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2012 International Additions


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Well in that definition its not but there is no category that fits every other part of the criteria. If they moved it out just a little more it would be exactly a car park coaster.

Are you fucking kidding me? Gazza (and others) provide a perfect explanation of exactly what a car park coaster is, and you still want to argue the point? If the brain cells in your head replicated themselves about 40 billion times, it would be exactly half a brain. You wonder why you're being 'attacked' and picked on - take a look at the post I have quoted, and the post from Gazza. This is your hacking discussion all over again. Green Lantern WAS NOT built on a carpark. Yes - It WAS built outside the existing park boundary - but the boundary has been extended to include it - just like the boundary was extended to accommodate BuzzSaw (which is also not a carpark coaster). No parking spaces were lost to the construction, no roads diverted (except DURING the construction - and that was only temporary to allow a safety envelope) - by your definition, the fact that Lethal Arkham has a roadway (for the studios) running next to it - IT is a carpark coaster... better yet - SUPERMAN is a carpark coaster, because the track actually passes OVER the old studio tramtour route. Pull your head in and grow the fuck up. If you don't want to be treated like a child, stop acting like one, accept that you are wrong (because this is not the case of 'your opinion' versus 'someone elses opinion' - it wasn't built on a carpark or over a carpark so it's not a carpark coaster. You don't like it - fine - theres plenty of others who do, so I doubt MW management are going to cry that one CHILD doesn't like their new multi-million dollar attraction. Now shut up.
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Do a barrel roll? Why not two! It looks like the layout for the coaster at Silver Dollar City was accidentally leaked over the past few days and thanks to the nature of the internet someone was able to save it before the park has taken it down. 481951_10150967450622097_886683688_n.jpg Source https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10150967450622097&set=a.328438002096.157870.564972096&type=1&ref=nf I am sure even those who aren't fans of wooden coasters would see this as extremely interesting and something to go out of the way and ride. I know I would!

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