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What rides have you gotten stuck on, or have seen broken down?


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If there's one ride i've been stuck on the most it's the original Tower of Terror. Mainly just something causing the computers to trip for whatever reason which usually meant either racing into the e-brake section at full speed or slowly dawdling down the track at a few k's an hour. This was nearly a decade ago now, back during a time when I was there a lot (i'll say too much but whatever) and as a result would ride more rides and inevitably experience something like an e-stop. Will never forget my first time I e-stopped on that ride though. It was a quick moment of "...the hell? We were supposed to stop right about no..." transformmed into "HOLY CRPJLKFSD ..... well that was intense" - going from 150 clicks to nothing in the space of two dozen metres is a crazy amount of unexpected g-force.

One ride i'd hate to get stuck on though would be Buzzsaw. Something about reclined seats, just a lap-bar, that height and no immediate catwalk still makes me faintly nervous.

Edited by Slick
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I got stuck on the very top of the lift hill on Rocky Hollow Log Ride at Dreamworld

Yeah TOT was scary... Apparently there was a power outage as we returned to the station. We hit block brakes about 5 metres behind the station. They then run an extension lead to power the harnesses to release you and walk you out. Was enough to put me off doing it again. TOT mislaunch, for some reason it didn't launch properly and slowly rolled out the end of the tunnel (original TOT) MDMC mislaunch, launch kicked in and train slipped on launch as it had been raining. We were stopped immediately and brought back to the station to try again.

If the ride had a power outage and the magnetic brakes failed, why would the block brakes still work? They run on electricity too don't they?

Sure, there has got to be more to that since they're failsafe

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I got stuck on the very top of the lift hill on Rocky Hollow Log Ride at Dreamworld

If the ride had a power outage and the magnetic brakes failed, why would the block brakes still work? They run on electricity too don't they?

Sure, there has got to be more to that since they're failsafe

The section that you face before you launch are all earth magnets - the very same that are underneath the carriage. When there's an e-stop, they essentially "bog" the pod in its place. This is in contrast to the white blocks down the track, which are essentially insulated electromagnets that switch polarity at high-speed to push/pull the pod down the end of the track.

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  • 2 weeks later...

got stuck on Cyclone at DW on Sunday for twenty mins before the ride restarted most of people on the train were saying HELP!! I gotta admit the view of Oceans Parade looked pretty good from where I was sitting

also should point out we all had to wait for 30 mins sitting in the boarding area because the ride needed at least 20 people before they can let us on said the ride operator

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  • 2 weeks later...

Green Lantern was out of action for about 30mins this morning at about 10:15am when it got stuck just before the final inversions. Headed over to seaworld after lunch and Vikings revenge was shut down for about 45mins when the water flow basically stopped with boats being stuck on the uphill and just after the splashdown.

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  • 1 month later...

Apparently when I rode ToT2, they parked the car wrong! We were all yelling go again but they said that if they did that the brakes wouldn't work or some crap. We reversed back a bit, then came in again. I could tell there were problems because the countdown went but we didn't launch... weird :D

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