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Everything posted by Naazon

  1. Just curious, anyone know if there are new vehicles/restraints that could lower the height restriction?
  2. Maybe head back to school to learn about paragraphs
  3. If you add 1 or 2 thrill rides, vortex will have a larger queue. The thrill market is slim at SW so Thrill seekers don't go.
  4. You missed the obvious one. Having a ride called Big Dipper gives the park a +10 speed boost on ride ops. It is countered with a +7 noise boost though.
  5. I know its not a big ride, but interesting if they have to repaint is so it fits a new theme, so soon after they only just painted it a few years ago.
  6. It's based off people who have google maps location data enabled, so most Android users. Their formulas extrapolate for the population based off the android market share. It's as accurate as 'live traffic data' from google maps.
  7. "its an event space now" argument is bullshit. Both sides are used for event spaces, which is why the queue polls are removable. Punching a hole through a wall isn't large capex, its a bit of framing, some doors and electrical work + sign off. Adding the extra emergency exit would allow them to increase capacity for the said private events.
  8. When I went in late December, it appeared to be something to be a harness sensor tripping, but this is purely speculation based on what stage they were working on during the test cycles. The team just said 'sensor issue' to me and they announced the issue after 3 test cycles, reset the seats and then said it will be closed until further notice.
  9. Be cool if they doubled the queue line, using the whole indoor building, one side standard cars and the other side spinning.
  10. Not always about Village. They have to work with the Mack schedule also.
  11. @REGIE Just a heads up, its not a requirement to post on this forum. You don't need to post on every topic, especially if you have nothing of value to add.
  12. Unlikely, Rebel Coasted was cleared of any wrongdoing and allowed to continue operation.
  13. Off topic? but I would like to see a minecart/indoor dark ride behind/beside the mountain, extending the facade along.
  14. They also talk a lot about battery and renewable energy sources. I would rule out air powered and hydraulic for that reason. Likely some form of LIM/LSM
  15. Also wouldn't have anything to do with rides getting older as they all aren't the same age, but the maintenance downtime is increasing across the board.
  16. As far as I know, scooby didn't have any announced upgrades, but occasionally VRTP do minor upgrades during annual maintenance so potentially they could have completed something. Have the annual maintenance periods been extended? I swear years ago it was 4 weeks, then 6 weeks, now it looks like 8 weeks.
  17. Nothing we haven't seen before but great for one of our parks to get such good exposure. This video will likely have over a million views by the end of the day. https://youtu.be/2nQ-rijlX3o
  18. In 2020ish the WnW one was completely torn down and was a hole in the ground. Good to see it built back up and hopefully running soon, although missing out on critical summer dollars.
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