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Should the Log Ride Be Next.....



21 members have voted

  1. 1. Should the Log Ride Be Next.....

    • Leave it where it is and do nothing.
    • Leave it where it is and upgrade the ride.
    • Relocate the ride to a new location in the park.
    • Remove the ride from the park.

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Should the log ride be removed in the future to allow the park to increase in size, or would you rather let the park find another way to expand to the land out the back of the park. In my own thoughts about this, it seems that the park would not miss the ride and it is almost due for either replacement or a major upgrade due to the age of the ride. If it is removed, what should the park do with the land and if not, where would the park place any other major attractions in the future, (Thunderbolt land not included). Leave your thoughts on this matter here.

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I think they need to keep the ride and simply give it a much needed refurb and upgrade. I don't even think its much that they need, its really a case of cleaning up (and keeping it that way) the disgusting state of the resivour. It was always very nice and clean but is these days covered in plant growth and algae. Also making the area 'behind' the ride a little more attractive couldn't hurth either. Other minor theming related improvements are also needed. Pretty much just doing something with the two 'dark' sections. Probably re-working the first into some sort of mining or logging related thing and just doing the 'caves' up all nice with pretty ligting and that sort of stuff. Not a lot of major work or great expense in the grand scheme of things. Its a good family favourite, the only one in the country of its type (log flume) and it would be a shame to see it go. I do think the park could do with something like a PP type of water attraction though as well.

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As you'd guess I put my vote in for keep it but upgrade it. There are a range of things I'd like to see happen to it. At the very least clean it all up and make the theming cohesive. Dreamworld's found that they don't need to make runs to the dump once a year if they just stick all the old junk to fill up some empty corners of existing rides. As much as I'd love to see a Perilous Plunge type ride at Dreamworld, capacity is one thing which has always concerned me about this type of ride, but now that as of last week both models out there have caused a death each, I wouldn't give this ride too long before Intamin decides to pull it out of their catalogue. Even though they were not situations to do with bad design, but rather bad judgement on riders' or operators' behalf, it doesn't look good nonetheless. If this sort of ride could be operated efficiently I'd love it, but there's not much proof of that at Knott's, a park that is generally quite efficient. Flumes haven't really progressed that much since their beginnings about thirty years before Rocky Hollow was built, so a replacement wouldn't really justify itself unless it were remarkably different, such as Ripsaw Falls at Islands of Adventure, but I wouldn't want to see the pricetag on that sort of ride, even without theming (if that's what you call the cardboard cutouts on that ride). I think unless Dreamworld wants to have a go at something on the scale of Wild West Falls, Rocky Hollow is fine as a water ride. It still operates fine, I can't imagine it's too costly to run or maintain, it is very valuable in terms of capacity and family entertainment. Just keep it operating, give it a good cleanup and it's fine.

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I voted for leave it and do nothing. I don't count long overdue projects such as fixing the inside of the caves and cleaning the through as upgrades. The ride system itself, best I can tell is fine. As far as I'm concerned if it ain't broke, don't fix it, cause you'll just create new problems. Perhaps a few extra effects would be nice in those tunnels (something like the old Lasseter's Lost Mine would be kinda cool), but these are hardly upgrades, just things that are done to keep the ride fresh. I think I'm saying the same thing as everyone else, except I'm not calling it an upgrade. :)

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WOW Richard what happened on the other ride? Hadn't heard about that anywhere... The problem with capacity is a really stupid one the harnesses are just a knee jerk reaction to the death and make no sense. Excel which is not more than a few hundred meters away uses identical restraints (minus 4 point harness) and is just as violent/steep a ride. With the right restraints the ride would be very high capacity...and just don't let the big fatties on :-p

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http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/uk_news/wales/3630577.stm More than likely rider error - there is absolutely no way a rider of suitable proportions could slip from a properly fastened Intamin lapbar. The ridiculous restraints were forced upon the park by the state. Intamin didn't want them, Knott's presumably didn't want them, but some bureaucrat decided that it was the only way it be resolved.
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It is definately a family favourite in the park, and it should stay, however it badly needs to be upgraded. Something which I think would be good is in the dark tunnel (this is something the rapids should do as well) is put big fans that make it windy, and there can be wind sound effects just to add to the experience. I have a feeling after the log rides annual maintenance that it will be alot cleaner and polished

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If they wanted to get to the land behind it, they could just build a bridge/boardwalk over it. The ride should definitley not go, it is a fun attraction with broad appeal and the theming wasnt too bad, i rember being scared that we would go under the waterfall, so the theming did its job. I have not seen it recently so I cant really comment on an upgrade, but did they re-paint the handrails?

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It's a fairly long ride for starters. There are three decent-sized drops on the ride, all of which were designed with very nice airtime. The real gem of this ride is the final drop (which was recently rebuilt to make it more gentle, but it's still pretty good from what people say). The drop has very nice air all the way down (or rather did when I rode), and then you hit a very low bunny hill that gives evem more air. Long story short, airtime plus absolutely no restraints gives a very very nice ride. It's also damn wet too. It's head-to-toe drenching, which isn't too bad for a log flume. I think it's a tad overrated, but it's still one of the best.

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^ Thanks Joz as I try my best to follow in the footsteps of millioniars. DJ, I simply stated what was told to me and as it related to the thread I chose to post it within the thread. And for your info, the site is doing nicly without us having to post "adds" everywhere. You see the site was done to cater to the world not just to Australian fans alone. The hits from within Oz for the site only equal about 1/20 of the total hits on the site. Most of ours visitors are friends of Ians from the UK and the USA from his time in those countries. We are not trying to steal anyone from anywhere and Richard knows that he is welcome to do the same over on our site also. So in closing...... :P P.S I find it strange that the park would bring in a large crane for normal maintance Richo....if you can shed some light on this it would be helpfull.. :)

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Well, I think that's precisely the point. Every other ride at Dreamworld's only going down for a week or so each, Rocky Hollow Log Ride is down for three. It doesn't take Sherlock Holmes to figure that they might be having a good go at that ride. After twenty years, as an in-house design, I can't imagine it would be too difficult to find something wrong with it that needs replacing. :)

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I beg too differ, cranes are used quite often on rehabs on different rides, wether it be for painting or component replacement. A few years ago SW replaced the entire drop chute in an overhaul of their flume ride. Indeed if your the park between 6 and 8am you'll likely see a crane in action doing mundane tasks like moving storage containers or providing a good painting cleaning platform. DW could well be doing some really exciting stuff, but is more likley to be replacing the lift motor or replacing some of the wood on the structure. I'd be extremely surprised if DW did any more then replacing components, and adding new theme elements. Maybe they'll do some work to the cave, but I doubt there'd be much more done then that in 3 weeks.

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