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Finally, we have an onride video for Superman :D Yes, it might have been unsafe, and yes it was against the rules, but i think ill put up with it just this once ;) Favourite Quote: "Aggggh, im gonna blow up" Too bad it doesnt have the dark ride section, as that is the part that cannot be seen unless you ride it. Just a question though, at the start you can hear cracking noises...have they put in a colapsing roof effect like on Bermuda?

Edited by Gazza
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That same person filmed the subway stuff too..I was watching the video of that a few days before you posted this Patteboi but he doesn't have it listed no more. It's not hard to get a mobile on rides these days, especially the really thin one's. I've taken my phone on the claw and Cyclone in my pocket, it had no zip or button but was kept in my pocket by the harness'. I got to the first drop on the cyclone when I realised my phone was in my pocket and kept praying it didn't come out during the whole ride.

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You know I'm not sure I agree. It is against park policy and I will never be one to advocate breaking park rules so I'm not going to support what they did. But that doesn't say I don't think it's a stupid policy, that was the one great thing about the Europe parks is they don't have these silly no loose articles policy and everyone seems to manage just fine. I'm not blaming the parks here, it's our stupid legal system that forces them to be ths way.

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Nah, i think its just the fact that smoke tends to show up quite poorly on videos for some reason (I mean these videos are shot with camera phones and as such do a pretty bad job at recording fine things like smoke) Either that or they have played around with the timing on when the smoke is fired. But for starters, I dont think it is that risky since the people who decide to do this sort of stuff would be being cautious in the first place trying to conceal the camera, and then trying to keep hold of it. Somehow I cant imagine people being that careless with an expensive phone. Even if it did find its way loose the only place it could realistically hit a bystander would be on the second big turn (And if the shade sails are still there that means the only real spot to hit someone is the path to LW), and since the phone is moving at the same speed as the riders it wouldnt be hitting others riders that fast anyway. And as for the person who filmed it, well the name of the video is Montanha Russa do Superman which is Portugese (And the profile of the filmer says he is from Brazil) so it isnt someone from here.

But that doesn't say I don't think it's a stupid policy, that was the one great thing about the Europe parks is they don't have these silly no loose articles policy and everyone seems to manage just fine. I'm not blaming the parks here, it's our stupid legal system that forces them to be ths way.
I agree. I guess you sort of have to protect from all the other bogans who would try to film. If filming was allowed you would be "opening the floodgates". What would stop a 5 year old fiming? or someone who hasnt ridden and doesnt know when to brace? I would also imagine insurance premiums would be higher for the park if they had an open policy. Personally i think the best approach is to allow people to do it with the right equipment (such as those cameras where you just hold the lens) and permission from guest services.
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I think this thread should be deleted and the offending forum member given a first and final warning.
Parks make their rules and it's up to them to enforce them. If they choose not to or don't have the resources to enforce them the entire time, then it's not our responsibility here to enforce rules for them. We certainly don't encourage the breaking of rules, but at the end of the day the onus is not on us to enforce them.
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I don't really care how they got the phone/camera onto the ride. I'm just happy that somebody has taken the liberty in making an on-ride video; even though it's against the rules. Anyway, I don't know why Australian parks are so unhappy about having cameras on the ride? :huh: . Most parks in America and around the world let you take cameras on. CoasterBoy6

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In 1988 one incident was about someone standing up, and the other was about chewing gum, which are just random events. In 1983 the first incident someone died without any details given, and in the second case the childs head "struck an object", it was not "struck by an object". So in other words it was a fixed object, it could have been a part of the ride structure for example. Dunno what point you are trying to make, but it didn't change my mind :mellow: People are too paranoid these days.

Edited by Gazza
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