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What rides have you gotten stuck on, or have seen broken down?


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I just Got back from la and i got stuck on a lot of rides ! So i'm going to tell you my story Grizzly River Run : at DCA aka Disney California Adventure : got stuck there for 10 mins :huh: The Little Mermaid Ariel's Undersea Adventure : also at DCA : My Lapbar Went up near the end ! And ....................... Very Boring ride also <_< Now at Disneyland.......... Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin : my fav ! :D : Got Stuck for 45 mins ! Haunted Mansion Holiday :First My Doom Buggie's lapbar went up ! And next it it broke down ! :D Have You got stuck on rides or saw rides broken before ?

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Almost every ride at Australia's Wonderland had some sort of issue while in queue or on ride WipeOut jammed partway through The Claw power failure Cyclone stopped going up lift hill Tower of Terror overshot station on return Tower of Terror mislaunch MDMC mislaunch Corkscrew stopped going up lift hill Scooby Doo lift didn't line up (multiple times) Scooby Doo fire system went off Superman Escape rollback Batwing harness released on 2nd time stopping upwards belt held only LW brakes stuck on LW stopped going up lift hill WWF stuck after backwards section These are just the ones I was on when they occured.

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Almost every ride at Australia's Wonderland had some sort of issue while in queue or on ride WipeOut jammed partway through The Claw power failure Cyclone stopped going up lift hill Tower of Terror overshot station on return Tower of Terror mislaunch MDMC mislaunch Corkscrew stopped going up lift hill Scooby Doo lift didn't line up (multiple times) Scooby Doo fire system went off Superman Escape rollback Batwing harness released on 2nd time stopping upwards belt held only LW brakes stuck on LW stopped going up lift hill WWF stuck after backwards section These are just the ones I was on when they occured.

What's MDMC ?
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TOT overshot the station? Crap, thats pretty worrying. Surely they'd make sure it wouldnt overshoot enough to hit the end of the tunnel though? I thought the magnetic brakes would make sure it stops before the station. Also I'd love to see/be on Superman when it rolls back. Its not surprising its had a rollback, it really crawls over the top hat. Also, what do you mean by mislaunch? Only thing thats happened while I was on a ride was the Cyclone stopped going up the lift hill for 10 minutes. Half an hour later after some rides, we came back to find it had got stuck again. It had been raining that day and apparently the chain motor system got clogged.

Edited by alex_1
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Yeah TOT was scary... Apparently there was a power outage as we returned to the station. We hit block brakes about 5 metres behind the station. They then run an extension lead to power the harnesses to release you and walk you out. Was enough to put me off doing it again. TOT mislaunch, for some reason it didn't launch properly and slowly rolled out the end of the tunnel (original TOT) MDMC mislaunch, launch kicked in and train slipped on launch as it had been raining. We were stopped immediately and brought back to the station to try again.

Edited by Wyncenuros
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They have a large brake section behind the station for that exact purpose, in the same way they have the brake section at the top of the tower - contingencies for the unlikely. I would imagine the mislaunch is a case of the electromagnets not firing in the right timing to impact on the car, so a bit of a launch but then a slow roll and probably not up the tower at all. Two rides I've had unusual happenings on are Lethal Weapon and Giant Drop - on Lethal, somebody left their thongs on and the operators noticed as we were headed up the lift hill. The stopped the motor, walked up the stairs and got the person's thongs from them. Once the operator was back inside the station we got going again. The other on Giant Drop was somebody grabbing a camera out of their pocket when the high-speed section of the winch had stopped. Observant operators put the winch into reverse and brought us back down, got the camera off the offender and sent us back up again.

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Only thing I can remember was Batwing in the opening couple of days Harness released as we were going up to the launch position. At that stage we were Only about half a metre off the ground. I undid the belt and jumped down. Ride ops brought everyone back down and turns out everyOnes had undone and we being held only by belt

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Only thing I can remember was Batwing in the opening couple of days Harness released as we were going up to the launch position. At that stage we were Only about half a metre off the ground. I undid the belt and jumped down. Ride ops brought everyone back down and turns out everyOnes had undone and we being held only by belt

lol ! :)
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I got stuck on Superman Escape at the section where it stops and then launches you out. The ride stopped, Superman said he was going to get us out and then NOTHING. They then told us over the PA to sit tight and someone would be there in a few minutes. People turned up but said they couldn't get us out of our seats as the ride was "primed" and could go off at any moment so we had to wait another couple of minutes until it was safe to get out. They then plugged something into the side of each seat and opened them up so we could get out. I was in the back, so I was last out and we then walked through a tunnel under the ride to get out. It all took around 20 minutes so it was also the longest roller coaster ride i had ever been on!!!

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With ToT from the station up to the tower all those magnets are powered, how else do get moving from the station? Sometimes things stuff up, but the magnets behind or now in front of the station (on how you look at it) are not, same as on SE and GD so if you overshoot the station your going to hit them and these ones are very powerful; so its going to be a bit of a hard stop, but you will stop. There is nothing unsafe with it and it has been designed to foresee any possible problems and then take the steps to prevent them. If it wasn't safe it wouldn't be running. As for me, every now and then I've seen rides break down and stop, but never been on them. Closest I got was a bird on the ToT tracks and we had to go back into the waiting area until it had flown away before we were allowed to board.

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Same thing happened to me on the TOT in about 2006-2007 cannot remember which year it was. It overshot the station and we just had to get out at the back, at the time I don't think I really realised what had happened but now I obviously know what it was. Scary stuff but I know it is completely safe for that to happen.

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I know its safe, but I just thought that the magnetic breaks were designed so the natural guaranteed power of magnets will bring it to a stop. Maybe Im thinking of Giant Drop's magnetic breaks? And when TOT overshot, did the normal breaks slow it at all or did they not work whatsoever?

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Theme park rides that I have been on that broke: Tower of Terror (Original): Drive Trip and E-Brake Cyclone: Lift Stop Claw: Various ride stops Wipeout: E-Stop mid ride BuzzSaw: Stuck on lift for 5 minutes Lethal Weapon: Lift stop (motor ended up frying) Scooby Doo: Ride stop (Evac from High Zone and Lift) Wild West Falls: E-Stop 2nd lift Superman Escape: Stopped mid course and rollback. Looney Tunes River Ride: Evac'ed mid ride Corkscrew: Stopped mid lift due to lightning storm and Evacuated Bermuda Triangle: Stopped both lifts and evacuated, stopped on first turntable (evac) and stopped mid flood dump scene (evac) all in the one day... Buzz Lightyear Astro Blasters (HKDL) Ride stalled for several minutes which allowed us to get real high points before restarting. Pirates Revenge (Sunway Lagoon): Harness would not release, was sent around again. Carnival Rides that have broken down whilst riding: Space Roller: Main ride boom wouldn't lower, so got sent around again SkyWalker: Harness failed to unlock Cyber Party: Gondola's didn't rise and power failure Hurricane: Ride just kept spinning but refused to bounce Flash Dance: Ride just spun but didn't oscilate WaveSwinger: Ride lifted but didn't spin Thunderbolt: Power Failure

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It started to slow and then suddenly the sensation stopped. At that point you could tell something wasn't right. We shot through the station and suddenly stopped, imagine the GL stop on some of those vids and multiply it by 10. It was really full on.

Couldn't have put it better myself. Although the thing is I didn't realise we overshot the station until we were fully slowed down.
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TOT: Original - Ride ran out of juice about half way along launch, rolled up the tower maybe 10m if that, then got dragged back to the station and reset/launched again. Apparantly one of the sensors lost track of the ride. Seen wipeout broken heaps of times. Also saw Jokers revenge @ SFMM stuck on the chain for a good half an hour. Alice in wonderland ride @ Disneyland broke down for 20mins as we were at the front of the queue

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Ive been pretty lucky, in all the rides and parks ive been on/to I have only been stuck on Space mountain at WDW and Star Tours at Disneyland Paris. On Space mountain a guy had to come and push our train into the station as we stopped near the end. We had to sit in the dark for a while before the lights came on which was suprising. As for Star Tours it was simply the ride breaking down half way through.

Edited by MacPark
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