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What direction is Dreamworld heading in?


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I have to admit I'm disappointed with Dreamworld's new attraction, the Flowrider. It just seems to me to be the sort of thing you'd find at a recreation centre or waterpark, not a theme park. Is there still a possibility it could be intergrated with the new waterpark? The ride surely has limited appeal and reaches out mostly to the 'surfer' demographic which is a strange market for a theme park to want to attract. And now after seeing the way the area has been presented I do not think it fits in with the surrounding family theme park feel at all. It's almost like the Big Top at Luna Park (Sydney) when there's a Come Together music festival on and yet the park is still open for families and people wanting to go on the rides. Also, why is Dreamworld adding a Flow Rider and then at the end of the year a new waterpark? What is the link with these 2 very much water based additions? It has got me thinking about what direction Dreamworld is heading in. It seems to me they are almost trying to get away from being a theme park and become more of an entertainment/recreation park. With attractions like Big Brother, Flowrider and the wildlife sections offering more 'experiences'. There have been a number of quotes from both the CEO and the PR spokeswoman implying this is the case. They have said things along the lines of (and I'm loosely quoting) "the Flowrider is just a taste of things to come... new generation attractions bringing experiences to life". And recently the spokeswoman said something like "Dreamworld is not just a theme park, it is a combined entertainment precinct". When they start using words like entertainment precinct it's very dangerous. It's not a good sign for lovers of true theme parks, rides and roller coasters. Perhaps DW now feels they have enough rides and want to focus on other areas (especially seeing as though rides require large amounts of capital). I remember writing into Wonderland years ago asking when they were going to get a new ride. This was the Sunway era. The reply I got was "At Wonderland we now feel we have more than enough rides so we are going to focus on entertainment based additions". This included the horrible Action Man Show. In other words they didn't want to spend any money on decent new rides. With Movie World doing the right thing and now constantly adding amazing new rides, why aren't Dreamworld doing the same? I'm just glad that Dreamworld is adding a new waterpark as this gives some sign of hope. I'm very interested to hear everyone elses opinions on the matter. Do you think DW is going to add a new ride anytime soon or do you think they are going to continue to add experience attractions like the Flowrider? What would you prefer (this may be an obvious question, but perhaps not to DW)? I would be very interested to see the DW master plan. Please add your comments and speculations about what you think DW has planned for the future....

Edited by GoGoBoy
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Well, you have to have some confidence in DWs decisions, have any of their new rides been flops? No (Well creature cruise maybe) so I would expect this to have a similar level of sucess. As for them going after the surfer market, well they are a market arent they, money is money so why not seek to appeal to another group. I dont think familes would be hanging out near flowrider anyway, wouldnt they be in Nick Central or Wiggles Wad? But everyone seems to be complaining about them becoming an experience park, but AWE has been there from the early days of DW, BB was just a sucessful tie in and was intialy fairly seperate from the main park. This is their only real proper "experience". I suppose you could count the joy flights too, but come to think of it, SW has them as well, hang on, SW has tons of "experiences", theres the watersports, jet skis, snorkeling and scuba diving in shark day, dolphin swims etc, and here you are complaing that DW is offering a water sport. At worst, all i can see DW doing is adding a few more upcharge things, like a skycoaster, which is actually fairly commonplace in the theme park world (Eg with CPs challenge park, SF having go carts and those big arch things) I dont think DW will stop adding rides any time soon, the competitive pressure from WVTP is too strong, and it would make me happy to see MW doing better anyway. But here is a theory I have, i think flowrider was intialy going to be a water park ride, but maybe after all the extra stuff WVTP has done (And is continuing to do) DW decided they couldnt hold out till the end of the year and opened this early to have something to compete. As for the future of DW, well they are going to have to do something with that 7 (or was it 6) million of Capex they commited per year, though they might have pissed up 10 years worth to build the waterpark (Though that might be a separate investment not counted in that) As for your question, I would like to see more experiences as DW do not deserve good rides and more "experiences" would serve to make them even worse compared to WVTP.

Edited by Gazza
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Hey that's a great theory Gazza!! I hadn't thought of that but it sounds very, very likely. Would certainly make sense. By the way, here's a direct quote from the DW CEO which initially had me worried - "FlowRider is the new breed of innovative rides and attractions coming to Dreamworld". No! We don't want a new breed of attractions - the old breed was fine. Just give us a darn good coaster would you Mr. Gregg! Anyone elese?

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Well, if they said "Rides and Attractions" then "Rides" would suggest conventional rides. I dont know why you would oppose New Breed attractions though, arent new rides the best ones, or are you a fan of Classic Arrow coasters or some 80s Huss rides. Personally I like new rides, like Accelerators and Screamin Squirels, Topple Towers and Tornados, Floorless coasters and Sky Swatters. How could you not want any of these?

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By the way, here's a direct quote from the DW CEO which initially had me worried - "FlowRider is the new breed of innovative rides and attractions coming to Dreamworld". No! We don't want a new breed of attractions - the old breed was fine. Just give us a darn good coaster would you Mr. Gregg! Anyone elese?
I agree, I don't think Dreamworld needs a Flowrider and a bunch of smaller 'innovative' rides and attractions, I think they need something big; like a new coaster to attract crowds. People aren't going to come from interstate to ride a Flowrider, they'll come from interstate to ride a huge coaster. Everyone knows they are overdue for a new coaster, but the quote "FlowRider is the new breed of innovative rides and attractions coming to Dreamworld" implies that their new breed of rides and attractions will be minor like the Flowrider.
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Concerning a new Coaster, if there is one in the pipelines (come-on B&M Dive Machine), I personally don't see one happening untill such time that all the hype from Superman Escape has died off, as I don't think it would be really feasable for one to happen (and I also can't see one happening for a while). But you know, I think when it is time for a new Coaster, I think Dreamworld should just try and stop using the tell a story theming, as it just doesn't suit the park. As it is obvious there are people out there who just want to make their mark in the wall, and it is also obvious the park doesn't want to spend the money on making sure this doesn't happen, or fixing it (or their eyes are shut). Personally (I know I have said this alot of times now) I reckon if their rides (RIDES, not just coasters now) have a beautiful layout, with nice gardens and other scenery with it (CLAW), I reckon thats good enough. Off subject for abit, can anyone tell me how vandels are defacing Superman Escape's Queue Line, and if something does happen to it, what does the park do about it?

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Well, when I was there nothing had happened, i think its just a case of Theming that is vandal proof (Though this means it is bland) The "How to Board" TVs are high up and completely inaccessible, the posters are covered with plastic, and as yet nobody had written on the walls, in fact the only "vandalisim" I saw at MW was the theming on LW as you come around the corner in the queue towards the gates. Plus the fact the area is manned helps out as the Control Room looks out over the whole queue, and there is the checker at the entrance, as well as the grouper at the top of the queue, so that would be a good detterent. Wait, i know why, everyones textas or keys to scratch with or whatever they vandalise with would be in the Lockers by that point. Hmmmm, maybe the lockers arent bad news after all. But back to it: Nobody said the innovative rides would be small did they, its all negative assumptions at this point. But anyway, I actually like the flowrider, ive been waiting for a park to put one in, and it seemed only WnW would be able to do it, but i was wrong....

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Movie World is generally pretty good with repairing vandalism. They've kept Scooby-Doo at a reasonable standard over the years, and it's certainly taken its share of queue damage (people love to pick at the faux stone walls and scratch its paint off). I'm confident that Dreamworld's going down the path they should be. It'd be ridiculous to suggest that this is the end of major thrill rides - after all FlowRider is only the first such attraction that they've installed. I wasn't overly impressed when I first found out the park was getting a FlowRider. I've been well familiar with the attraction for a number of years, but I'd never pictured it in a theme park environment. However seeing it in action made me totally convinced that it'll be a huge success. Maybe it's just the surf/wake/snowboarder in me but it's looking like one of the most fun attractions in the park. It seems to me from the comments that Dreamworld is trying to distance themselves as much as possible from the WVTP notion of "theme parks" which are just that - separate, self-contained theme parks. With the introduction of the water park, it will be a precinct in every sense. We know they're not going to compete with Movie World in the theming department and they'll always be pretty much neck-in-neck for thrills, so it seems logical that Dreamworld needs another unique distinguishing factor. I'd go so far as to guarantee that we can expect some kind of "traditional" thrill ride in the near future (1-2 years) from Dreamworld. Macquarie Leisure have comitted to investing an average of $6 million a year in capital expenditure, and this does not include the water park, so we haven't seen the end of the more grand attractions.

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I'm still slightly disappointed that they put a price on the sessions. I suppose it keeps numbers down but you would think they make enough money already. IMO, it's just as bad as having to hire a locker for SE. It's not the first time they've made us pay for things but I reckon it will be a discouraging factor to some people. Anyway, I shouldn't complain. It probably is reasonable to make people pay. Thoughts? EDIT: Oh and sorry if this has been mentioned 100's of times. My bad.

Edited by WnW_Rocks
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Dreamworld is a business with the sole purpose to make money, just like every other park out there, there's no such thing as enough money. I don't think it's quite the same as Superman Escape's lockers. This attraction has a very targeted audience that is not at all the same as the standard theme park guest, much like Sky Coasters or other upcharge attractions. They don't have the popularity, nor the capacity to be viable as standard theme park attractions.

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well, even though DW are opening there water park at the end of the year, I cannot believe that they would sit back now, for the second time in a year Movieworld is opening a Major attraction. ( and we are talking major attractions - accelarator coasters R the the biggest and new thing, and now movieworld is going to open a space shot tower, within the sme 12 mths as superman.) Dreamworld have never graced us with 2 major rides, weve always waited the std 2 years apart. I hate to say, but Movieworld could take dreamworld now for thrills, especially with there coasters, all movieworld needs is a cpl flats, and wala, therel be laughing at DW, and i dont want that. Dw would of know it was happening too, god, i goot told by the DW staff yonks b4 any announcment as u know, about SE. so they wouldva known about the space shot too. anyhow, thats my two cents. going wet n wild tommorow for $20 yeah.

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This is what i think about the situation - Dreamworld used to be my favourite park until last year when WnW and MW started bringing new top-notch rides, things that you would see all over American parks. However, Dreamworld has never built anything that good, other than Tower Of Terror (When it first came out, that is) Giant Drop and the Claw. Basically, i don't even call Cyclone a ride anymore :angry: - it should be ripped down and be replaced with a nice B&M - even if they keep the same ride name and theming. Now onto the Waterpark - If Dreamworld don't make this Waterpark equal to or better to WnW then it is just a waste of money. And some one please tell me, "What was the point of a Flowrider facing into the park and not 'inside' the waterpark - it would make much more scence to have a water ride 'inside' a "Waterpark" and who wants to watch a couple of people trying to surf a artifial wave while you are at a themepark (trying to enjoy the dry rides). In the future dreamworld should do this: - After this years arival of the new waterpark they should start to plan the demolish of Cyclone - middle of 2007 - After Cyclone is ripped down they should add the B&M - Floorless or Dive Machine - Begining of 2008 - Then they could focus on mabey a nice woody at the back of the park - themed to an Australian animal and incorparated into the Wildlife section of the park - middle of 2009 - Focus on less "skill" related rides and continue with what Dreamworld does after a couple of major rides are released - Build a flat ride!! Well these are just my thoughts - If anyone wants to comment on my post, please do. CoasterBoy6 :D

Edited by Coaster Boy 6
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I think the comment that DW is more like a carnival then a theme park has been around for a while, and I don't think Flowrider is something thats going to change that reputation. The question is if that reputation is damaging, personally I don't think it is. Attendance is going good, attractions like the Flowrider can only increase per capita spending, Big Brother was an excellant tie-in no matter how crap the show is. People seem to like those tacky side-show games and they're bringing in the bucks. I don't think we've seen the end of the mega thrill rides at DW (a three pronged attack at the thrill market will motivate Macquarie if nothing else does) but there does seem to be some diversifying going on. As for the experiences, I think there's a place for it. Like Gazza mentioned, SW has had Helicopter Flights, Water Sports & Interactive Animal programs for as long as I can remember, and Movieworld has its "Make your own Hi-5 videos" and the like. I think even though DW is on something of a Per Capita mission, there will be new "Mega rides" in the future. I think we can kiss the "Immersive Themed lands" goodbye, but it will always be a theme park at heart.

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I think Dreamworld's really only discovered what USA theme parks discovered a decade ago and have since moved on from, and that is the value of upcharge attractions. They're definitely on a mission to increase operating margins - Dreamworld would have to be one of the most profitable parks in its attendance bracket, and it's going up each year, with or without new thrill rides. We definitely haven't seen the end of major rides because they are the only way to drive up attendance in the long-run. Rides like FlowRider will have a short-term impact on attendance, but their real value is, as joz said, to drive up in-park spending. With WVTP hot on their tail with no less than two thrill rides planned for the next 6-12 months, this will put Dreamworld in a position where they simply have to invest in new major attractions or suffer hits in attendance, but this won't stop them trying to distance themselves as much from WVTP, especially now that they're coming after the thrill market.

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I sent an email to Dreamworld to give my feedback on the FlowRider (ie. I think they could have done better). I think it's important for the park to receive this sort of feedback so they can see not everyone is happy with their choices. I would encourage anyone to do the same if you feel the same way. Anyway, I received a reply from the Communications Manager. She mentioned some of the usual things about how much of a great response they have received from guests re the FlowRider. She also used the recently quoted tag lines such as Dreamworld is trying to "bring brand new experiences to life" and "offer guests so many worlds in one... not just thrill rides". Not exactly what I was hoping to hear. However, on the positive side of things she did say that Dreamworld was committed to remaining number one when it comes to thrill rides and they had some very exciting things planned for the very near future. I like the fact that she said very near future... sounds promising

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How subjective do you want to be? Dreamworld: http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/park.php?pid=1 Movie World http://www.roller-coaster.com.au/park.php?pid=2 I'm not sure I'd say Dreamworld are on top, but I don't think in terms of overall variety of quality thrill rides they're certainly not behind Movie World. Further to this, I'd guarantee if you asked people on the street which theme park to visit to ride thrill rides, the majority would say Dreamworld.

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