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Ideas for Luna Park Sydney


The direction of Luna Park  

18 members have voted

  1. 1. What form should future improvements take?

    • Continued focus on flat rides, with better/more elaborate flat rides being installed.
    • More substantial attractions, for example tracked rides such as roller coasters, flumes and dark rides.

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I've started a new thread for this discussion as I felt it probably wasn't totally relevant in the 'Wild Mouse' discussion. I've been meaning to start this thread for a while now anyway. So some of the ideas and thoughts we have had are as follows - *Emphasising Luna Park's history with one of a kind unique rides, similar to when the park first opened *Fixing up the back area behind Coney Island by getting rid of the clone carnival rides and installing a River Caves attraction. The possibility of having a themed restaurant adjoining this attraction so that part of the River Caves channel meanders through or past the restaurant *Making use of the limited space in LPS by perhaps installing more rides on roofs etc. The new cafe roof was one suggestion *Ensuring each attraction has a good facade and associated artwork to bring back the old atmosphere *Adding some newer flat rides with some modern thrill elements On the last point of adding new flat rides, I personally think the park would benefit immensley by installing a drop ride (as we have discussed before). Even buying a cheaper portable ride like the Mega Drop would be fine, as long as it is made to look more permanent with a good facade. There are a few locations which would be good for this such as right next to the harbour where the portable simulator is now. Or in the huge blank space on the dodgem roof next to the Tumble Bug. This would be an amazing spot and would make the tower even higher. Residents would be a problem but perhaps you could enclose the ride with clear perspex or something to dampen the screams

Edited by Gazza
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And thank goodness for that too as not only is it a fun ride but one of the few remaining pieces of heritage significance in the park. It was originally built around 1960 in the exact spot where it stands today. Does anyone else have any other ideas for new attractions or improvements that could work well at the park?

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Yes the Wild Mouse is definitely something that should be retained. Ted Hopkins (the legendary General Manager of Luna Park at the time) bought the plans for the Wild Mouse in 1962 from the Seattle World trade Fair and brought a car back to be copied locally. Three Wild Mouse tracks were built-one at Luna Park Sydney(which was also used at the Sydney Showground) and ones at the Melbourne and Perth showground. The Wild Mouse was the first coaster at the Sydney showground. In 1970, once again under Ted Hopkins supervision, the Wild Cat was built by Schwarzkopf in Germany to replace the Wild Cat. The plans and specifications were bought in Germany. However they had to be modified as the size of the ride had to be reduced to fit on the Wild Mouse slab and because Australian steel, being in imperial dimesions, was used for a ride of German metric specifications. Also extensive brakes had to be added to pull the cars up. The Wild Mouse remained at the Sydney showground site until the re-opening of the park in 1995. :) As for ideas about improvements as I have stated before I would like to see a Reverchon Spinning coaster installed on the slab where the Tumblebug is currently now. Call it the Wild Cat( in honour of the original). The midway would look good with the old Wild Mouse coaster(which still packs quite a punch) sitting opposite a brand new version with spinning cars. Move the Tumblebug to one side of the roof the cafe building and put another ride(maybe the Dragon's Flight from Wonderland) at the other side. The heightened elevation would make both these rides superb and the view would be spectacular-the thrill factor would also be expanded as both rides would travel close to the waters edge. :cool: I also think that in addition to a River Caves style ride, I would like to see something similar to Dreamworld's Eureka mine ride. This ride occupies a fairly small footprint and could be built under a building or on top of a building. As it is partially enclosed, zero problems with the whingeing residents.Call it Luna Park's Runaway Mine Car or theme it to a new "Ghost Train". I think it could work. :D Comments? I would be most interested in seeing what other rides people think could work at Luna Park.Maybe Huss could help out with some of the latest ride designs from Germany. Anyone? It is interesting to note that in an article by Miranda Devine in the Sunday Morning Herald, Peter Hearne, the General Manager of Luna Park, was commenting on the residents resistence to the building of the office tower on the clifftop. He stated that in reality, he was quite in his rights to install a ride here and then went further to state that would a ride such as Wonderland's Space Probe be more invasive thanan office block?? Does this mean that Luna Park management could be looking at certain rides from the defunct Wonderland,specifically Space Probe?? What about Demon??(I know this coaster isnt that popular on the board but i think that it could fit quite nicely in the area behind Coney Island,with the drops going over the roof of Coney to maximise space.) The only problem would be of course the residents. But the management of Luna Park would be silly to not look at what the rides at Wonderland have to offer and whether or not they could be utilised in Luna Park. Peter Hearne's comment at least shows they are looking at all angles. Food for thought. ;) Great thread GoBoi and excellent ideas... keep up the great work!! Cheers Jobe :P

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I think the idea of putting a ride on top of the new cafe would have to be ruled out. From what I have seen, the building is fairly narrow and I doubt it would be able to support a ride on its roof. I am fairly sure it has been designed as a stand alone building with the sole purpose of being a contemporary cafe/bar. I believe the premises are actually being leased out rather than run by LPS. On the other hand, the roof on top of the dodgem building is quite a large flat area and currently only houses the Tumble Bug. As I said before, there is a large vacant area right next to the Tumble Bug on this rooftop. They could easily fit another ride in this area such as a portable drop ride like the Mega Drop (Space Fall) or anything else for that matter. I do think the Tumble Bug looks quite good up there (would be better if they put the giant bug back out the front though) but this area certainly could be utilised further in the future. For example, If they wanted to build another coaster (highly doubtful), this rooftop could easily accomodate one with a small footprint. The Tumble Bug would have to be removed for this to happen. Even with the new additions and buildings in the new Luna Park, I really don't think space is such a major limitation anymore. The new area behind Coney Island is massive, especially when taking the 'picnic area' into consideration. It could accomodate just about any ride or attraction. There are also other areas in the main park which have vacant spaces of various sizes so the potential for expansion is definitely there. Let your imagination run wild

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space probe ride would fit easily and be great at the park, be good if they bough the space probe, becasue it shouldn't bother guests becasue the carriagges are under a dome and the time they get to see inside a building is a matter of 2 seconds up and less then a second down. i wouldn't get ride of the wild mouse becasue its really on top of a building so it kills 2 birds with one stone by taking less room. Coney island is great but i would rather have an indoor roller coaster (no noise) then have a few slides. i would keep all existing rides add a few other thrill rides like the zipper, takes a small amount of space. Build a new river caves going though the cliff, which takes no space in the park becasue its under ground. And really thats about it, make more rides and indoor coaster and your laughing. They could actually have the river caves as an enclosed river rampage. Sounds interesting, it couls have like a spooky special effects on the inside. To incoporate the old ghost train, the river caves and the river rampage all into one.

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sadly the only new rides Luna park will be bringing in is the small kids rides during the peak times like holidays to offer more for family,now that the wild mouse is done all the attention is now on the front cafe which is opening soon, i've also heard its going to hold a night club on the lower lever underground. after that its up to the grassed area above the new carpark. LPS wants to build a small shopping complex with offices and a small 4 screen cinema. LPS is not a theme park, its a entertainment area like Downtown Disney in california and are more worried about building new entertainment venues like the new cafe and cinema complex.the only rides which will come and go are the small fairground rides which sit out the back next to the Ranger at the moment. Also the tent out the back near the ranger is still TEMP, they will be building a better one later in the track. the only new thrill type ride which may come is a new film for the simulator. also to rest a few minds at easy, Luna park sydney is not planing on building or buying any of the rides at wonderland sydney. The only thing which may come soon is a trackless train for kids, which will play a part of the tours which a done on tue and wed. anyway thats all for now, enjoy

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There is definitley a bigger emphasis on Luna Park's 'entertainment' facilities now rather than just the rides. But I still think the rides play a large part in the parks structure. They do dominate most areas of the park afterall. I can't imagine Luna Park without a large emphasis on rides and the place certainly wouldn't pull crowds with just a small cinema, a cafe and some function venues. In saying that though and taking into account Luna Park's size, I think the cinema and waterfront cafes are both great ideas. They give the park a contemporary feel and give people more reasons to visit the precinct. As you said disneyland, I doubt the park will be making any major contributions to its ride line-up for a while. But hopefully they will change the mix a bit in the not too distant future when the park proves that all components are successful. With the way they have designed the area out the back it would be very easy to change around not only the small rides but also the bigger ones aswell. They were all originally road models so they could be packed up with ease

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Demon, Space Probe, and Dragons would never go to Luna Park the first two for pretty obvious reasons, does anyone remember why the park closed last time (something about a noisy ride I heard). Space Probe would be too invasive for the residents, yes I know there is a dome on the top but we all know how much they are whinging at the moment. As for Dragon's Flight, there is a bit of a problem with that, it’s in a container on a very big ship on its way to Malaysia, but don't let that stop the rumours from flying. "The Bus is now leaving for Bakers Shipping Place, South Australia"

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 months later...
And thank goodness for that too as not only is it a fun ride but one of the few remaining pieces of heritage significance in the park. It was originally built around 1960 in the exact spot where it stands today. Does anyone else have any other ideas for new attractions or improvements that could work well at the park?
simple, it needs more rides..in the 70,s it had 27 rides now about 8.
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  • 1 month later...

I wouldn't like to see a Zipper there but I would love 1) Huss Delirium 2) Mega Drop/Space Probe 3) A Rainbow rather then Tumblebug If Demon were in Aus then I would probaly have it there on the right side of the park(as far away from the residents as possible) towards the front and have it called Titan again :) I wouldn't have a cave area because Luna Park isn't meant to have themes.

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I think a tall intamin freefall ride would be cool; they don't take up too much space, and they don't make much sound either (apart from the zip of the brakes) because you can't really scream on them. If you want it to be unique, you could make it one of those stand up drop rides, or a gyro drop ride. They should tend to blend in with the skyline as well.

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The Ranger needs to be put back near where it originally was. Now I gues that means that somehow, it would have to be put on top of the ticket booth at the front of the park. My Luna Park memory is a little rusty but I don't remember much being on top of that huge ticket stall. If it were possible (which it's not) I would also move Coney Islan down to the very back of the park, that way, the midway would be able to be extended and a Zipper and Moveit 32 would be able to be stuck in (my choices for rides that should be put in Luna Park). If it were possible to have a Rainbow sitting next to Coney Island (on the side of the Harbour) and facing the front of the park so that when it rotates it glides over the harbour (or at least the boardwalk) that'd be swell. I guess I'd also hire more of them crazy Luna peoples. You know, the big feet and the large eyes, they look cool and add to the day they do. I'd plant some trees down the midway (big ones, maybe palm trees even) to add some much needed foliage to the park. And lastly, buy a new sign that says "Luna Park". I don't like the current one they've got sitting atop of the big face, I want something new! I also think that supposing that a drop ride would be able to find a permanent home at Luna Park is laughable, the residents would cough and spit all over this idea, It'd never go through.

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Nebuchanezzar - your ideas would certainly stuff up a lot of Luna Park's heritage value. There is no need to change the 'Luna Park' sign. The lettering is effective and has remained the same since the park opened 70 years ago. It is part of the face and towers which are an important iconic Sydney landmark. Although the face, towers and lettering are not the originals (they were entirely rebuilt in the early 1990's) they are based on the exact design and are on the exact same spot

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  • 3 months later...

Ok... i went to Lps around 5 weeks ago! And i remember going on the Tumble Bug... While i was on my 2nd ride of the ride, i noticed between the building the Tumble Bug is on and Coney Island building, they're is a really big gap! This gap must be around 10, 20 or even 30 metres. I think if Lps extends the building to link onto Coney Island they could then put another ride underneath next to the Dogems and then have 2 new rides above! You think of it...a new, Huss Rainbow & Zipper on top and maybe some sort of other ride underneath :D :D :D hmmm only my thoughts!

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Well here are a few ideas that i think could be good for Luna Park Sydney. Firstly these ideas revolve around being as cost effective to the park as possible,whilst adding to the current ride roster. Of course the residents might not approve but they are only hypothetical. Of course I sincerely hope that LPS wins the court case and is free to include new additions without fear of litigation,provided they all fall within EPA guidelines. *Firstly I would move the ride with the most controversy, The Ranger to the space in-between the Crystal palace and the Ice cream shop. There it would at least be shielded somewhat from the overlooking apartments instead of the open space of Maloney's corner *Secondly i would move the Tumblebug ,if at all possible to the space on top of the carpark entrance. This would give it a commanding view of the park and harbour and its heightened elevation would make for a more thrilling ride. The space created up here may be enough for one or two future new rides. A walkway or stairway will have to be devised to gain access to this part of the park. * On the space where the Tumblebug resides i would install a Maurer Sohne Spinning Wild Mouse Coaster(maybe custom designed?) and theme it to the old Wildcat of LPS yesteryear *I would place the Dominator oppposite Coney Island at the end of the concrete slab where the Tumblebug now resides. I would extensively re-theme it giving it a new facade and call it The Whip. *I would remove the additional buildings that have been installed behind Coney Island and locate all the childrens rides in their stead. Cover them from the sun with a strategically placed sun sail. I would place the Simulator here as well. *In the space created from the removal of the kids rides I would locate a wooden coaster approx about the size of the Beastie. This would encompass the space from the so called picnic site as well. Call it "Son Of Big Dipper".Would look great at the back of Coney Island!! *I would install The Hard-Rock ride in Maloney's Corner. When it was there for the Xmas Hols it was very popular and would make a great addition to the permanent ride roster.Other rides that could possibly be installed are the Techno Jump(good family ride) or the Chaos(good modern Thrill ride). Of course these would all have extensive facades and theming to try and take away the travelling ride aspect. *Give all rides extensive bridges(re-install the big Spider and Tumblebug facade to their respective rides.) and tey to give each ride uniqueness via a elaborate bridge(facade) There is also the room behind the Tumblebug and old management building,maybe ripe for the re-introduction of a River Caves dark ride. Well there you go. Midnight ramblings and all pie in the sky sort of stuff!!! I have included a aerial shot of the park to give you guys an exact idea of the areas I am talking about. All in all it would be an improvement from what is currently there and you would also have 3 coasters!!! Feel free to comment and dissect....I am sure you guys could come up with much better ideas. Its all food for thought!! Cheers Jobe

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