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Future Dreamworld thrill ride


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Woodies are Ancient. They have passed their use by date.
Regardless of your preference, there's no way you can say that wooden coasters have passed their used-by date. Companies like Intamin, The Gravity Group and GCII are doing things with wooden coasters that simply weren't possible in the past. In terms of perfection they are building on close to 100 years of cumulative knowledge as to what works and what doesn't. Steel coasters have only really started to come good in the past 10 years and still have a long way to go before we see the same levels of consistency as with wooden coasters these days. Every year we hear of B&M steel coasters that miss the mark when it comes to excitement or whatever, yet I struggle to think of a single modern wooden coaster that hasn't opened to rave reviews. It's my personal preference that you can't top a wooden coaster for overall ride experience. I love steel coasters, but there's nothing better than a simple wooden coaster. Most recently I rode the Coney Island Cyclone, a ride that'll be celebrating its 80th birthday next year. It's anything but a tame coaster too; a testament to this fact is its numerous clones around the world. To think that people 80 years ago were experiencing the exact same thrills that we can today is a pretty amazing thought when you put it up against other forms of entertainment from its period - their films and music were simplistic and they didn't have video games etc. - all things that have given today's generations far higher tolerances when it comes to things like adrenalin and excitement in general.
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Well can't comment on the WL woodies since when I went there (which was only once) it was pouring rain and they just closed bush beast as we got there, the only other woodie I've been on is at LPM and we all know how awesome that is.

Don't you mean "Steel is more better and efficient" :D
No, it was a question, not a remark. What woodies have you been on Dreamworld? since you seem to think they stink, you must have gone on quite a few to have an opinion like that.. Edited by lisalila
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No, it was a question, not a remark.
Oh ok
What woodies have you been on Dreamworld? since you seem to think they stink, you must have gone on quite a few to have an opinion like that..
All the woodies @ Wonderland. LPM plus another place but i can't remember. Edited by dreamworld_rulz
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I'm definitely a fan of the design/track layout of many wooden roller coasters. I don't really see the thrill in some multiple loop coasters—Cyclone, for example. I believe something like Superman Escape or California Screamin' is far more thrilling and fun. No one here should be using the phase "more better". It's a grammatical nightmare.

Edited by Adam
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I don't think Superman Escape is too short, it's 1:40 long which is not much shorter than most large coasters in Australia. Didn't think we'd ever need to give English lessons here, but here I go:

Quick primary school lesson in comparatives and superlatives:

A comparative is an adjective/adverb that denotes a greater (or smaller) value than another which it is compared to. Typically noticeable by the suffix -er, such as greater. Some words have special cases, for instance, better is the comparative form of good. Many words instead use "more" because the suffix doesn't work, especially if it's a longer word (able, more able; courageous, more courageous - not abler or courageouser).

A superlative is the greatest degree, such as best, greatest, most outrageous.

"Better" already means "more good". "More better" is effectively doubling up on the adjective because "more" is already included in "-er". Because neither of these have any value attached to them, adding the "more" at the front adds no greater value to the adjective.

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I've ridden all the roller coaster (wooden) at WL. However, I don't think you can really make a pre-judgement about wooden coasters with these two as they were quite lame compared to the more modern woodies. Also, How would it not fit into Dreamworld? It'd fit right in with Goldrush/Rocky Hollow. Dreamworld needs another world/Australian first, And I'd love to see this be it. Dreamworld needs something new in Rocky Hollow or Goldrush, Not Ocean Parade. I, Personally feel (and have for years) that there are to many people in the Ocean Parade/Wiggles World/Nick Central area and they need to be given a reason to go to Rocky Hollow/Goldrush. Seeming as Rocky Hollow only consumes of the Log ride and Giant Drop.

Edited by Chaos-Maniac
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I've riden all the rollercoaster (wooden) at WL. However, I don't think you can really make a pre-judgement about wooden coasters with these two as they were quite lame compaired to the more modern woodies. Also, How would it not fit into Dreamworld? It'd fit right in with Goldrush/Rocky Hollow. Dreamworld needs another world/Australian first, And I'd love to see this be it. Dreamworld needs something new in Rocky Hollow or Goldrush, Not Ocean Parade. I, Personally feel (and have for years) that there are to many people in the Ocean Parade/Wiggles World/Nick Central area and they need to be given a reason to go to Rocky Hollow/Goldrush. Seeming as Rocky Hollow only consumes of the Log ride and Giant Drop.
DW getting a woodie would not be a world/Australian first
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It could still be a record breaking, something like 'Longest in the world' or something? Also, it could be a looping woodie (then it'd be aussie first).
I agree, you could even have a water splash - that could be an Australian first woodie feature. And you can't put aside the fact there is a chance of a world first feature on a woodie too. WWW have just introduced a new feature to water slides (LIM) and there are numerous water slides around the world.
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I don't think Superman Escape is too short, it's 1:40 long which is not much shorter than most large coasters in Australia.
When I said the ride is too short I meant the actual ride time you spent from the tap hat onwards. I dont count the pre-ride/subway thing because you aren't continually moving (if you went straight from the subway to the tophat than sure but you don't; you stop for 10 or whatever seconds. Of course there are alot of coasters out there that have much worse lines (cyclone for one) and SE is a great ride but yeah just too short for my liking.
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The only problem I have with SE is it's too short, you wait 15 minutes and are only on it for like 30 seconds.
No matter how many times I hear that complaint it always makes me laugh. TOT at DW lasts for 27 seconds (source; R-C park/ride DB), but for that you generally queue for longer than 15 minutes. Superman escape (going by a video I shot) lasts for 30 seconds on the high speed bit, so no matter what its still a longer ride since its got the special effects part at the start. Double standards IMO.
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Superman Escape has easily the bes themeing i have ever seen, i would bet on the fact that there is no coaster in the US tha uses anywhere near the same level of dark ride type themeing that Movieworld has. US roller coasters have some of the most ridiculous excuses for names and stories. Kingda Ka, X, Top Thrill......... Disaster Transport - What is that meant to be? US roller coasters are get on and go. i cant wait for Dreamworld and Movieworld to put in their next massive coasters - what wil they do next? I would love to see Movieworld do an enclosed coaster like the Mummy ride at the back of the park, but with several elements, they could use the themed enclosed soundstage as a walk through, then put you on the coaster - this would solve their problems with sound at the back of thr park. Imagine a Dive machine, straight out the top of the building - then plunge straight back in again. Anyway anyway :-)

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That's just funny that you say it has the best theming you've ever seen because you can walk a few hundred meters in the same park to Scooby and see theming that far surpasses Superman in terms of quality. As for your US parks comment, those coasters are not trying to be anything more than a roller coaster and in my opinion at an 'amusement' (not theme) park simply putting in an unthemed coaster is fine. Superman is more a hybrid darkride/coaster than a coaster. Now to get BACK ON TOPIC which is about Dreamworld and a new thrill ride, not Movieworld, superman, or whether. The thing with wooden coasters, or more so the people that write them off is you tend to find they are the people who haven't had the opportunity to ride some of the amazing ones out there. After riding things like Thunder Coaster and Balder (still the worlds number 1 woodie) earlier this year I can definitely tell you wood has a long future still ahead of it. Just over a week ago fellow member Nev and myself were on Ghostrider at Knotts and whilst apparently it has deteriorated over the years, the reaction from my mate who hadn't ridden it before was enough to prove the place wooden coasters have in our amusement ride line up. It's not very often you get the kind of 'holey sh!t' reaction from a steel coaster you often find with wood.

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Now Now Clint..... as a community leader, one would presume that you would be the best example of the community guidelines - namely swearing in any manner is not acceptable, and the use of stars, or other symbols to bypass the filter is considered just as bad.... tut tut... naughty naughty.

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Scooby is definately the most themed ride at any of the parks, SE's themeing imo is kind of slack..there's little themeing in the que area..in fact the only REAL themeing is in the subway.

No matter how many times I hear that complaint it always makes me laugh. TOT at DW lasts for 27 seconds (source; R-C park/ride DB), but for that you generally queue for longer than 15 minutes. Superman escape (going by a video I shot) lasts for 30 seconds on the high speed bit, so no matter what its still a longer ride since its got the special effects part at the start. Double standards IMO.
Yes but I wasn't referring to the TOT was I? but if you want to talk about the TOT than fine, we'll talk about the TOT. I hate how long it takes to get on the TOT for the short ride, in fact if the line is around the second corner I'll come back later and if it doesnt improve I don't ride it at all. I like the Drop but it's lines are insanely long 99.9% of the time I am there but it's not a ride I love riding like SE so I don't wait. Double standards? mmm maybe but that's my opinion and choice Gazza.
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If you're going by Colossus at SFMM you've chosen the wrong wooden coaster to benchmark. Thanks to several major reprofilings of track sections and, more recently in the interests of reducing maintenance costs, replacing of nearly all of this coaster's wooden track with steel i-beams, Colossus is one of the most neutered wooden coasters out there. An hour down the road is GhostRider, a prime example of how a wooden coaster can be done perfectly in this day and age. I haven't ridden Silver Bullet, but when I was there GhostRider was without a doubt the most thrilling attraction at Knott's. This isn't directed at anyone in particular, but I always find it ironic when people say they don't want a wooden coaster and then cite Bush Beast or other equally lousy coasters as a justification. By that same thinking I could disagree with a park getting a large B&M looper because Thunderbolt was a bad ride.

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