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Eureka Mountain Mine Ride reopening discussion


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Haha sorry bout that guys, had no idea that the comment would create so much attention.

...the icecream parlour which backs onto the mine ride mountain is apparently scheduled to be removed...

...back when Eureka used to be functional, he knew about a problem with the 'flooding' part of the ride - whilst the flood part of the ride was intentional, water used to unintentionally leak and into the icecream parlour and regularly cause flooding issues.

I don't remember there being a 'flooding' part of the ride, anyone care to elaborate? My memory of the ride isn't the best

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I don't remember there being a 'flooding' part of the ride, anyone care to elaborate? My memory of the ride isn't the best

Yeah I don't remember either tbh, it was such a long time ago when I rode it last. Unless he meant something to do with it being intertwined with the TRR. Maybe when the mine ride was in operation, it caused water to leak from the river? Who knows. He just mentioned there used to be a known flooding issue between the icecream shop and the mine ride.

Once again it's a shame there is very little video footage of it around so we could confirm anything :(

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Man, I JUST missed a test run of the Mine Ride!!! I watched two mechanics walk into the exit between the theatre and the cafe, but didn't think anything more of it. Noted on my way to the river rapids that the mine cart from the other day was gone. Station was empty.

Went on the TRR, then walked past the Mine Ride again.... and all of a sudden there was a dummy filled mine cart sitting there, different spot to last time round!!! The two mechanics reappeared not long afterwards and I asked them if they had just tested the mine ride. Their response? "What mine ride???" LOL!!

Totally gutted I didn't stick around whilst it was in action... I could have filmed it D: Here's a post pic, you'll note the cart is in a diff spot to last time round. Sorry I couldn't do better lol!


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Oh... Worth noting that the test cart definitely had 4 water dummies in it this arvo. Can't see it very well in above pic as they were side by side, but I counted them first hand :D

You can see it a little better here. Does look like 4 in there.


Good to see they haven't forgotten about it, even if it did take them 200 years to remember the ride was still in the park.

Edited by reanimated35
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Looks like i'm gonna have to go back to Dreamworld again soon, and do some Investigationing...with Ryan Shelton (I'm still surprised nobody got that joke from last time)

Anyway, with the zoom lens on my camera I should be able to get some more photos like last time or even a video of the cart going round on the very unlikely event that I am there when they do test it... Which is like 1 in 1000 chance... or somethin...

Either way, I will definitely be renewing my pass at the end of June now :)

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I sure hope you're right, Ocean Girl

100% honest, dude. My husband is my alibi, he saw the empty station before we went on the TRR and then was just as shocked and surprised as I was when we came back out and - lo and behold - there is now mine cart sitting there lol. So I definitely wasn't seeing things! We became so excited when we remembered the two mechanics entering the building earlier and put two and two together.

I had actually first spotted the cart from the rapids ride when I looked up before going under the final bridge, my initial thought was that it had been there the entire time, just out of view from the bridge. However after we went back out to the bridge, the cart could be seen clear as day, as per the photo I posted. So it definitely had *not* been there beforehand in any shape or form! Either the mechanics had wheeled it out, or it went through a test run - and in light of recent events, I am guessing the latter :)

We were even asked a guest who was parked on the bridge with a pram if they happened to have seen it in action, alas, they didn't as they hadn't been there long. I did notice a few people poking around the mine ride area, though... one couple went up to that exit alleyway and was trying to peek inside.

I'm just so gutted I missed the opportunity of seeing it in action, I never would have thought that was going to happen then and there. Wasn't even gone for all that long, maybe 5-10 mins as the TRR was practically a walk-on at the time. Grrrr :( I went back to check it again before leaving the park at 5, but nothing had changed, the cart was still sitting in the same spot.

Believe me, I'm just as excited about seeing this thing come back as much as you guys are :) Which is funny given I actually disliked it back in the day, but it did form part of my childhood and I have emotional attachment to it... that and I really think Dreamworld needs more coasters :D

Anyway, with the zoom lens on my camera I should be able to get some more photos like last time or even a video of the cart going round on the very unlikely event that I am there when they do test it... Which is like 1 in 1000 chance... or somethin...

Either way, I will definitely be renewing my pass at the end of June now :)

Awesome, BTTF. Please do :) And good luck to you with your timing, you never know! Seems the maintenance team have been fairly active inside the ride lately, nearly every time we visit (which is 1-2 times a week at least) things are in different spots.

Just keep a close eye out for those mechanics wandering around lol... if you see them anywhere near the theatre or gold rush area, it's time to go into stickybeak mode ;)

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Haha will do OceanGirl! :)

Would it be best to go on a weekday or a weekend? I'm thinking a weekday would be better considering not many people are gonna be there during school hours in the middle of the week, and maintenance are probably not gonna work weekends.

You can see it a little better here. Does look like 4 in there.


Good to see they haven't forgotten about it, even if it did take them 200 years to remember the ride was still in the park.

I posted photos before showing the 4 water dummies spread across the loading platform, good to see that they are being used and not just there for storage as some people thought before ;) haha

Edited by BTTF Forever
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Would it be best to go on a weekday or a weekend? I'm thinking a weekday would be better considering not many people are gonna be there during school hours in the middle of the week, and maintenance are probably not gonna work weekends.

Def weekdays, for the exact reasons you've suggested. Its the best time to visit the park in general anyway if you want to get the most out of your visit, as lineups for rides are minimal :)

You can see it a little better here. Does look like 4 in there.

Good to see they haven't forgotten about it, even if it did take them 200 years to remember the ride was still in the park.

Here, let me help you with that. I took more than one pic at the time lol, was mucking around with the zoom on my iphone :P


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I think going from a long winded description of the situation with no exclamation points to a short excited sentence with 2 exclamation points DOES count as a difference in tone or mood...

They are really fueling the fire now... I mean seriously "Stay Tuned!!" if thats not increasing hype IDK what is! haha

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Nah I'm with Alex on this one. It seems to be dependant on the tone of the person asking.

If the initial post for answer 2 was "OMG it will be so exciting if Eureka opens again!" - having answer 1 doesn't really fit and would seem like a copy/paste of a generic PR response. Their response is clearly just tailored to the individual guest asking the question.

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I think it's sounds a lot more optimistic as well. We know they have been doing test runs and valuating the ride's condition and future potential. Obviously there is more exciting news on the way, assumably sooner than later, otherwise why would they be already telling peeps to "stay tuned"?

This latest response by DW has me even more excited about what's currently going on behind the scenes :)

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