it around and breathing new life into it (through actions such as tidying up the park, refreshing attractions such as JL, improving their annual events, announcing/building new attractions ect.) and they deserve praise for that. Yet despite all of this, the audio problem has persisted and continues to get worse and worse. It’s become so bad that even friends I visit the park with have noticed and commented on it. I’m hoping Movie World will continue the good work they’ve done in other departments and return the auditory experience of the park to its former glory, thereby assisting in making the overall guest experience the best it can possibly be.
  3. I'm wondering if anybody has any insight: My understanding is the park is operated by Village Roadshow, who have the exclusive Australian rights to utilise Warner Bros properties and characters within the park. How much say does WB have in regard to the use of these properties? For example, if there's a new Warner Bros movie the studio is hoping to advertise, could they instruct Village to install a new attraction based on this property, or are these decisions left entirely up to Village? Are Village operating at the behest of WB, or can they pick and choose which properties to use and when? Any explanations would be helpful, thanks.
  4. I don't know if there is a topic for this already, Every time there is a minor incident in the Gold Coast Theme parks the media always ramp up the story and make it seem really bad. For example if a ride has a routine stoppage and people need to be assisted off the media jump straight on making it seem like these rides are unsafe. I wonder if this keeps people away from the park. media from earlier today states a spoke person for Village Road Show theme parks said there were 2 faults detected on Green lantern and Doomsday Destroyer. These faults are most likely really small yet they make it seem like a really big thing. What are your guys thoughts on this.
  5. If green Lantern were ever to be removed what coaster/ride would you put in its place? Please be realistic with what could fit in the plot of land green Lantern uses
  6. Imagine you woke up with $100 million and you had to spend the money to change an Aussie theme park of your choice. Which park would it be and what would you do? Please try and be somewhat realistic
  7. Movie world has posted some of their Maintenance for the 2022 season
  8. https://www.news.com.au/national/queensland/news/riders-stuck-upside-down-at-movieworld/news-story/e778861f9eee0460cd176a5f56af63f9
  9. I have thought of a possible scenario at Movie World. What if Warner Bros and Village Roadshow decided to cut ties with each other and Movie World was forced to be rebranded to non-WB items? What would it rebrand to, and would it have a generic theme or would they go with Sony Pictures etc.
  10. The GCCC has just finished the newest city-wide flood map based on the latest modelling. The map will be reviewed by the QLD gov in 2023 as part of the proposed Designing for Major Update to the City Plan. Once in, the updated town plan will have a say in what the parks can do. RISK CATEGORY DESCRIPTION Maximum regional flood extent Only floods in very rare to extreme flood events. Extent of the floodplain associated with very rare events and can include hazard of any type (low or high). Low risk Relatively lower hazards in frequent to infrequent flood events. High hazards can only occur in rare and very rare flood events, when it is unsafe for people and vehicles and buildings can be subject to structural failure. Medium risk Unsafe for people and vehicles, and buildings are subject structural failure in rare flood events. Flood events can either be rare with high hazard or relatively frequent with lower hazard. High risk Unsafe for people and vehicles, and buildings are subject to failure in frequent flood events. Flood events are both relatively frequent and usually of high hazard. Very high risk Unsafe for people and vehicles, and buildings are subject to structural failure in frequent floods. Flood events are both frequent and usually of the highest hazard. Dreamworld Moive World Sea World Flood risk awareness map (arcgis.com)
  11. Movie World have announced DC Super Heroes & Super-Villains is returning for the peak period of 28 December to 29 Janurary - https://movieworld.com.au/dc-super-heroes-and-super-villains . Unfortunately it appears to be a very lite version of the event with only Riddler and Scarecrow being additions to the day to day lineup, no Penguin and Poison Ivy. The entertainment page lists two parade's (like the recent Tweety 80th Birthday Celebration) and the return of the Good Citizen Awards but otherwise just the usual daily Catwoman and Wonder Woman shows.
  12. Is just me or during school holidays and really busy weekends Movie World let way too many people in. I went in the second week of school holidays on a Monday it was so busy it wasn't fun. 3 plus hour ques for everything and virtual que was full by 10am. I was speaking to some people, and they spent $500 to get in with their family. They were upset because the ride lines were way to long. even on main street it felt suffocating with all the people. i wonder what the limit is because it's crazy how many people are allowed in. I personally think there should be a smaller limit. Please let me know if you agree.
  13. And here is my MW update, there are pros and cons. I rode Green Lantern, Hypercoaster, Doomsday, and Wild West. For starters, all the staff were friendly, park was clean and tidy, gardens well kept. Carousel is almost back together, so it shouldn't be long until it reopens. The figurines look great, the renovation is, by the looks of it well worth it As mentioned in another topic, markings are in place for the new kids ride, there is however these lines going across the path, past Taz's rest stop. Interesting. The stage around the giant tree is fenced off, for whatever reason. Sadly, this dump remains. And continues to deteriorate. Whist queueing for green lantern I noticed that the paint isn't in the best condition, I wish they would of touched this up during it's annual shutdown. Whilst I'm discussing paint, the Hypercoaster sign (old batman sign) could do with some TLC. Scooby's queue also needs some TLC, it doesn't look good, to say the least. Once again none of the screens were working, neither were the lights, in the turntable section. Wild West falls effects were working pretty good, still many things not working, and some things still out of sync, but it was better than when I last rode it. By the way, @Levithian, here is where Boothill was moved to, just follow the path past WWFs, and you'll literally run straight into it. It's currently one of the parks desiginated smoking areas. Doomsday area also was improved since my last visit, Lex Luthor spoke, Captain Cold spoke and his ice gun worked, scarecrow also spoke and had some gas effects working. Still along way to go, but it's progress. Also worth noting is the red strips on the ring of Doomsday destroyer need a touchup of paint. No progress on wizard of oz area, that I could see. Finally, at the end of the day I was speaking with a ride attendant about the hypercoaster stoppage, and was told what caused it. Drum roll....................................... It was caused by high winds. She described it, as a very expensive mistake.
  14. Hey everyone, After some help from all the fellow enthusiasts in here. Planning a trip to the Gold coast next april/may and I'm trying to figure out the optimal time to visit the theme parks. Which states being on school holidays really crowds the parks? Is Queensland the main one to avoid or NSW, capital territory etc... Could just go in May to avoid all of them but based on this year's maintenance I'm worried some rides will be closed by this point (particularly DC rivals) Thank you so much for any help and opinions, and sorry if this has been asked many times before!
  15. Old thread I know..... But does anyone have any insight to as if they will ever bring back the buffet at Ricks? It was one of the most popular and best value food offerings at the park imo.
  16. Hello Theme Park Brains Trust! quick question about the Virtual Queue system! We have had our local one passes for about 18months now (extended a few times due to COVID and being interstate) I remember using our Virtual Queue once for a ride, but cannot for the life of me remember how I was able to get it to work again. Is it a one and done thing? Like only being able to VQ one ride per length of your passes? Seems pretty silly to me if that’s the case but anyway.. any help in understanding how it actually works would be greatly appreciated! (We are currently in the park - so that’s not entirely the issue)
  17. Hi everyone. I was just curious to know if anyone knows the max capacity’s of the Gold Coast parks in a given day. Thanks
  18. Hey guys, How are you all? Just wanted to share some pics of my trip to Movieworld yesterday. The park was pretty good, clean tidy, gardens well maintained. And considering 4 rides were closed, (2 of which are major coasters), the park had a really great atmosphere, the closed rides didn’t impact on the day at all. All the staff I came an across were really friendly. Now for the cons, A lot of effects on Wild West Falls either not working or out of sync with the ride. Scooby Coaster, practically no screens working, everything else was running good. I wish they’d tidy this up, looney tunes river shut ages ago, and maybe some benches would be nice. And please movie world, do something with this.. A bit more on the picky side, but the little things are just as important as the big things. Arkham is gone, so this should be gone. I know the area is closed, and this makes a good photo spot, but how I said the area is closed, get rid of this. Nothing new on Wizard of Oz, but I know this won’t always be like this, but this looks really untidy, put up a more concealing fence to hide this from guest view. Don’t have any pics of the area, but Doomsday looked great, but a lot of effects weren’t working, and the old game screens are sitting unused, this area needs some love, please give it some. Only seems fitting to end on a high, this looks cool.
  19. Hyper coaster is stuck mid course. Train was empty but due to the wind it did not make it through the loop.
  20. Hey everyone, As it is looking very likely that the Arkham asylum at movieworld will be replaced what does everyone reckon the theming for the replacement attraction will be My guess is that they will still stick with the Batman sorta theming but im not quite sure what yet
  21. There will be no theme park that will be able to compete with us’: Movie World plans for a hotel Village Roadshow has reignited its plans for a hotel at Movie World, lodging a trademark application that reveals its likely branding for the nine-storey, 398-room landmark. VILLAGE Roadshow has reignited its plans for a hotel at Movie World, lodging a trademark application that reveals its likely branding for the nine-storey, 398-room landmark. IP Australia records show Village Roadshow applied for a trademark for “Hotel V” at the end of March. It is pending registration. Village Roadshow, which was delisted from the ASX last year after a takeover by private equity firm BGH, gained development approval for a hotel in 2017 for its 14ha site at Oxenford. Planning documents reveal the development will include 32m high, nine-floor “theme park hotel” with 398 suites which is earmarked for land currently occupied by its northernmost carpark fronting Entertainment Drive. The ground floor will house reception, a lobby, administration office, business centre, bar, function centre, cafe, kitchen, kids club, amenities, gym and hotel back-of-house facilities. Ramp access and an elevated walkway on level one is planned to provide guests connection to the adjoining restaurant and dining precinct building plus theme park entry. The project is also set to incorporate “extensive outdoor swimming facilities, outdoor guest recreation areas and feature landscaping plantings”. A three-storey restaurant and dining precinct building, including a ground-level cafe and upper-level restaurant is also a feature of the plan. “Guest access to the restaurant and dining precinct is provided via an elevated walkway above the proposed porte-cochere, which will provide a prominent architectural feature” planning documents lodged by Urbis said. Village Roadshow declined to comment on hotel progress, but chief operating officer Bikash Randhawa has been active on social media, hyping big upcoming reveals for the company: “I don’t do this often, but get ready for some HUGE announcements from us. There will be no theme park on the GC or in Australia that will be able to compete with us.” When someone posted a photo of a Harry Potter studio, Mr Randhawa replied: “That’s small with what will happen over time.” When another person suggested another theme park was coming to the Gold Coast, he said “over the next few announcements, better than that”. Mr Randhawa said “no way” when someone suggested a casino could be built at Movie World. The hotel will be Village Roadshow’s latest in a hefty pipeline of investments on the Gold Coast, which in recent years, have included the $35 million DC Rivals Hypercoaster, Top Golf and its $50 million Atlantis precinct at SeaWorld, which is expected to be completed in mid-late 2021. The news follows revelations last week that Dreamworld’s owner Ardent Leisure was also shopping for major new attractions as work continued on its $32 million flagship ride, the Steel Taipan. https://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/business/gold-coast-business/there-will-be-no-theme-park-that-will-be-able-to-compete-with-us-movie-world-plans-for-a-hotel/news-story/e5e43e739e312105dd3e706f1fb8dfd0?fbclid=IwAR0M4MNR8C_L9V9cgSGI-xRjfcxlmRrGkbn-b1LwP_rUe5cSGHbUkMxRSXY
  22. I understand that this has been added to their website around the last week or two but just thought I'd leave them here. Movie World has added planned maintenance periods for the following rides in 2022:
  23. Firstly hello, I've been a long time Visitor first time posting. On my trip to movie world today the old western section was newly fenced in that all too familiar hedge print (the print was still waving in the breeze and wasn't zipped tied at the bottom yet. The old corpse in the coffin from the old western area has now been moved to just outside Wild West falls heavily suggesting the fencing off is a permanent closing of the area. This most likely means the new ride or perhaps new themed area or both will be going in the old western area as we all speculated and suggested. Changes in the area next to ricks cafe are continuing with an arch like wall being built possibly the new cast member entry as has been speculated.
  24. Operating Hours at Wet'n'Wild Gold Coast Monday - Wednesday the park will be closed. Thursday operating as it has normally during off-peak (10-3) Friday-Sunday normal operating hours. I will be surprised if they keep Wet n Wild open through Winter this year. It struggles through winter on a normal year, and during those years there's always plenty of debate on why it's open, I'm sure there's plenty more support for that debate this year. All I'll say on that debate is that you're extremely lucky if you get close to 1000 people (a day) through the gates, there are many days where 10% of that is hard to reach. Good weather days during the holidays are exceptions to the 1000 people rule, but they don't justify months of operation. --- Opening Hours - Plan your day at Sea World Gold Coast Warner Bros. Movie World Gold Coast operating hours I'm expecting that both Sea World and Movie World will reduce weekday operating hours through winter as well. Especially noting the conservative date ranges currently shown. (and once this happens, Dreamworld will obviously follow suit; if they don't announce it first) --- Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if COVID sees our parks completely adapt their operating schedules. Weekend operation of our main parks, Seasonal operation of the water parks. There are plenty of logistical issues with that, especially with contracted and salaried workforces. So it's not super likely to happen, but I can't say I don't see them moving closer to it. I know most of you are going to jump to "That doesn't make any sense, plenty of people still go to the parks during this time." As enthusiasts we have to understand that what we THINK makes sense, and what actually makes sense, are in many cases very different. Reducing hours means that you're increasing density of guests on the hours/days you're actually open, which means you're far better justifying the minimum number of staff you're required to have there anyway. Doesn't mean it'll feel any busier, especially without international tourists being here, and it goes without saying that a large majority of locals spend far less than interstate and international tourists, which is the part everyone seems to forget when talking about operating hours. this is all talking about off-peak, I'm not suggesting they'll change anything during the peak September-January season.
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