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What's your favourite theme park video/photo/article?


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1 hour ago, djrappa said:

I often do seem to struggle with the theme park enthusiast world of but hurt when non professional photos are re used for non monetary purposes...

The youtube channel in question has 62,000 subscribers. Don't tell me YouTube isn't paying him something for all of this.

In addition, comments on the channel reveal he was asking for money \ donations. Even the 'about' page says


'CaptainLazerGuns' is owned and operated by Tyme Creative as an entertainment endeavour.

Tyme already has a LinkedIN page, its own website ("under construction" - lol) and is listed on several sites as freelance media production. In Australian law, that would likely be considered 'conducting an enterprise'.

As for reporting on "news" - Wonderland has been the flavour of the month lately - mainly due to content pushed by the Wonderland History team (at their own expense). There have been recent buzzfeed articles written with the full support of the WLH crew, including interviews (which subsequently picked up in every two-bit syndicated paper, radio station and blog in the country). But every one of them asked first.

The whole team is passionate about the park and is quite happy to share and spread the word. Thousands of dollars have been spent to try and secure a few of our memories (including your final ride seat @djrappa) with a huge announcement (not a new park) due to be made soon.

As I mentioned earlier, if he'd asked, it's likely everyone with an interest in the content would have agreed. He probably would have gotten more videos and higher quality too.

The fact that he is so schooled in copyright law, and yet played dumb on asking first is crap. Our parks have clear photography disclaimers, and don't have to ask permission before using enthusiast pics on social, but they do. Even when said enthusiast says 'you can use anything you want anytime, please stop asking' - they still do. every time. its the CARE principle. He's got a reasonable argument to pursue based on his previous statements - but that doesn't put him in the clear either. Nor does it make it morally right.

I've previously given my pics (in question) to both Parkz and Wonderland History. Parkz chose not to feature them for a few completely understandable reasons. Never asked for anything in return. I'm also aware that a lot of the video used is commercially produced and no copyright attaches to WLH for those parts - but some are.

In the end, it's all about respect... something he clearly recognises:


I've been made aware of the lack of respect I've made towards your website without seeking the relevant permissions before creating the video 'Wonderland Sydney - Theme Park History' on said channel.

I have also been told by Alex B. that you've recently submitted a flag for the aforementioned content. Whilst it is my responsibility to defend said flag under relevant US and AU Copyright Laws & Acts, I would like to seek post-delivery permission for using your content.

I realize this is a mistake that I have made with lack of experience and completely apologize for not seeking the relevant permissions for the usage of the content on your website and media channels. I'll also seek permission prior to the delivery of content in the future so our interactions will help improve the quality and experience for future videos.


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28 minutes ago, AlexB said:

The youtube channel in question has 62,000 subscribers. Don't tell me YouTube isn't paying him something for all of this.

In addition, comments on the channel reveal he was asking for money \ donations. Even the 'about' page says

57abb1ac51e652a0f31f0c80f1495478.pngThis is a copy of my current set up on the video for ads. I can't demonetize it because of my contract with Fullscreen, but I made sure it's actively running no ads.

Also I used to rely on donations because YouTube was my full time career at one point. Thankfully I can now fully support myself and any money I get from YouTube I donate to organisations I trust. See below:


Also I'm "schooled" in copyright law as I've constantly been harassed by organisations flagging my previous parody and cover videos. You're very interested in research I see, so you'll see that this is my first video like this and I'm not that experienced with reaching out for permission.


There have been recent buzzfeed articles written with the full support of the WLH crew, including interviews (which subsequently picked up in every two-bit syndicated paper, radio station and blog in the country). But every one of them asked first.

They've asked first because they're large corporations with massive teams of people lending a hand with varying levels of experience. I'm one 24 year old dude who has an interest in theme parks and making videos. I don't have a legal team backing me and everything I do is based off my previous experience.

'Tyme Creative' is also a co-operative between myself and a mate to legitimize our creative ventures. It's literally just a business name at this point and has no actual corporate standing. Once again, you're very versed in research but failed to include this?

Also thank you for releasing the email I sent to the WonderlandHistory.Net team in confidentiality publicly instead of replying to it. Who is really trying to fix this issue?


Edited by CaptainLazerGuns
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the copy I saw had no dissemination limiting marker on it. I don't recall you asking for it to be kept a secret.

And given your publicly stated position was that of defence, I felt it appropriate to point out that privately it was one of intention to do the moral thing, regardless of legality. It is the right position in my view, and I didn't see a problem in sharing that part of you with those who have already seen the defensive side, so that they could see both.

I'm not the decision maker at WLH. I do however contribute and support them a lot. The reason noone has responded to your belated request is because it is being discussed amongst those who give their time to procure and produce the content you used.

I'll say I applaud you for being so open about yourself in response. It may well have tipped the scales in your favour...

it is a good video BTW.

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Thank you Alex.

I'm all about transparency. It was never my intention to cause any drama, I just want to create videos about theme parks and for people to enjoy them. It was an inexperienced move on my behalf not to seek permission first, but I'm trying to make things right. Thankfully I've learnt a valuable lesson early into the series. 

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33 minutes ago, djrappa said:

I don't get the whole 'Wonderland circle' it's a bit nuts. Think people should just be happy others are talking about/interested in it. 

The whole thing kept me up last night. I realize that now I was in the wrong for not grabbing permission first, but being threatened with a formal DMCA take-down just shook me up. I should have thicker skin at this point because I've been harassed by every music label under the sun but the fact that it was coming from a community I heavily respected just hit hard.

I had plans to make some other videos on Wonderland and it's history including it's licensing with Marvel, the ride's current statuses, etc but I'm scrapping those topics to talk about Old Sydney Town and Luna Park. I think I'm done with Wonderland for now.

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Honestly this is an utterly absurd debate. No question that you ticked every box by way of fair dealings and copyright law. You took a whole lot of amateur content and and re-purposed it into something new that stepped on no one's toes in any meaningful way.

Chalk this up as yet another display of thuggery and short-sightedness from those still clinging to Wonderland.

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9 hours ago, CaptainLazerGuns said:

I'm scrapping those topics to talk about Old Sydney Town and Luna Park. I think I'm done with Wonderland for now.

Totally avoids Fox Studios Backlot! 😝

Yeah, I actually visited Old Sydney Town in its first year of operation. Love watching those old promo videos.

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