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Showing content with the highest reputation on 19/05/16 in all areas

  1. Would love to know this, too. That's a hell of a lot of scaffolding lol. Almost looks like one of those traditional Japanese buildings ?
    5 points
  2. Forgot to say, yesterday was a good day to avoid Dreamworld. Never seen so many kids under 5 in one place before! And the prams.... Omg. This photo someone posted on Facebook pretty much sums it up: We rocked up AFTER the Wiggles had finished, and yeah, needless to say all the parents and babies stuck around for the day. Did I mention the prams?? ?? And the noise was atrocious as well, bloody loud kids everywhere we went. Oh, and prams too ? Never again.... ???
    5 points
  3. Lmao I knew that's what this would be even before I opened the link
    3 points
  4. I would but honestly moving them involves trawling through and deleting off topic posts, leaving others and deciding on posts that are half and half and all the rest. They're here now, and I'm OK with that. I'm aware that this has been a traumatic time for everyone involved, but I don't think we learn from history by pretending it didn't happen, and that the visual scars to this thread will be felt through the years. But visible scars are a sign of healing, and I'm optimistic, that with correct community spirit, we can move on, we can heal, and we can be wiser for the experience. In future post photos in the right thread.
    3 points
  5. Lol. I think I know. He messaged me this morning asking what was going on with it (like I would know ?) and I joked and said that maybe they are altering the arm and refitting it. Seems he decided to run with that theory ???
    2 points
  6. Wrong thread TPG. They belong in the Dreamworld thread. I'm just looking at this going... "awesome paint job. looks great. how long will it last, and will they bother to put so much effort into the repaint when it has faded in the summer sun? "
    2 points
  7. It certainly looks to me like there's either something missing, or there's a cover over something that's a pretty good match with the sky.
    1 point
  8. Here's the latest stream. Along with the terraforming announced in the previous stream, there will be a load of new coaster types in alpha 2 (coming next tuesday/wednesday), that come with an updated coaster editor and the ability to colour your track. Also, there will be new flat rides.
    1 point
  9. Im fairly confident it's just the angle.
    1 point
  10. I think that might be the angle. Maybe.
    1 point
  11. I'm with you Brad. I would rather see DW not spend money on it. It was crap. It was rough and short. The first half of the ride, nothing happens. It only had a couple of small drops then it takes a few sharp corners at the end. At least when it first opened the first part of the ride did something. (But that track is long gone) It reminds me of the motor coaster except in reverse. The motor coaster starts with a small punch then after that you just what to get off.
    1 point
  12. Roller Coasters can be found at carnivals. Big ones too. Olympia That would mean next year Movie World are getting another carnival ride.
    1 point
  13. I think the main reason why people are so upset with this whole issue is not the fact that the ride closed, but how it closed so suddenly without prior warning. I went on it basically only about a month before and had no idea that there was anything wrong with it and that it would close. And when it did close Dreamworld said it was only shut for maintenance reasons and will open again soon. Now, 10 years later and it still stands there abandoned without Dreamworld giving the general public a proper explanation on why the ride's just sitting there rotting away. I've really lost hope that the ride will ever open again, the coaster's screwed
    1 point
  14. Yeah I braved the pram infestation with my 3 year old (sans pram thankfully). He loves the wiggles. needless to say, not many kids on the GC went of school yesterday, nor did many adults with children.
    1 point
  15. I'm really not liking the clash between the two paint-jobs, I can't say for sure that they're working together for me... hopefully there's something that'll tie it together.
    1 point
  16. now that the arm is on that tower still just doesn't look right... you have these cool looking rusty dilipated arms that fit right in with a doomsday theme...and than you have the tower which looks brand spanking new with bad camo
    1 point
  17. Shits AND giggles?! You're the best! Interesting that if we are getting a new train it's all on old stock.
    1 point
  18. I visited DW again today and asked a staff member if they know anything about Eureka and they confirm that there has been no recent work done on it inside and out. So that's really good news would anyone else agree.
    1 point
  19. I'd like the Eureka ride re-designed and re-opened. And Buzzsaw The Sequel. Tear down the existing ride and add the model with 2 loops.
    -1 points
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