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Sea Viper - New Ride


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Here is a close up shot of how the train will look, they actually made an appearance at the EAS: 16_916.jpg (Source: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewt...asc&start=0 )

Thanks for that. It wouldn't surprise me if they left the old logo on the roof considering the poor job they have done of theming and signage lately
Yeah, to be honest I was hoping the station would have some stuff done to it. I mean we all know it is the same ride, but they could at least do a few basic things to make it seem a bit different...I'm thinking stuff like atmospheric music and a bit of blue coloured lighting with wavy projection patterns (Can one of the hundreds of members on here with expertise in lighting give me the proper name for what I'm talking about) in the station, sort of to give the feeling of being in the sea vipers lair. Edited by Gazza
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^See thats the other thing I was hoping for. The bits where you go close to the ground (Such as the bottom of the drop and the bottoms of the corkscrews) would've been nice with a bit of jet resuce style mist to burst through, and the Flounder coaster at Disneysea is a nice example of how to landscape the area under a ride to give an undersea sort of feel: http://www.rcdb.com/1501.htm?p=10069

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^See thats the other thing I was hoping for. The bits where you go close to the ground (Such as the bottom of the drop and the bottoms of the corkscrews) would've been nice with a bit of jet resuce style mist to burst through, and the Flounder coaster at Disneysea is a nice example of how to landscape the area under a ride to give an undersea sort of feel: http://www.rcdb.com/1501.htm?p=10069
It looks similar to the Jet Rescue, which is great! I really hope they do something similar to this with the Sea Viper...
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Actually i'm not sure a Gobo is the correct term for a water-shimmer effect. Sure, two rotating patterened gobos can give the effect, but a lot of the water effect devices out there tend to use oil wheels and other such effect - and I don't know if they're actually a "gobo"

A piece of metal or glass, which fits into the gate of a profile spot (qv) and projects a pattern onto the set. Gobos can be very complex
From: Typical "Water Effect Projector"
Equipped with 2 effect wheels and 1 independent dichroic color wheel
Also From: (You will need to search for the item "AquaSplash"
Recreates the light swirling reflection of glittering water. This amazing fixture has four (4) constantly chaning dichroic colors - blue, red, green, yellow. You can also utilize a great built-in "stop effect" feature to choose which color you would like to keep on constantly should you so desire. Use the color blue to create the look of light reflecting off of water.
So the aquasplash doesn't actually use a wheel of any sort, but actually relies on the reflector built into the globe to create the effect, and the globe itself is actually rotated to give the shimmer effect, in multiple colours (the "red" light is used for a fire effect) I'm sure there is probably a set of gobos out there to create a shimmer effect (and I know AOS utilises gobos in the "Rain scene" to increase the effect of the water falling from the ceiling) but for a blue water, moving shimmer effect, a wheel, or dichroic globe is your answer, and not usually a gobo in and of itself.
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It is actually a pretty good choice - low outlay ($170rrp approx), lamp (globe) cost is minimal (500 hours for about $3.50. Costwise, that's pretty good, but for best results, you'd have to consider coverage, and theming. To cover off the station, you'd need about 6-8, but to maximise it's effect, you would have to black out the station, which IMO wouldn't be too bad. Black out the whole station and walkway, and install fish tanks along the walk way, with educational details etc fitting around the sea world conservation theme (like jet rescue does - sort of). By blacking it out, the lighting really does have a great effect, and the initial "drop" out of the station could also be shrouded until you go under the bridge - themed to a blowhole or sinkhole or something, with appropriate sound effects. Not blacking out the station would mean the effect of the lighting would be minimal at best.

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The Sea World website clearly states that the Sea Viper is the old Corkscrew with a makeover and a new ride experience... so it's good to see they are not trying to pass it off as an entirely new ride. I think this will turn out to be quite a positive upgrade and so far I'm liking the marketing for it. As I think I said before - the logo looks awesome

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Corkscrew with a makeover
Yes but to date we still haven't seen any kind of makeover. A sign and a train isn't a makeover in my opinion, it's just a new train. They really should have at least made an attempt to give this attraction a fresh look. I think it just goes to show you that we will never see anything like the quality of Bermy pulled off again at this park, which is a real shame.
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havent been on superman escape in a while, but doesnt it let you lift your hands? Now from what I remember, there isnt much clearance under that monorail track. Does this mean the height restrictions are going to change? and on closer look at that image, it will be quite easy to raise your hands. I'm sure they've planned for this but there just doesn't look to be that much track clearance.

Edited by reanimated35
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Reanimated35 to do with you question about clearance all rides and attractions have what is called a "surroundings clearance" basically any theming, other tracks, or objects anything, is not to be in these radius stated upon the rides concept creation / development plans. To make it sound more simplistic it's just like a big oval around a track kinda like a tunnel around the whole track that is invisible and nothing can enter into that tracks diameter. A good template as to what the Surroundings clearance looks like a good example well perfect example would be the cut outs on the Superman Escape show building where the coaster flies through. No matter the train as long as it fits the track correctly the surroundings clearance should not need to be altered at all which means the heights restrictions shouldn't need to be altered either. The only time the height restrictions should be altered is if the trains restraints are big, wider, ect

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havent been on superman escape in a while, but doesnt it let you lift your hands? Now from what I remember, there isnt much clearance under that monorail track. Does this mean the height restrictions are going to change? and on closer look at that image, it will be quite easy to raise your hands. I'm sure they've planned for this but there just doesn't look to be that much track clearance.
I know what you mean, but I'm pretty sure the clearance is sufficient even with your arms fully raised. It seems low but that monorail track is a fair distance away...
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I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for the time being...At this time last year basically none of the tunnel theming had been built for Jet Rescue, it was all just stud frames: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coas...Jet_Rescue.html Given they are working with an existing station they could potentially stick on a few of these bits and pieces in the space of 24 days....Lets hope they do.

Edited by Gazza
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I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for the time being...At this time last year basically none of the tunnel theming had been built for Jet Rescue, it was all just stud frames: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coas...Jet_Rescue.html Given they are working with an existing station they could potentially stick on a few of these bits and pieces in the space of 24 days....Lets hope they do.
Wow, I though they had that done way earlier... In that case some tunnels or themeing should definitely happen before Christmas.
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I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for the time being...At this time last year basically none of the tunnel theming had been built for Jet Rescue, it was all just stud frames Given they are working with an existing station they could potentially stick on a few of these bits and pieces in the space of 24 days....Lets hope they do.
I was thinking the same thing. 3 weeks is like a lifetime when it comes to adding the theming and finishing touches to rides. In some cases we've seen stuff go up in a matter of days
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As to the clearance, I don't see that these trains are in any way more elevated - it just looks like the sides have been cut away, so to speak, so i can't see there being any further clearance issues. It will be enough. Here's hoping theres some money left in the budget for the attraction, and they do decide to splurge on something to jazz it up a bit - Dark corkscrew anyone? (yes ok - impossible given it's proximity to jet rescue - but SOMETHING would be nice... what about a CaliScreamin tunnel near the loop?

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yea I figured there would be something like that. Just out of interest, do you happen to know the clearance height from the top of the superman restraints to the top of the cut-away entrance? I've never seen anyone go through it with hands up and las time I was on it, we all dropped our hands and the building was getting closer :S
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yea I figured there would be something like that. Just out of interest, do you happen to know the clearance height from the top of the superman restraints to the top of the cut-away entrance? I've never seen anyone go through it with hands up and las time I was on it, we all dropped our hands and the building was getting closer :S
Every time I ride my hands are all the way up! :P
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