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Escape from Madagascar vs. Road Runner Rollercoaster: What's better & Who's right?

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32 minutes ago, YLFATEEKS said:

Road runner rollercoaster            Escape from Madagascar

Theming              10/10                                                     9/10

Speed                   10/10                                                     9/10

Height                   9/10                                                       10/10

Layout                  9/10                                                       9/10

Train                      9/10                                                       10/10

Capacity               10/10                                                     9/10

Re-ride                 9/10                                                       09/10


I have it as a draw. *snip*



Draw: an even score at the conclusion of a game or match.

RRRC  10+10+9+9+9+10+9= 66

EFM     9+9+10+9+10+9+9 = 65

Sorry...  Your scores say RRRC wins... :P 

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14 minutes ago, MaxxTheMonster said:

Draw: an even score at the conclusion of a game or match.

RRRC  10+10+9+9+9+10+9= 66

EFM     9+9+10+9+10+9+9 = 65

Sorry...  Your scores say RRRC wins... :P 

LOL that funny.  The scores don't lie.  Looks like RRRC is my winner after all.


But wait!  I also gave 1 point to EOM for fitting into the kids area better.

Looks like we are back to a draw. 

“Much more thinking is required to separate.  I winner must be had.”  (Make sure you read the last bit in a Yoda voice otherwise it doesn’t make sense.   I did the voice as I typed).


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in a statistical analysis and taking into account the subjective nature of opinion from one person - those two figures are close enough to call them a draw. it's not sportsball after all.

If I were to use the same scoring system:

Road runner rollercoaster            Escape from Madagascar

Theming              7/10                                                     6/10

Speed                   5/10                                                     5/10

Height                   4/10                                                       5/10

Layout                  5/10                                                       6/10 (extra point for suspended)

Train                      6/10                                                       8/10

Capacity               8/10                                                     8/10

Re-ride                 7/10                                                       9/10


  1. As far as theming - i agree RRRC is better, but i don't consider it to be as wonderfully drastically different as others have said.
  2. Both have middle-of-the-road speeds, and score accordingly - they aren't meant to be mindblowingly fast, and they do the job they are supposed to do wonderfully.
  3. Height - likewise to skeet's score EFM just tips the scale
  4. Although both have the same layout, EFM takes the extra point for being suspended. Consider the boomerang vs. the inverted boomerang (and yes, i realise there is a layout difference with the inverted having a crossover) - although both are technically the same layout (reverse lift, drop, station, boomerang, loop, lift, reverse order repeat) the inverted boomerang looks, rides, feels different, simply from riding on the other side of the track.
  5. I scored the train as such because i find the EFM seat and harness perfectly comfortable. I frequently bash the shit out of my knees on RRRC, and find it to be a bit of a squeeze to ride two adults side by side.
  6. I have minimal views on capacity - both rides take a similar amount of time to ride, load and unload. I've seen DW allow the next group to enter the ride area before the previous group has exited the gates, which IMO is a much more efficient load method. RRRC suffers the interminable operations procedures that MW has across the board. My memory is fuzzy on this point, but i feel like EFM also has gates per row, rather than single gate for the entire train, which I feel is also a plus (but acknowlege i could be wrong her e- couldn't find a picture of it).
  7. Re-ride - I have had the opportunity (at the dreamworks launch nite for passholders) to ride, and re-ride EFM for almost a solid hour, and it was thoroughly enjoyable (the operator was also a contributing factor to the enjoyment, as was riding at night). I've rarely if ever chosen to ride RRRC, except when hosting family with smaller kids who want to go on it. this is of course completely one sided, but it is opinion, and it's my opinion, so i consider EFM rates higher here.

That leaves me with RRRC-42 and EFM-47. considering the point differences between them though, they're all fairly closely and evenly matched, and it will always come down to personal preference on these few issues where the factor is based on opinion.

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@AlexB Yes RRRC has air gates for each row. In regards to capacity I know MW has terrible loading procedures, but RRRC having 2 trains running on busy days surely has to count for something?

Also am I the only who finds the EFM harnesses uncomfortable? I find it to be like other Vekoma's, rough, and having harnesses similar to the old LW ones it bashes my head around. 

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Sorry if this is a stupid question but why do some people take capacity into account when judging a coaster? I thought the experience of the ride (excitement/g-forces/comfort) would be the only thing of importance? I don't detract points from a movie based on how long I had to wait in queue before seeing it.

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13 minutes ago, Cactus_Matt said:

I don't detract points from a movie based on how long I had to wait in queue before seeing it.

That's because you can't rock up 30 minutes late to a rollercoaster after it's closed and still expect to ride it :P


The capacity is because we're talking about Overall rankings in this debate. So the capacity of the ride makes it more favourable when comparing it to another ride. 

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They may be very similar speed-wise, but RRRC unarguably uses its speed better. When I've ridden EFM I can never get out of my head the thought of how slow it is, however I never have this problem with RRRC. It still puts a smile on my face, especially in the back row over the crest of the lift hill.

EFM is probably better at being a kiddie coaster, because it really offers little thrill over simply being on a coaster, something you want in order not to frighten the hell out of little ones. It's also a good way of introducing kids to the concept of suspended coasters, it'd make more sense if DW had another suspended coaster in the park.

RRRC is a much better coaster from a thrilling perspective, it's a really good way of tricking a kid into getting on a ride that I'd honestly put just under moderate on the low/moderate/extreme rating system, it's almost evil how thrilling it is, I really think it's a hidden piece of genius coaster design. It spits into the face of MDMC and leaves in the dust.

As for theming, people are being too harsh on EFM, the queue is well themed, and there are characters and crates scattered around under the ride, the area/gardens around it are nicely maintained as well.

RRRC still wins out on theming, it's your typical movie set sort of backdrop with terrain that the coaster interacts with, as well as having the famous characters, and items like the ACME products and TNT scattered around. Completely immersive and fits perfectly well in the area.

I think rating them on a kiddie coaster scale, I'd give RRRC a 10/10, and EFM a 7/10.

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On 18 January 2017 at 11:12 AM, Slick said:

You know you've made it as a theme park nerd when you're comparing the quality of kid's coasters.

Or a parent of a kid who loves roller coasters :)

I have a 4.5 year old, who for the last year or so has absolutely loved RRRC.  We did it 10 times in a row one day before finally convincing him to move onto something else.  

As cool as being suspended on EFM is, the height restriction of 110 (as opposed to RRRC being 100) means that he is still too short to ride it.  

So for that reason, I vote RRRC.  Kids can get an extra year of fun out of it :) 

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On 1/18/2017 at 0:24 AM, AllegroCrab said:

As for theming, people are being too harsh on EFM, the queue is well themed, and there are characters and crates scattered around under the ride, the area/gardens around it are nicely maintained as well.

Slightly off topic, but may be of interest to some people. A lot of the stuff underneath the ride has been removed, including the penguin holding the upside down sign before the lift hill. Queue is still well-themed, but there's almost no theming at all on the ride itself.

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