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Hehe I made a good point :). I'd love a good theme park to open in sydney. If there are a good selection of coasters and thrill rides not just simulators, I will deffinantly go there. We deffinantly need a theme park with up to date rollercoasters too like a B&M to thrill Aussies because we don't have Any major rollercoasters except for superman escape. This is a wonderfull idea and hope to see more plans and construction details soon.

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It's odd you say that Jacbo96, given that people all over the world come to me for the most advanced technological developments in this industry... you will be surprised when we open, at the cutting edge technology, but as I said earlier, we cannot show all this information on our websites, as it is strictly and highly confidential material, as I'm sure you can appreciate.

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OK, I think I've finally stopped laughing enough to type...... actually hang on................




Ok, I'm good now....I think.

Donate $25,001.00 Or More

From $25,001 up to $50,000+ 4x FantasmicWorld merchandise showbags, plus one annual family pass (2 Adults & up to 3 Children) to the 7 Realms Theme Park. Plus a family pass to your choice of an Ponderland Studios Red Carpet movie premier, and VIP treatment! Plus and exclusive VIP invitation to the 'VIP' Opening of the FantasmicWorld Spaceship building and 7 Realms Theme Park.

Ok, So if I donate $25k to this ...."project" all you'd give me is a 1 year pass? 25k and you wouldn't even give me a lifetime pass?

Sorry, was about to back this but I think I'll save my money and get 250 years access to WVTP parks.

Edited by reanimated35
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It very educational, maybe too educational. Don't get me wrong, I love this idea, but maybe if you make part of it like a science centre and place rides and rollercoasters themed to that theme. Like theme parks with a space world, take tomorrowland as an example, there are educational pieces around and rides themed to that theme, but it's not overly educational. One other thing. The names of the different lands are hard to pronounce, maybe change the names so children and families can understand what the land is all about.

Edited by zacsta_1997
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I'm so confused about what to believe about FatasmicWorld. In my eyes, this is just like one of those ambitious UAE theme parks that end up being cancelled as soon as they have started. Are you guys trying to be a EPCOT-Oz? If you are, your failing miserably. This doesn't look exciting or thrilling at all; it just looks like a giant science centre/ museum with a monorail out the back. The reason that EPCOT succeeds is because it blurs the line between education and entertainment. Your park, on the other hand, looks like nothing but education. If you want this ambition to eventually go ahead and "Fantasmagonical", look at EPCOT and other edutainment-esque parks (like Busch Gardens and Sea World) and dissect what makes them be so successful.

One other thing. The names of the different lands are hard to pronounce, maybe change the names so children and families can understand what the land is all about.

I agree. Themed lands in most parks work because you can easily predict what the land's theme will be (E.g Tomorrowland, Sunset Blvd., New York). Instead, they've gone to the ​Marry Poppin's School of Words and went with whatever came up first.

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EPCOT blurs the line between education and entertainment. Your park, on the other hand, looks like nothing but education. If you want this ambition to eventually go ahead and "Fantasmagonical", look at EPCOT and other edutainment-esque parks (like Busch Gardens and Sea World) and dissect what makes them be so successful.

Some people on this forum may think this as a joke, but there are a lot of people that would like a new major theme park. We are not hating your ideas (they are good ideas) we are just giving you ideas for improvement with your plans. You came to us for advise and we are trying to help. Zanstabar is right too maybe a little less education to make it a little bit more appealing to families and teens. As a teenager myself, still in school I know that there are some teens that are put off places because they are sick of learning, you very rarely see teens at a science centre unless they are doing research or are forced to like excursions. Just a theme park may appeal better to families and teens, and put a science centre next to it Edited by zacsta_1997
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To be honest, if you plan on pulling potential investors, even through your gogetfunding page, you are going to have to tell them a little more about the technologies and amazing rides you have thought up, things that are less ridiculous than the ideas posted and actually believe you. Don't get me wrong though, I'm somewhat interested in the project at hand.

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Some people on this forum may think this as a joke, but there are a lot of people that would like a new major theme park. We are not hating your ideas (they are good ideas) we are just giving you ideas for improvement with your plans. You came to us for advise and we are trying to help.

I would love to see a new park here in Australia.It may just be that kick in the arse that Ardent needs...

To be honest, if you plan on pulling potential investors, even through your gogetfunding page, you are going to have to tell them a little more about the technologies and amazing rides you have thought up, things that are less ridiculous than the ideas posted and actually believe you. Don't get me wrong though, I'm somewhat interested in the project at hand.

I second this. The website could really do with some work. At the moment, we don't even know if the park has a single ride or even a show.

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The website could really do with some work. At the moment, we don't even know if the park has a single ride or even a show.

The only thing I found was, if you go on the fantasmicworld website and go on the "7 realms" selection. Choose your realm and there should be a link that says 'rides and attractions' that shows a couple of rides and attractions proposes for the realms. To fit ove 100 rides and attractions this thing must be huge
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Ok... the 'Edutainment factor' is not in your face, you won't even realise you are learning stuff, you will be having way to much fun, but your mind will know.

As both a Designer, Conceptual Engineer and Quantum physicist, I have applied a combination of highly advance technologies, many of which you will never even have heard of yet, and exact physics, to create experiences that will seem so real, your body and mind will believe they are. The Educational factor is purely a side effect of enjoying the thrill, amazement and exhilaration of fully immersible experiences. I like to us the SuperNova XI as an example; When you board the space craft at the space terminal in Astron, you will look out your window, or the pilots front window and see the terminal you just stepped in from, and the illusion starts there.

Using advanced cutting edge seamless HD 3D Omnisphere nano technology with an infinity depth factor created by optical placement, what you see out your window, to you will be the real world. When the applied 'exact' physics of take-off kick in, you will feel genuine thrust and take off, as the ride applies the three sets of physics encountered in space travel, Earthbound, Atmospheric and Space vacuums. And as you soar into the wide void, you may already be saying to yourself, "My God, I think they are really taking us into space!"

However, that is only the start. you may, depending on which flight you are aboard, then fly past all the planets in our solar system so close to them, if you could open your window, you would be able to touch them... you won't be thinking, 'That is the best image of Jupiter I've ever seen', you will probably be thinking by this stage...'Wow, that is actually Jupiter, and I am so close to it, I could almost touch it'.

Then you may go on any number of wild adventures, designed by people like George Lucas 's Industrial Light magic team, at such amazing resolutions, you will be fully immersed in them, not watching them as a third party observer. You may pull into an Alien space station, where a mysterious field is applied to the ship that allows you to enter a wormhole, or black hole horizon, and transverse into an alternate Universe. Any number of adventures that might happen on your ride.

But when the fun stuff comes to a close and the pilot turns the ship back to home, as you are zooming along toward the Earth, the pilot pulls the ship up abruptly and informs you that you have to take a holding position until you get authority to re-enter Earth's Atmosphere. The lights go out and the only illumination you can see, is the tiny blue orb that is our home, Earth, through the pilots window. By now, you won't be looking at it as an image of Earth, you will be seeing it as the real Earth just like the Astronauts that went to the moon.

Having listened to many Astronauts and cosmonauts talk about how seeing Earth from distant space, effected they way the think about the Earth, the way they treat it, and the way they look and treat other humans, knowing first hand that we are a single race living on a tiny fragile blue orb in the middle of nowhere. No neighbours around to help us in a crisis, nothing... just tiny sparkles in an otherwise black empty void. I remember one particular Astronaut who said when I looked down at that tiny little planet, I realised that my family were down there, and it is the only home we have, so it really dawned on me how important it is to look after it and each other.

So, the human mind, on average, takes 28 seconds to contemplate the object it is looking at, so this ride is going to have the longest pause of any ride I have ever known... the pilot is going to hold that position in the silence of space for 30 seconds, and the only thing you will be able to see is the tiny planet Earth. Then the pilot will simply say, we have permission to land, and you will zoom toward Earth at lightening speed and power through the Earth's atmosphere to land safely back on the ground.

Now, that ride has four pods, each carrying 20 passenger and one pilot, that is 80 passengers per ride, and it is also one of the longest turn around rides designed, so do the math, 80 passengers, every ten minutes, 7 days a weak, 364 days a year... if only 1% of people get off that ride and say... "I really have to think carefully about the way I treat the Earth and my fellow human beings and change my thinking and actions for the better", then that entire $68 billion dollar complex with over 90 other rides and attractions is a huge success... that is EDUTAINMENT !

Now consider that there are in fact rides and attractions that fill FantasmicWorld, that all have some elements of that magical Edutainment ingredient, all aimed at helping you explore, discover and learn, so you can ultimately create and be more than you ever dreamed. That is the vision of ElysianWorld incorporating FantasmicWorld.

Yes the project is costing a lot of money, $68 Billion to the completion of stage 5 and into stage 6. Stage 7 is a living organism expansion stage. The focus in FantasmicWorld is 'Entertainment' with a philosophy in 'Education through Entertainment', it is the ElysianWorld precincts that are more focused toward Human Advancement and Improvement and Education, with real world applications and developments, to assist and help in many of the real world problems we face today and in our foreseeable future.

When Disneyland first opened, people could barely get their head around the style of park, the names and ideas... it was all totally foreign to them and many people even criticised the notion of it on variable levels before it opened. FantasmicWorld is what it is, it is most definitely not an EPCOT or an attempt to be an EPCOT 2... it is evolutions ahead of that, but you won't know that until the gates open.

Of course our Venture Partners, Backers, Investors, Lawyers and Management are all privilege to more finer details about designs, engineering, technologies etc, but as I have said, this is a multi billion dollar project and neither our legal firm or Venture Capital partners, nor myself would allow the highly sensitive and highly classified designs and technologies to be out in public domain before the gates open. Every person that has, is and will work on this project, signs a strict Non-Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement, that if broken may result in severe litigation and even jail terms. While I appreciate all your ideas and suggestions, the idea here was just to get opinions of where you think in Australia would be the best place to build this project.

The project will be built as it is, and I assure you, it will be far more than you are imagining it to be. The websites have not been set up as public promotional sites, they are there essentially as an attachment to our very comprehensive Business Plan and our very extensive Development & Operations Schedule and Budget Plan, which accounts for every step and stage of development and operations, and every single dollar of expenditure for the first 5 years of development and operations across the first five stages of the total 7 stage project. there is 30 years of development and planning gone into this project so far, keeping up with cutting edge technologies all the way and in many cases creating and developing new technologies some of which you are using today. If we do not get a favourable response from Australia for this project, Australia will sadly loose it to one of the four other countries who have put their hand up and desperately want us to build in their counttry, offering all manner of incentives for us to do so, including additional infrastructure and money. I am a born and bread Australian, I have lived and worked all over the world and I know first hand that we here in Oz, have a brilliant pool of creative mind power, and I would love to build this in Australia, not only for the people of Australia, but also to showcase to the world how brilliant we truly are, despite all our shortcomings. Regarding the tags... I apologise, I was under the impression they were simply SEO words or phrases to help people who are looking for this type of info, to find this forum and topic. This site is great for people wanting to keep up-to-date with the world of Theme and Entertainment parks, but I am finding it does have a few snags.

I'm not about to continue justifying our project that has taken 30 years and a lot of dedicated people to put together, suffice to say, if we do build it in Australia, and keep in mind, Australia is purely a contender at the moment, I believe you will be more than pleased and amazed with the result... if nothing else, there is most definitely nothing anywhere close to like it in Australia... and for those of you who have been lucky enough to visit complexes like Walt Disney World in Florida, USA, which is a 25 thousand acre complex, as opposed to the 300 acre or so parks here in Oz, I would hope you would encourage the millions of Australians who have never been to Walt Disney World and will probably never be able to afford it, to cast their vote to have this project built in Australia where they can visit. Thanks for all your comments.

Edited by ElysianWorld
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If you're planning on spending $60bn on this,

1 - Just buy Dreamworld and do something with it

2 - Spend more than 20 bucks on website design. Regardless of it being designed for public use or not, you've put it in the public realm and it looks like something I would have designed 10-12 years ago in a basic high school IT class.

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Well that was a fantastic persuasive ploy, the Super Nova sounds like an incredibly immersive ride experience. However, you say investors are given access to more detailed and classified information, but investors generally need to know a lot about a project for them to confidently place their money into it, do they not?

In asking your question, the park would be best suited in Sydney or Melbourne as Gold Coast already has parks but also has a smaller population and smaller international tourist numbers. Whilst I'd love for it to be built in Melbourne (because I live there, and because we are yet to have a proper theme park) I believe Sydney would be best suited.

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The Term Theme Park was coined by Walt Disney back in the early 1950's when he was designing and building Disneyland, which opened the year I was born 1955.

Wrong again genius.

While Disney has long been credited with inventing the theme park, it is common knowledge that Walt took inspiration from places such as Tivoli Gardens and even Knott's. Walt didn't coin the term, he simply made it well known... since it was the first park to have it's own TV show.

Of course our Venture Partners, Backers, Investors, Lawyers and Management are all privilege to more finer details about designs, engineering, technologies etc, but as I have said, this is a multi billion dollar project and neither our legal firm or Venture Capital partners, nor myself would allow the highly sensitive and highly classified designs and technologies to be out in public domain before the gates open. Every person that has, is and will work on this project, signs a strict Non-Disclosure Confidentiality Agreement, that if broken may result in severe litigation and even jail terms.

If we do not get a favourable response from Australia for this project, Australia will sadly loose it to one of the four other countries who have put their hand up and desperately want us to build in their counttry, offering all manner of incentives for us to do so, including additional infrastructure and money. I am a born and bread Australian, I have lived and worked all over the world and I know first hand that we here in Oz, have a brilliant pool of creative mind power, and I would love to build this in Australia, not only for the people of Australia, but also to showcase to the world how brilliant we truly are, despite all our shortcomings.

I'm not about to continue justifying our project that has taken 30 years and a lot of dedicated people to put together, suffice to say, if we do build it in Australia, and keep in mind, Australia is purely a contender at the moment, I believe you will be more than pleased and amazed with the result... if nothing else, there is most definitely nothing anywhere close to like it in Australia...

I would hope you would encourage the millions of Australians who have never been to Walt Disney World and will probably never be able to afford it, to cast their vote to have this project built in Australia where they can visit.

We have been planning, and are about to build a multi Billion Dollar Global Complex, incorporating the world's most advanced Theme Park in Australia…
Linked to the site in Australia, which we call the 'Mothership' site, being the largest of the sites and principle World Headquarters, will be additional smaller sites we call 'Satellites', in other selected location around the world. Some of these satellite locations include, New Zealand, Hawaii, Canada, the Bahamas and Western Europe/UK.
The locations we are looking at, to build the 'Mothership', are; Melbourne Victoria, Central to Northern NSW Coast, Sydney NSW, Gold Coast Queensland, Sunshine Coast Queensland, Central Queensland Coast & Great Barrier Reef region, or Northern Queensland up around Cairns and Port Douglas and Great Barrier reef region.

Your original post states "we are about to built in australia" then talks about australia being the 'mothership site' as the largest and principle world headquarters (it's Principal by the way). You also go on to name which areas of australia you are looking at. You didn't put this forward as one option - it was THE option - you were ABOUT TO BUILD IN AUSTRALIA.... and now you're suggesting it won't be if it isn't supported.... not a very subtle mind-game - pretend to take your proposal away to make everyone beg you to stay?

I call bullshit - as has been said - you need information publicly available for potential investors to sign up. All this talk of confidentiality and non disclosure is bullshit. You keep likening yourself to Disney - well when Disney built Disneyland in 1955 - he ran a television show THREE YEARS before the park opened, and continued it well after - he wasn't hiding anything - he'd proudly show every concept and construction as it happened...

Does everyone remember the wack-job who wanted to built 'Habitat Waterford' in a lagoon in Sea World? I think we found his brother.

I wasn't able to view your 'fantasmagomical video' yesterday behind my office firewall so after today viewing it let me tell you what I think -

All these investors, backers, venture capitalists, lawyers and management people - and not one of them could hook you up with a recording studio and a professional voiceover artist to do the narration? Why is there a loud bang in the middle of your speech? Not enough money for a second take?

For a guy who has $68 billion dollars behind him, you strike me as working out of your 3 bedroom home.

At least the last guy who talked about rebuilding Wonderland had an ABN, and an ASIC registered company. That at least showed some money going into official sources to give the project legitimacy.

What have you got? A CANCELLED sole trader ABN in the name of Christopher Daniels, trading as Elysian World


If all of this wonderful technology is so secretive - then patent it. Then you can share the patents with potential investors because:

  1. patent registration implies the idea is both yours and unlike anything anyone has seen before
  2. it costs money to do - further legitimising you
  3. others will believe this is more than a bunch of crap.

I'll hang my hat on the statement that this POS will never get off the ground in it's current form for 68 billion reasons... and if i'm wrong, i'll buy the first ticket. and fly every person who has so far commented on this thread to attend the VIP opening.

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Well, it's not going to be built in Perth. The Inspire WA Project has been very quiet since April last year and the Barnett Government seems to be watching its pennies.

My other preferences would be Sydney or the Gold Coast.

My only problem with this proposal: if it's so educational why are there so many grammatical errors?

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