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The Mummy Live - Dreamworld


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Hmm... I wonder if year pass holders can also get in at 9:00am?
I'm also wondering the same thing. A group of friends and I are probably heading up next weekend, they all wanted to pay the $10 to get in earlier. I've got no problem with paying for it, but it does apply to every 'ticket' not just single day admission right? It looks pretty decent and certainly appeals to me more than Nightmares did. These are the sorts of things that wouldn't be anywhere near as good by yourself compared to with people you know, but I guess that applies to the whole theme park experience. (Maybe a matter of opinion) Just wondering, will it have weird/varying hours of operation like Nightmares? (Didn't they only run one at a time?) I'd hope not as it's only one 'show'. Time will tell, hopefully.
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Well because its only one attraction, not two like nightmares I daresay it will run all day, maybe as It gets a little quieter after september hols they will cut back on staff and throw a 1 hour break or something in the middle of the day, but who knows. jjupt, It opens on the 8th and Screamworld is on the 12th. It doesnt say anywhere that Ive read that its opening exclusively on the night, its always said "be one of the first to experience". To quote from the Screamworld Website:

Plus more - Dreamworld's frightening new scare attraction will also be open on the night. THE MUMMY LIVE ! - Scare Attraction
As for the boredom, I think having live actors in the attraction gives them the flexibility to move around and blah blah, maybe scare one group and skip the next. And its all dark. I think its variable enough to be different every single time you go through. For example, I went though the Freezer in 06/07 Something like 18 times, and every single time it was different, and I got a bit of a scare. Just because the actors were never in the same place twice. Sure it lost its charm a little, but it was still good. I reckon im gonna give this one a chance and see how it goes before I write it off as boring. In response to the early entry thingo, Unless you purchase your ticket through RACQ/RACV etc, You still have to pay the $10 to gain access to the early entry, Max Action Pass Holders Included.
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Yeah that seems to be what they are advertising, although both Nightmares and Tomb Raider ran extended seasons, so depends on its popularity I guess. They have put signs up everywhere advertising the attraction, and it runs two sessions, 11-1, and 2:15-5:00. Everything Ive heard about the attraction is positive, so im looking forward to going through myself on thursday.

Edited by Lotl_90
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Perhaps Dreamworld is appealing to the half million people per year who visit the park, who either aren't with NRMA\RACQ, or don't live in an area covered by them, including internationals as well.
Sorry, I just realised that I left out the rather vital part of my post, indicating that I was referring only to those that ARE motor club members. Apologies for the mistake.
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Ok, So i managed to go through it today, not long after the second session started. And to be honest, I wasnt that impressed. Its not bad, although IMO its a step down from nightmares. It is a completely different style of attraction really, so it wasnt easy to make comparison. There are a lot of similar noises and tactics that were used in nightmares, but the set itself is so much more impressive and elaborate, there are so many potential places for scarers to be hiding that it keeps you on edge, and im sure they move around quite often to keep it fresh. Although I couldnt help but laugh at the random 'scary' dude who ran up behind us, stared me and my mate in the face and just said "death!" and ran away, it was just pitiful. Throughout the attraction there's also the occaisonal 'good guys' who push you on, encourage you and all that jazz just by using small phrases like "that way", and "quick, keep going!". Some of the scarers also do some really really cool things that just make you sorta look and go, wow! I wont go on and spoil any of the good details for you all, but yeah, Definitely worth a look if you get the chance.

Edited by Lotl_90
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I have to disagree with you about the set and actors. I thought there was not enough inside the mummy attraction with to many nothing hallways. I also thought you get rushed along to quick so you can’t have a good look around. I thought the actors did an outstanding job. My kids went through 3 times in a row and the performers where in different spots every time with different antics. I reckon the actors would be stuffed by the end of the day but they look liked where having a lot of fun. My final statement is I think the actors do a great job at filling in the holes of the attraction.

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Skeetafly, I felt that way at first too, then I really looked around and there are panels in the wall and holes everywhere, not all in really obvious places, and a lot of those "nothing hallways" are spots for the actors to follow people, intimidate them, climb up the walls next to them. Its all going to depend on how many actors are in there, and as they all rotate, i guess it also depends on which actors you get. Knowing quite a few of them, its easy to see there are vast differences in both enthusiasm, talent and character. Its one of those attractions you have to do a few times, and on different days if youre able to, to really get the gist of it. Although clearly, that could be the biggest downfall of it. In general though, I have to agree, well done to the majority of the actors, but I think youre selling the set short.

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I felt the same way about the mummy... The theming is AMAZING, but I didn't really encounter many actors. But I couldn't help but laugh at the person that randomly screamed "DEATH" at me. And just a warning... if the line is much out of the door there will be around a 30 minute wait as the line actually goes inside the building for 3 switchbacks. Overall I thought it was a step down from Nightmares as far as the "scare factor" goes... but the theming was just amazing. As far as all the scare attractions go this is how i'd rank them overall... Tomb Raider: ENTER THE TOMB, Nightmares: Angoscia, Nightmares: Freezer and The Mummy

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Hmmm, pretty poor but at least I didn't have to wait. You should try frightnights at thorpe park UK. 5 large theme mazes, dark, smoke, mirrors, bright lights... The whole theme park has miminum lighting due the frightnights, and the rides all change their music etc. i.e. the drop tower changes to a spooky version of humpty dumpty, and it drops on humpty had a great fall.

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Well, seeing as there isn't a Database entry for The Mummy attraction I thought that I may as well upload a picture of inside the attraction. The photo just shows the internal queue area and the entry facade. Enjoy! And no I wasn't too lazy to create a Database entry, I did but it was rejected due to a site decision not to include these tempoary mazes in there databases anymore. post-134-1221754078_thumb.jpg EDIT: Sorry if the Quality isn't the best... it was taken on my phone but I hope it's ok :)

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^lol :rolleyes: I happened to get to the attraction on Sunday. It's situated in the abandoned Blue Lagoon area, and they have used the function centre i'm pretty sure for the walkthough. As for the attraction itself I thought it was pretty good for a temporary ride. I was in the front in my group, so I got scared nearly all the time ;) . The sets were REALLY good. The only other 'temporary scary walkthough attraction' I have been to was Prison Break Live at Luna Park in Melbourne. The set was really bad, it consited of fog, strobe lights on constantly and a maze, with like 6 actors. Compared to prison break, The Mummy was really good. And as said before the actors made the spots that weren't up to scratch really good. Made the trip to DW a little better :P .

Edited by CoAsTeR TeeN
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  • 5 months later...

If this has been mentioned before then I'm sorry 2s0g2lc.jpgLa Ronde will welcome The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, live! A new interactive experience, in 2009 only! Inspired by the successful blockbuster film with the same name, The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, live! is an approximately three hundred square meter walk-through in which visitors will encounter many characters in a novel and extraordinary atmosphere full of surprises, thrills and mystery. La Ronde will become the second theme park in the world to host this attraction. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, live! will be open to La Ronde visitors for a limited time—June 19 to September 7, 2009, only—before it heads for another theme park on its world tour. La Ronde recently reached an agreement to that effect with New York based Sudden Impact Entertainment Company (SIEC), a producer that works very closely with Universal Studios. The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, live! was inaugurated a few weeks ago in Australia. It can accommodate between 500 and 700 people an hour. Sudden Impact!’s Chairman & CEO, Lynton V. Harris, who is described as the “Scare Master,” created the experience. He has transformed the haunted house concept to produce spectacular interactive experiences and attractions, including The Mummy live! and The Mummy Returns live! have toured all over the world. In the film The Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor, the third instalment of the popular series, the action takes place in Asia. Brendan Fraser's character, Rick O’Connell, wins the battle with Emperor Han, this time with the help of Rick’s son, Alex. An irony of fate is that the film was partially shot in Montréal. “The fact that La Ronde recently reached an agreement with SIEC and indirectly with Universal confirms that the park has become one of international calibre over the last few years,” its president, Marc Tremblay, points out. “The groundbreaking interactive experience of The Mummy is a huge addition to the increasingly amazing and diverse range of entertainment we provide,” he adds.

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