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Ideas For Mazes, Precincts & Panic Rooms

Cooper Olsen

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I'd love to see a backstory version to Hillbilly Slasher- kinda like TCM: The Beginning. Either make it into a short film for the Roxy Theatre or into a maze. 

I'd like to see something like Film Vault but sorta a tribute to FN. Different characters from previous  mazes - Mick Taylor, Hillbilly Crew, WD, Clowns etc each room differently themed. Highly unlikely but would still be nice to see.

Definitley more IPs - Scream, A season of AHS, American Psycho would be cool, Silence of the Lambs or the Hannibal tv series. 

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I had this one kept close to my chest just in case, but I can always come up with more.


I love the concept of the Film Vault. Whether it's well known characters, or  just a single scene from a specific film, I feel it can be a great way to use IP's which may not have the strength to carry a stand-alone maze (i.e Psycho). My concept was basically the idea that these classic film icons have come alive in a film studio. Passing through scenes such a costuming department, writing room, etc, before reaching a small theatre, where guests walk through the scene and into recreation of various film scenes.

I'd like to see something like Film Vault but sorta a tribute to FN. Different characters from previous  mazes - Mick Taylor, Hillbilly Crew, WD, Clowns etc each room differently themed. Highly unlikely but would still be nice to see.

Wouldn't they need a larger back catalogue of characters? There's a possibility it can work, but it may be a little bit of a hot mess.

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Random idea so probably utterly rubbish, but how about a scare maze which starts out pretty rudimentary? The group of people goes through as normal, except... THERE'S NO EXIT! Instead, as they come to the end of a pretty standard scare maze and find what looks like the exit, they're suddenly chased back the way they came as the maze becomes more intense? Perhaps a second group of people could go into the maze at the same time, so they catch them running the other way?

Another quick idea - one idea that I saw on the old ValleyMania forum (which actually happened at Lightwater Valley) is to use the train that many parks have, and have assorted zombies and so on try to chase and catch the train.

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Random idea so probably utterly rubbish, but how about a scare maze which starts out pretty rudimentary? The group of people goes through as normal, except... THERE'S NO EXIT! Instead, as they come to the end of a pretty standard scare maze and find what looks like the exit, they're suddenly chased back the way they came as the maze becomes more intense? Perhaps a second group of people could go into the maze at the same time, so they catch them running the other way?

Another quick idea - one idea that I saw on the old ValleyMania forum (which actually happened at Lightwater Valley) is to use the train that many parks have, and have assorted zombies and so on try to chase and catch the train.

i can tell you now the chances of those ideas happening are impossible.  It's a safety risk to have people running back the same way they came - what if they ran into each other or what if a fire alarm went off? 

Also the only train movie world has is Yosemite Sams train ( if that is still there) and I doubt they would have that area open. if they did this on a different attraction etc it would all be a safety risk.

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Also the only train movie world has is Yosemite Sams train ( if that is still there) and I doubt they would have that area open. if they did this on a different attraction etc it would all be a safety risk.

Dreamworld has a train that goes round a fair bit of the park though, I think (from what I recall, we didn't go round there much). As I say, Lightwater Valley did do it and, whilst the actors weren't very good and you could see them all lazing about from the stairwell of the Falls Of Terror, it's a good idea. Even better would be to slow the train down at points, pretending there's "engine troubles" or something so the zombies can have a wander up and menace the passengers some more.

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Dreamworld has a train that goes round a fair bit of the park though, I think (from what I recall, we didn't go round there much). As I say, Lightwater Valley did do it and, whilst the actors weren't very good and you could see them all lazing about from the stairwell of the Falls Of Terror, it's a good idea. Even better would be to slow the train down at points, pretending there's "engine troubles" or something so the zombies can have a wander up and menace the passengers some more.

That's Dreamworld, that has nothing to do with Fright Nights. 

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Go go dancers up the front like Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights, pyro as well. Zombie Strippers maze LOL - that's starting to sound like some of the clubs in Surfers.

Sccoby Doo might be good if they wanted to go for a more light hearted maze for the scaredy cats.

I think they need to further monetise the event, because they get big crowds, but how many actually paid? Generate more revenue, most likely more budget, more mazes.

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Go go dancers up the front like Hollywood Halloween Horror Nights, pyro as well. Zombie Strippers maze LOL - that's starting to sound like some of the clubs in Surfers.

I'm against the use of Go-Go's and pyro for the sake of having Go-Go's and pyro. I feel like everything should have a purpose for being there, and not there just because they can put them in the event. In a scare zone similar to 7 at HHN 21, Go-Go's could be used and it would be suitable. But in a zone like Zombieland? No thanks... 

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^My suggestions in the first paragraph were mostly tongue in cheek. The go-go's work at Universal, the event is loud with music blaring, and they adds a decadent, anarchic, adult flavour to the event. And they are positioned well before any scare zone, just past the entrance. 

Zombie Strippers would have to be one of the stupidest films ever, but it's fun silly.  

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^My suggestions in the first paragraph were mostly tongue in cheek. The go-go's work at Universal, the event is loud with music blaring, and they adds a decadent, anarchic, adult flavour to the event. And they are positioned well before any scare zone, just past the entrance. 

I thought they tried to implement it into the scare zones, like the Purge?

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^I've been every year since 2009 and they're always just past the entrance. The Purge scare zone (and previous scare zones) started just past where the house of horrors was and there's a guy there on a microphone talking advocating a purge. The scare actors work their way back towards the dancers, but don't go that far.

This year the purge is the terror tram theme and a scare zone in the backlot.

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Hey i just made this plan because I was bored and next year will be 10 year anniversary of Fright Nights. So here is my plans for it.



Slogan: 10 Years of Fears


  1.    CarnEVIL   (Located in Zombieland area) 
  2.    Trick Or Treat Street   (Located in Main Street, similar to Pyschotherapy at HHN25)   
  3.    Zombie Alley (Normal Spot)   
  4.    The Dead West (in front of Intensity, western themed)                                              


  1. Film Vault (Sound Stage 1)
  2. Fright Zone (Sound Stage 2)
  3. Hillbilly Slasher (Showstage)
  4. Total Darkness (Scooby Doo Queue)
  5. Five Nights At Freddy's (Intensity)
Edited by Cooper Olsen
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Hey i just made this plan because I was bored and next year will be 10 year anniversary of Fright Nights. So here is my plans for it.



Slogan: 10 Years of Fears


  1.    CarnEVIL   (Located in Zombieland area) 
  2.    Trick Or Treat Street   (Located in Main Street, similar to Pyschotherapy at HHN25)   
  3.    Zombie Alley (Normal Spot)   
  4.    The Dead West (in front of Intensity, western themed)                                              


  1. Film Vault (Sound Stage 1)
  2. Fright Zone (Sound Stage 2)
  3. Hillbilly Slasher (Showstage)
  4. Total Darkness (Scooby Doo Queue)
  5. Five Nights At Freddy's (Intensity)

What is Fright Zone and Total Darkness suppose to be based around? And why the return Hillbilly?

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Personally I'd prefer it if there were mazes with completely original storylines. I've never been to an American haunt but I've heard and read about a number of mazes over there that follow a completely made up story line and they sound brilliant. These come from all sorts of parks including Six Flags and Cedar Fair. I recall hearing about a haunted wharf or something of the like from SFDK. Anything that is completely unique and follows some sort of backstory would be brilliant, especially if it was themed to its surroundings such as the show stage being some sort of old western theme. Whilst I'm not the creative type I think original ideas with a solid backstory are far more interesting than random IPs.

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Personally I'd prefer it if there were mazes with completely original storylines. I've never been to an American haunt but I've heard and read about a number of mazes over there that follow a completely made up story line and they sound brilliant. These come from all sorts of parks including Six Flags and Cedar Fair. I recall hearing about a haunted wharf or something of the like from SFDK. Anything that is completely unique and follows some sort of backstory would be brilliant, especially if it was themed to its surroundings such as the show stage being some sort of old western theme. Whilst I'm not the creative type I think original ideas with a solid backstory are far more interesting than random IPs

While I completely agree, I think the best we will ever see would be half original, half IP-based. Friday the 13th or Nightmare on Elm St is going to be much more marketable and recognisable to the GP then an original franchise such as Hillbilly Slasher.

What is Fright Zone and Total Darkness suppose to be based around? And why the return Hillbilly?

I agree. Think you can elaborate a bit for us? You know, actually give us an idea of what would be in these mazes? 

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Well I thought that FN could remake the first ever maze they did (Fright Zone) for the tenth anniversary.

While Total Darkness is a completely pitch black maze which can utilized tension and paranoia very well. To keep contact from not happening they could do use:


And personally I didn't mind Hillbilly slasher maze also it was my first ever maze i did.

Finally I thought Five Nights At Freddy's would be great as Warner Bros. and making a movie out if the franchise.

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Five Nights at Freddy's is a weird choice, and I just cant see it happening. The animatronic animal characters aren't scary at all in comparison to say Re-born Laura or Jason. Although, I suppose if they were blood soaked and placed in a strobe lighted, near to pitch black maze that could be scary... 

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Five Nights at Freddy's is a weird choice, and I just cant see it happening. The animatronic animal characters aren't scary at all in comparison to say Re-born Laura or Jason. Although, I suppose if they were blood soaked and placed in a strobe lighted, near to pitch black maze that could be scary... 

So basically the exact setting of the game?

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While Total Darkness is a completely pitch black maze which can utilized tension and paranoia very well. 

If find it odd that you chose this as a concept. If history is any indicator, mazes based upon tension and paranoia hasn't been received all too well. Just have a look at some thoughts on Dragon Alley and The Darkness.

Anyway, the Darkness.....or Gimp mask maze. This is one maze where a backstory would really help. Queue was a bit of a stupid design (see map later) but still only took about 25mins from gotham cafe through to the end of it. The maze itself? Well....it, just like the previous darkness maze, kind of sucked. Yes, it's dark, but having the scare actors wearing black, with black masks on, it's just pointless. You may as well just have a speaker with a recording of someone yelling at you. It's pretty hard to tell if there's someone jumping at you or not as you can't see them. I think it would be really cool if they had red glowing eyes or something when they jump at you. Oh yeah, also, guys, watch out for the nut-slappers.

There was nothing in [Dragon Alley]. I didn't see any actors, and the sign out the front read "The snakes in this maze are non venomous and totally harmless". If you're going to lie, I think it's ok to lie and say "Do not touch the snakes are they are venomous. If bitten seek help immediately". The highlight of the maze was a random palm tree with a weak arse strobe. Just a weak attraction.

History can be the greatest tool when it comes to creating designs. If MW have tried a similar concept twice before and it received negative to lukewarm reviews, what makes you believe it could be successful a third time around?

Sorry if this comes across a little harsh, but I've spent the last couple of weeks writing about the concept of historic recurrence in the field of design (and it was of a better quality than my review, I might add :D

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Dreamworld don't do halloween themed evenings though, so the whole train point is irrelevant unless you want MW to install a train purely for zombies to chase 10 times a year 

On a side note....they do now ;)


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Nice to see Dreamworld entering the market - albeit softly. They don't really have the buildings to knock out multiple mazes without affecting daytime operations - but something could be done down at blue lagoon, Big Brother Studios, and there are multiple pathways to certain places they could easily use to build an outdoor maze area - i'd like to see them compete at a similar level to MW - two great haunts just down the road from each other would foster some friendly competition...

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