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Sea World Wild: What Could It Be?


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Well I guess it was assumed.

Dinosaur Island was announced as only remaining for one year. It was to close in June/July last year for the Wild attraction which had a targeted opening of 2014 at the time. With Dinosaur Island closing 8 months after it was supposed to, a 2015 opening of Wild (or at least something on that reclaimed land) seems likely.

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I am also curious - and since it seems to have been lost in the melee i'll ask it again -

is the 'Wild' poster still on display in the park (there was a billboard next to the skyway station across from shark bay that had both Wild and Storm - now that Storm is open, i'm wondering whether any changes to that board have been made. With just a year until wild's posted '2015' opening date, i'm wondering whether work will begin - or whether (like LTRR and the Mini-MovieWorld Cars Ride) the concept has been shelved to head in another direction.

Wild advertising, none exists. Both boards with the Storm/Wild promotion have been made into one large Storm promotion now. So has wild been put on the backburner? Or given they delayed it and the animals they were getting might have needed somewhere to go, have they been sent elsewhere so this may not go ahead now?

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Hmmm Mini-Cars now Wild.

Sounds like Village have a case of Premature Advertisement.

The mini cars was definitely going ahead as of late May last year. Someone said earlier that it was put on hold to fund the new polar bear shores extension.

Wild, I'm not so sure about. They were advertising from a fair while before the opening date without releasing very much information. This is more likely to be a case of premature advertisement, but you still can't be certain.

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Let's not attack them for this though.

We've long bemoaned the park remaining tightlipped over what was coming, even when footers were drilled and poured.

Having our parks come out with news of their installation 1-2 years ahead of projected opening date is good, but it does have the downside that if something else happens, and they have to change plans, they're going to look a little silly with billboards up - most people wouldn't have paid attention to Wild that much and be in a position to remember that it was ever there. I think we have to cut them a little slack if they occasionally have a 'premature' moment.

VRTP have proven that they're all about 'big wow' moments with their new attractions, and in recent times, I can't think of any new attraction that has disappointed. If Wild has disappeared from SeaWorld, then maybe they couldn't do it the way they wanted to, or they're considering alternatives.

We all remember VRTP's attempt to secure Werribee Zoo, then Wild comes and goes.... they obviously want to enter the 'land animal' market, having made two attempts already, so whether wild has been shelved or not, I don't think thats the last we've seen of 'animal' suggestions.

Just have to wait and see.

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Yeah they have finished placing the sand now, there is a channel through the middle but I believe that is staying. So now they just play the waiting game.

They should be able to start building on Dinosaur Island though.

Oh I didn't realise they have finished. I would say that the channel will fit around the theme of the area. I don't think Sea World knew a date until a few weeks ago of when Dinosaur Island would be closing, but as the sand is finished they can close it to start work. I would say by the end of March all of Dinosaur Island will be gone and work should have begun. I don't think work on the reclaimed land will start until the end of the year.

Does anyone have a photo of the current progress???

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I'm with Brad. They've taken great pains to erase all references to Wild. So far all they've done is reclaim land which they can use for any purpose (a new coaster would go well in there but i think Sea World is a little coaster heavy at present)...

We'll just have to wait and see, but at least rest assured that VRTP may leave an area sit for a while, but it's usually because they're working on something fantastic to replace it - Bermuda - storm, Batman - Justice League....

Whatever comes along i'm sure it will be worth the wait.

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^which will tell you a helluva lot more than actually revealing anything.

Given conversations by other members here that AREN'T employees (that were later deleted or edited), there are several people out there that have an idea of what VRTP are thinking, but those people, like employees, are currently bound by confidentiality. In time, when they're ready, they'll tell us. In the meantime, we'll just have to keep speculating.

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Throwing a guess out there. I say we'll hear an announcement mid to late year after the excitement dies down over HWSD2 - or at least their promos (basing this on them wanting to spread the love around their parks). Let's say we have an announcement at the latest September 2014, I'd say we could look at an opening Easter 2015 or September 2015 at the latest.

However, in my second opinion, now that Storm's here, the love could move back to MW and we might hear something about LTRR.

Finally in my third guess, the love heads back on over to WnW. I mean we've gone Constrictor > Storm > HWSD2, so they might head back to WnW, although they seem to focus less on them compared to the others, or at least it seems that way to me.

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i think they've got a good balance around the traps - all the parks are close to a critical mass - there isn't much room left without dramatically altering the park layouts.

They need to use up some of the extra land they're sitting on, rather than continuously cramming it all into the same small spaces...

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Agreed AlexB. The time is very near where the parks will need to expand onto virgin territory-especially in the case of MovieWorld and Dreamworld. This will mean some involved planning and some real thought for the future as both parks decide on attractions and the direction that that each park will take over the next 5-10 years

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