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Scooby-Doo needs some love


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cue reply from someone else who went today, and rode in the morning, with a completely different experience.

I think it's really hard for scooby to be 'bang on' with the fog all day long. Sure the machines should be capable of maintaining it - but with the constant movement of ride vehicles through it, it is constantly dispersed. I think those who experience 'heaps' of fog are usually entering the Disco room not long after the foggers have kicked in for a while and are at the 'high end' of the cycle... Others who complain it was poor are probably at the end of the cycle with the foggers only seconds away from kicking in again...

I'm sure the techs behind this can explain why this is - or maybe even look into upping the frequency of fog bursts on the machines... but that may have the effect of drying the machines out quicker - meaning less fog at the end of the day. (I have no idea how big the tanks are on each of these - but maybe there is a fine balance between bursts and endurance?)

On the flip side - maybe the machines deliberately switch off later in the day to save wasting fog juice at 4:30 in the afternoon-ish, and those who complain of not enough fog are those who dash in "after school" and only ever experience it that way?

*patiently waits for someone in the know to correct me*

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This may be a stupid idea, but would it be possible to have two sets of fog machines, each being in the 'high end'? For example, while Group 1 is at the 'high end', Group 2 is at the 'low end', and vice versa. While this may be more costly and technical in operations and maintenance, it could provide a more consistent appearance.

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It is a ride that sometimes suffers stoppages during the day. With the ride being worked on I imagine the smoke disperses from the room, especially if it's down for a couple of hours. It would take a bit of time to fill  room that size to the point where vision is seriously limited. Different than in the morning when they do pre show checks and everything is running before the park opens. 

If the ride resumes I doubt they would wait for every part to be perfect before sending cars through again.

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Yeah - then you can't see \ hear the 'Rikes! Ronsters! Rent that way!' from the first Scooby animatronic.

those who have no idea what we're talking about obviously haven't ever seen scooby running at 100%

Or in my case, they did when the ride first opened but can't really remember particular features from that long ago ??? I do remember the red vertical rope lights in the warehouse and the laser lighting in that section originally being a lot more impressive, however... I recall there being a lot more of them to begin with. 


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