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Dreamworld's 30th

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They are $12 at Southbank cinemas in Brisbane. So $15 IS more expensive than normal, but considering a burger is $4.95 at McDonalds and $10 at our Goldcoast theme parks I think the pricing of the movies isn't too bad. I honestly wouldn't have been surprised if they tried to charge $20-$25 for an adult ticket. Good to see they aren't being silly

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'Dreamworld Cinemas'... it seems to me this is yet another step in the direction of Dreamworld evolving from a THEME PARK into an ENTERTAINMENT CENTRE. A strategy which has led to attendance and revenue declines but yet they seem intent on pursuing. Theme parks are supposed to be all about fantasy and escape but it seems DW is doing its best to become just another shopping centre-style entertainment complex. Boooo!

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Can you see a movie without paying DW admission?
Curse of Skull Rock is shown several times throughout the day and is included in admission. The 11am screening of Megamind is at a discounted rate of $12. Session after 4.15pm are $15 for adults and $12 for children regardless of whether you've been in the park or not (no park admission required). Sourced from the Gold Coast Bulletin article below:
Dreamworld launches new cinema ANOTHER cinema has popped up on the Gold Coast this time in a theme park. Dreamworld has launched a new evening cinema experience for locals. The 315 seat cinema features a new high tech digital projection system which shows movies in 3D and 2D on a 21m by 11m screen. Set inside the theme park, Gold Coasters can enter for evening sessions while ticket holders during the day can also catch a special flick. Megamind 3D and special effects action film Tron Legacy 3D are currently screening. Sessions will start at 4.15pm and tickets are $15 for adults and $12 for children. Annual pass holds will get adults at kids prices. Day time guests can pay $12 on top of entry to see Megamind 3D at 11am and also get to check out short film The Curse of Skull Rock 3D.
Edited by themeparkgc
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See, personally I can't see the point of the 11am sessions, or any other sessions in park hours. Passholders being the exception, you've basically thrown down your money for 7 hours worth of rides and entertainment. Seeing a movie is cutting into about a quarter of that, and costing you more in the process.

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There's something really frustrating about all this and I think I've figured it out: On one hand, Dreamworld are showing signs that they really get it. They've been celebrating the parks 30th birthday, really pushing the parks history and celebrating it. Incidentally, Sea World is turning 40 this year and Movieworld is turning 20, both milestone years that are getting no similar marketing push. Seaworld's Ski Show was scrapped in it's 50th year rather than being used as a promotional tool. TBH I'd be surprised if anyone in the marketing department at Village knows the age or history of the parks but that's another issue. Of all the parks, it's Dreamworld that seem to be in touch with what the park is about, they reference the past and embrace what makes them popular. The fact that Kenny Koala and Goldie still feature is testament to that, and many of the new entertainment offerings seem to reflect a willingness to embrace what's best about the park, and the message they're trying to get out there is a good one. But then at the same time as this is going on, the Imax theater, one of the parks original attractions, gets butchered and turned into nothing more than a standard cinema. What's more, it now doubles as an up-charge attraction? Super guys, just super. Sure, the Imax theater did need some life breathed into it, but getting rid of it all together? So disappointing. Also disheartening is seeing so much of the park rotting away (mine ride, sky-link, blue lagoon, amphitheater, ah lets face it the entire northwest of the park) while the at the same time, almost everything new in the park is either another up-charge or involves things being painted with brighter, and more garish colours. I'm really just hoping this new stuff for next year will be awesome. After what happened with Aqualoop, they're understandably keeping it very close to their chests. The only thing I know about next years attraction is that we can expect Intamin (not a huge shock given the track record and the fact it's mentioned in this thread) and one of the new rides will be built in an area that will push out the boundaries of the park. That's all I know, but within that there's huge scope to be impressed, and I'm cautiously optimistic to see what this new ride will be. I just hope it turns out to be a major success, and those with the power see that there's some serious money to be made running a theme park instead of just a shopping center.

Edited by joz
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^^ I completely agree with you, in regards to the cinema DW (and sometimes VRTP) often does what is better for revenue/business rather than guest satisfaction and the fact VRTP do not seem to value their history nor want to promote it. Castaway Bay, the Aqualoop, Artic Penguins are all suburb additions to their parks however DW is getting all the attention to due a great marketing campaign of the Summer Funomenon. I have heard the same in regards to DW's 2011 ride (pushing boundaries, literally). My understanding is only Senior Management are currently informed, they are certainly being very secretive at this stage. I know nothing much :P

Edited by Jordan M
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and one of the new rides will be built in an area that will push out the boundaries of the park.
Gee I hope you're right! There is no doubt DW needs a major new ride that will expand the parks boundaries. This has been needed for some time. It's time to get bigger instead of just always in-filling.
I just hope it turns out to be a major success, and those with the power see that there's some serious money to be made running a theme park instead of just a shopping center.
Amen to that! Edited by GoGoBoy
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^^ I completely agree with you, in regards to the cinema DW (and sometimes VRTP) often does what is better for revenue/business rather than guest satisfaction and the fact VRTP do not seem to value their history nor want to promote it. Castaway Bay, the Aqualoop, Artic Penguins are all suburb additions to their parks however DW is getting all the attention to due a great marketing campaign of the Summer Funomenon. I have heard the same in regards to DW's 2011 ride (pushing boundaries, literally).My understanding is only Senior Management are currently informed, they are certainly being very secretive at this stage. I know nothing much :P
I really hope these "boundaries" are going to be something good, Superman Escape is a great rollercoaster but in my opinion way too short. If your saying it will be Intamin and "pushing boundaries" I'm thinking of a mega-lite. It's still way too early to speculate though
There's something really frustrating about all this and I think I've figured it out: On one hand, Dreamworld are showing signs that they really get it. They've been celebrating the parks 30th birthday, really pushing the parks history and celebrating it. Incidentally, Sea World is turning 40 this year and Movieworld is turning 20, both milestone years that are getting no similar marketing push. Seaworld's Ski Show was scrapped in it's 50th year rather than being used as a promotional tool. TBH I'd be surprised if anyone in the marketing department at Village knows the age or history of the parks but that's another issue. Of all the parks, it's Dreamworld that seem to be in touch with what the park is about, they reference the past and embrace what makes them popular. The fact that Kenny Koala and Goldie still feature is testament to that, and many of the new entertainment offerings seem to reflect a willingness to embrace what's best about the park, and the message they're trying to get out there is a good one. But then at the same time as this is going on, the Imax theater, one of the parks original attractions, gets butchered and turned into nothing more than a standard cinema. What's more, it now doubles as an up-charge attraction? Super guys, just super. Sure, the Imax theater did need some life breathed into it, but getting rid of it all together? So disappointing. Also disheartening is seeing so much of the park rotting away (mine ride, sky-link, blue lagoon, amphitheater, ah lets face it the entire northwest of the park) while the at the same time, almost everything new in the park is either another up-charge or involves things being painted with brighter, and more garish colours. I'm really just hoping this new stuff for next year will be awesome. After what happened with Aqualoop, they're understandably keeping it very close to their chests. The only thing I know about next years attraction is that we can expect Intamin (not a huge shock given the track record and the fact it's mentioned in this thread) and one of the new rides will be built in an area that will push out the boundaries of the park. That's all I know, but within that there's huge scope to be impressed, and I'm cautiously optimistic to see what this new ride will be. I just hope it turns out to be a major success, and those with the power see that there's some serious money to be made running a theme park instead of just a shopping center.
What do you mean, more than one new ride coming next year...? Edited by Linus1995
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Linus, it is already 2011 so it sounds like more than one ride coming this year. A thrill ride to add to the Big 6 has been in discussions since at least December 2009 when the Gold Coast Bulletin reported it. I hope they add the coaster and another ride in the Blue Lagoon area and theme both to a high standard. I can't stop thinking about a coaster Eureka Mountain 2: The Forbidden Shaft. Hopefully Gold Rush will get some attention though. I'm not sure if its getting replaced or extensive repairs but Dora's Seaplanes in Nick Central has been removed so I wouldn't be surprised if a Children's Parachute Tower or other similar kids ride is installed as a replacement.

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