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How disappointing.. the site is tragic. It is one of the most pathetic and obvious attempts to tap into the teen market I have seen. And where is the theming tie-in that Movie World is famous for? Why did they even bother slapping Superman in the title if they are not going to follow along with that? This is very unlike Movie World. And now, in the spirit of the website, I have this to add - This ride is gunna be INSANE. Fully Sik! Coz it looks wicked to the max. Luv ya's all

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I agree. And why the heck does it show a video of Xcellerator in Knott's Berry Farm & say its the SuperMan coaster?
There is a reason to that LPFanatic, is quite a simple one. THE RIDE IS NOT COMPLETE TO HAVE VIDEO FOOTAGE. They never mention the ride shown on that video is Superman Escape. It is mearly showing something what the ride's launch may be like. As Xcellerator at Knotts Berry Farm, along with Storm Runner at Hershey's are the only Intamin Rocket Coasters that sort of resemble the same thing.
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There is some fool in Movie World's marketing department who created or approved this and they need to be fired. They are ruining the promotions for a perfectly good ride. It's like its been put together by a 70 year old trying to be cool and 'hip' and appeal to young people. I would suggest anyone who is like me and thinks the SE site and general marketing is poor, dash off a brief email to Movie World letting them know. I told them I was excited about the ride but that they're website for the attraction is bad, very bad. When I first saw the hoarding go up around the ride's perimetre with the logo I thought the marketing looked promising. But so far the only good thing is the logo

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Movie World has finally announced Superman on their own website (www.movieworld.com.au). From the site:

Warner Bros. Movie World is set to launch its most awesome new ride experience on December 26 – Superman Escape! Superman Escape will be an unprecedented rollercoaster ride experience which travels 0 – 100 kilometres in just 2 seconds! That’s not fast – that’s Superman fast! With 760 metres of vertical climbs, weightless drops, head spinning twists and giant G-force turns, Superman Escape completely redefines the coaster experience. The exciting pre-show adventure will be an attraction in itself, themed around the world’s most popular Super Hero. Guests will commence their adventure in a Metropolis subway loading dock. As they travel through the subway, a terrifying earthquake takes hold and threatens their safe passage. To escape the catastrophe, Superman rescues guests by propelling their carriage out then vertically upwards at 100km per hour! What follows is an exhilarating and hair raising rollercoaster ride experience like no other on the planet…. Find out more about the awesome new Superman Escape.
Edited by matty_o_911
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Come on, we shouldn't be too quick to judge here people... Sure, the website is lame - it lacks content, it contains a poor user interface, it takes ages to load, it doesn't show the ride's logo, it's hard to navigate, it has no photos, it has no information about the ride, it has the worst ride engineer interview ever - but it makes up for all of this with "hipness". I mean, you can win a double pass to Movie World to ride Superman and 'all u gotta do' (exact wording from the site) is tell your friends about the ride. Very hip indeed. Worst, website, ever. I don't, however, think that the site has ruined the ride, how could you possibly think that?

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Hey, you have to admit that John Menzies is looking pretty darn young in the ‘interview’, though the cameraman seems to think he's really filming Blair Witch Project. Truth be told, the person who wrote that site would probably be either banned or flamed heavily had they posted on this site (which reminds me, Superman_escape, punctuate properly, or go over to the official site), but guys, right there is a shot at two free tickets to check the ride out. It’s a skill game, there is no chance involved, so the person who gets the word out the best wins. Tell your friends about this cool new ride, and the really awful website in one go.

Edited by joz
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I think you guys are taking this whole website way too seriously. It's just a website; what is on the website will not effect the ride itself and nor will it make you want to ride it more or less because if you wanted to ride it before the site than you should wanna ride it after seeing the site - unless of course you are one of those type of people who do thing's based on what they see and hear than well I feel sorry for you. It's just a website, dont take it so seriously. At least there IS a website for this..how many rides at MW or even DW have thier own site? I cant think of any that I've come across.

Edited by lisalila
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I think you guys are taking this whole website way too seriously. It's just a website; what is on the website will not effect the ride itself and nor will it make you want to ride it more or less because if you wanted to ride it before the site than you should wanna ride it after seeing the site - unless of course you are one of those type of people who do thing's based on what they see and hear than well I feel sorry for you.
Ofcourse marketing affects the way people feel or think about a product - otherwise it wouldn't exist. I've always felt that part of the excitement of a new attraction at a theme park is the build up and marketing surrounding the ride. It's the whole package that completes the experience. The Superman Escape website is the only official release the general public have had from the park regarding the new ride so therefore it's all there really is to go by. And if this is the way they are going to represent the ride then it does give me a different impression. Luckily I've seen and heard a fair bit of info on these fan sites but if it weren't for that, I certainly wouldn't be impressed. Warner Village used to have great marketing - particularly all their brochures and artwork. I'm just wondering if the marketing team changed recently? None of it seems to be quite as good anymore which is disappointing. Obviously they are trying to compete with Dreamworld for the teen market - but DW has managed to do it in a much more relevant and subtle way. DW's rides are also generally more generic so you can get away with focusing on the thrill factor etc. MW has strong theming and the ride is about Superman so this is where a large part of the focus should be
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Well what I said was my personal opinion. I ride a ride because I want too not because of what I see and hear on a website/from someone else. The reason why I want to ride Superman is because I've never been on a launch coaster and so it'll be a new experience, I ride the other rides because I like it. I rode The Claw because it was a new experience, not because it wwent X speed, X high, spins X amount of times. I rode Lethal because again it was a first for me. I rode Cyclone for the same reasons and I continue to ride those rides [and will [hopefully] ride Superman again and again] because I enjoy it. Before going to Surfers in 2003 the closest I came to a theme park was Luna Park Melbourne so the whole website / word of mouth thing doesnt [personally] bother me and that is what my whole post was about but you are right marketting is a top way and if it does the job than good luck to MW but there are people in this world that just ride ride's because they havent before or they enjoy the experience.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Ofcourse marketing affects the way people feel or think about a product - otherwise it wouldn't exist. I've always felt that part of the excitement of a new attraction at a theme park is the build up and marketing surrounding the ride. It's the whole package that completes the experience. Warner Village used to have great marketing - particularly all their brochures and artwork. I'm just wondering if the marketing team changed recently? None of it seems to be quite as good anymore which is disappointing. Obviously they are trying to compete with Dreamworld for the teen market - but DW has managed to do it in a much more relevant and subtle way. DW's rides are also generally more generic so you can get away with focusing on the thrill factor etc. MW has strong theming and the ride is about Superman so this is where a large part of the focus should be
The brochures were always pretty snazzy but I have to disagree that Warner /Village Theme Parks - specifically MW - EVER had a GREAT Marketing department - Infact whilst working there I used to often wonder what on earth most of the Marketing people did all day! (other than their nails and hair for the 32nd time before lunch:0) For that matter, you would only see most of them leave the office when there was a new attraction and even then they would be seen spending their time schmoozing with the media being a wealth of text book information! Come to think of it, that's their job - no wonder it's so hard to get into!! OK, onto my soap box I go... Seriously, if you think back to the Lethal Weapon promo (that is if U can remember it) it was advertised purely to attract the teenage market & had NOTHING, ZIP, NARDDA to do with the Lethal Weapon Theme (not that it was much of a theme to start with!) Again, the coaster featured in that ad was a similar one from overseas & the footage was from the media reel given by vekoma when they were trying to sell MW a coaster. Management were considering either a Neverending story rapids ride (later built in MW Germany & since rethemed), Looney Toon Village or a Superman suspended coaster! It appears to me the Superman marketing campaign is simply a re-hash of this old idea. Looking back, I have to say the WWW ride's campaign was dreadful too with it's sole focus on the huge mountain and drop - anyone who hasn't worked at the park would be amazed by the number of guests that thought that was all there was to the ride. Personally the Mountain is the most awe inspiring landscape in Aussie theme park's and basically promotes itself. Scooby is probably (even after superman opens next mth) the most spectacular of all Aussie Theme Park rides - on tv it seemed to be promoted as some dumbed down coaster for kids and a compliment to the rest of the Park's lineup. Come to think of it, the only really great advertising gimmick for a new ride was the Batride because it was so movie focused, well themed and well produced.. The teasers for the ride went for like 6 - 8 mths prior to opening day & the hype was so built up that the reality of it was bound to dissapoint people (however to this day survives as one of the few attractions that arguably lives up to the hype!) The advertising and marketing agency for Movieworld has changed to my knowledge only the once since opening day. The successor's first project was the "I've been to Movieworld" jingle and campaign. The budget for advertising MW still remains WAY above the other Parks in OZ and continues to enjoy the extra sensationalism provided at all Village & BC&C cinemas around the nation. The australian consumer market are pretty accepting when it comes to stuff they either don't know much about or are not used to. Sure, super 01002 is a pretty lousy promo but do you think anyone other than you guys have cared to notice that?!?!
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Don't some of you people have lives, you sit on your computer going on about how crap some theme parks promo was for a ride, who cares. If the ride is good it will get the people with or with out the promo. Just from looking at photo's on dreamnova it looks awesome, dont need a promo to advertise it. Get up from your seat and go enjoy life.

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