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2015 in Dreamworld - ABC Kids World, V8 Supercars and more


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Look - as an adult - i find BRC cringeworthy - but i'm not the target market. I'm sure that any wiggles-aged kid who goes on that enjoys nothing more than singing along to their favourite tunes whilst being immersed in the 'wiggles house'... and i'm sure the parents of said kid will:

  1. love the smile it puts on the child's face - especially considering the littlies can't ride much else outside of that area
  2. probably buy the on ride photo of little johnny in the big red car - having a positive influence on revenue and per cap spend.
  3. enjoy the opportunity to sit down in air conditioned comfort for a few minutes during a wild day at dreamworld, whilst the rugrat is thoroughly occupied and entertained.

I like the news that their going with some additions, and some rethemes - the maze sounds like a nice little addition and a new ride will round out the area nicely. More opportunities for costumed characters too (in that the main focus for the wiggles are face characters who can't really be played by anyone else) so B1 and B2 can make some appearances as well...


I mean seriously - Dorothy, Wags and (to a degree) Captain Feathersword aren't really the characters the kids flock to (ok maybe Dorothy a little bit!)... but costumed characters are far easier to pull off.


Thanks to the mod who changed the topic heading - that was quick!~

I went on the big red car ride when I was there on my own with no kids. I enjoyed myself so much and had fun singing along with all the songs and looking at the wiggles memorabilia. I'm a funny adult. I love things for their sentimentality 

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There's a great comparison here too....


every once in a while, Disney (Dreamworld) come out with a stupidly fantastic product that everyone raves about - Frozen (Insert whichever ride you like best - eg: wipeout, ToT, GD etc) is the most recent example.

But for all the blockbusters - like Frozen (claw) and the Little Mermaid (Thunder River), they also have their foul-ups - like Atlantis: The Lost Empire (MDMC) or The Rescuers Down Under (Buzzsaw).

They can't all be blockbusters. If every film Disney did was the multi-billion dollar success that is the Frozen franchise - they'd have to slow down production - to give each film the chance to earn it's full worth before moving onto the next one.

When Disney has a flop, it lets the film quietly fade into obscurity without much fanfare. They'll even halt work on a theme park attraction and go back to the drawing board if the film isn't as successful as they thought it would be (Atlantis \ Nemo Subs), but they don't withdraw the film for sale or viewing. They let it have it's run on video, and there will be some people out there who absolutely love it despite it being a bomb...

This is MDMC. MDMC is Atlantis: The Lost Empire. It's a bomb. It's so bad because it was hyped up by the company prior to it's debut, everyone got excited. everyone raved about how awesome it was going to be... and then premiere day comes around.... and its disappointing...

But all the merchandising and licensing agreements are in place and we've just spent millions... so we'll just put it out there, slowly try and recoup our costs, honour our licensing agreements and let it fade into the background slowly (or sometimes quickly).

Hey I love rescuers down under xd

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I was speaking to a white water world employee about the Peter Brock cars attraction. She said it was a completely new attraction and it hadn't been built yet. I was hoping it was going to come as a cyclone retheme, but I'm not sure that that will happen. 

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Still dreaming for something like Intimidator 305 or Top Thrill Dragster...

My dreams will never come true though... :(

Not it to fill you with false hopes, but just because they aren't doing any big Motorsport based coaster doesn't mean it isn't going to happen at all. 

My dream would be for a mega lite out on the island with trains styled in a similar fashion to the 1950's Chevy Bel Air's on Xcelerator or the cars on Rita at Alton Towers. However, that may be a bit too stylised for Dreamworld realistic Motorsport section. 



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My money is on the cyclone getting re-themed to a v8 supercar roller coaster.  New train and queue turned into the museum.  If I remember correctly there is meant to be one major overhaul this year like what was completed last year on the Wipeout.  Cyclone has a 4 week maintenance period at the end of the year where this could be completed.

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