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A Replacement for Dinosaur island

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Not so fast Brad - this idea has it's own merit. I think it's clear by the removal of the signage and lack of work suggests the concept as it was may have been put to bed.

This discussion isn't talking about wild, but what Sea World will do with that area... i'm all for this discussion, and disagree that the Wild discussions have covered this...

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As there is no underwater viewing area there, I fail to see that theme working unless you have giant fish and aquatic species sitting on concrete.

Aren't they just animatronics or preserved specimens, suspended from wires from the ceiling, with moody lighting etc to make it feel like you are at the bottom of the ocean with stuff around you?

Edited by Gazza
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Pretty much Gazza. Not particularly exciting, SW could do better than this. HOWEVER whilst on the subject how about using this as a theme (mythical creatures of the deep) for a wonderful family friendly thrill dark ride along the lines of this new innovation in theme park thrills coming to Europa Park this year http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Arthur_-_The_Ride

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I'm sure I heard something about a "Creatures of the Deep" exhibit going in were the dinosaur Island discovery centre was, with animatronic figures of deep sea creatures like giants squids on display, (though I could b confused with the QLD Museums upcoming display).

I think that was a Future of Fun survey - it also asked what it should be called, and I think CotD was by far the leading name.

Alex - understand your point, yet nearly everyone has answered the question talking about Wild anyway, which was what I figured Would happen.

I think though that the discussion over on Wild has focused on Wild or a Wild substitute, rather than just 'anything' that you could put in there. Personally, I'd like to see them dredge that area to make a nice lake that they could develop some kind of ski-stunt show - motorboats, explosions, different types of skis - single, double, wake boards, sit-down skis... they could even try a grand finale stunt like a ski-pyramid... that'd be something cool and unique that you can't see anywhere else... like on Foxtel...

how about using this as a theme (mythical creatures of the deep) for a wonderful family friendly thrill dark ride along the lines of this new innovation in theme park thrills coming to Europa Park this year

A nice idea - personally I think SW needs more external flats (MW does too). We all carry on about wanting Disney-esque attractions, but nobody pays attention to the fact that Disney parks have attractions like Dumbo, King-Arthur's Carousel, Rocket Jets, Hell even things like Autopia. For a park the size of Sea World, and taking into account it's animal base, Storm's dark ride component is good. A few different (quality) flats in that area would really round out the park, given that as an adult, you can either ride a rollercoaster, a boat, or both... there are no other experiences unless you're a kid....

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As there is no underwater viewing area there, I fail to see that theme working unless u have giant fish and aquatic species sitting on concrete.

They wouldn't be able to physically keep living specimens from the "deep ocean", they require darkness, and very high amounts of water pressure which could not be achieved, that's why they use as Gazza said preserved specimens and models of the animals. I think the exhibit would be a good escape on warmer days and offer a more educational experience for all ages.

They could utilise the indoor space that held the animatronics simular to the way the turtle exhibition is displayed at the QLD Museuem (obviously mad to look like the deep ocean though not a reef).


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