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Showing content with the highest reputation on 26/02/24 in all areas

  1. Just a point to note here - they don't own the land at Oxenford. (And last I heard they were trying to sell the studios.) I've been saying it for a few years now - Village have been coasting on their reputation. For at least two years, they've been slammed by crowds and bad press with lots of things not working, long queues, and almost no care for the guest experience. Dreamworld isn't there yet, but they're showing signs of overtaking Village, and they're doing all the right things to get there, while Village is in a race to the bottom. Unfortunately, while people continue to buy passes and fork out for village centric holidays visiting all 4 properties plus AOS and TopGolf - while the money pours in, they won't change what they're doing because it's still profitable. If you're truly fed up with the experience at Village - don't renew your pass. don't plan your family gold coast holiday around the VR properties. Go to Dreamworld. Currumbin. The beach. Heck - go to Singapore or Hong Kong if you're interstate as it will likely cost you similar amounts for a far superior holiday. STOP GIVING THE BASTARDS MONEY IF YOU WANT THEM TO CHANGE. MONEY IS ALL THEY UNDERSTAND.
    7 points
  2. In its last maintenance period, Dreamworld’s added stickers of their new logo to the backs of some seats. Apparently they’re in certain locations as to aid ride operators in balancing out the ride when loading.
    3 points
  3. Won't happen now. Greg not only took himself over to Dreamworld, but he also took the majority of the operations and managers that really supported him at Village with him. The sheer amount of talented people that village lost when Greg left is astounding. I had honestly lost faith for the most part in Dreamworld until a few years ago, but knowing how much passion that Greg and the current team have well I think the results are starting to show for itself tbh. They still have a long way to go, but I strongly believe once Rivertown is open Dreamworld will be the best park on the Gold Coast. All they need now is a decent water ride and maybe one more thrill ride / coaster and they will really have Movie World beat by a decent margin.
    3 points
  4. If only they'd extend the same amount of effort trying to convince the general public to attend.
    2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. New screens have been added at the stations, which show the trains' current status
    2 points
  7. It's almost as if a sizeable portion of the parks he's visited are Six Flags joints that are to put it lightly not very well looked after. For our standards, yes. Movie World looks horrid right now. Our parks dont compete with six flags but movie world does compete with dreamworld that's spent the last few years getting cleaned up while movie world has been neglected. I've mentioned all of these many times before but will elaborate again: Ride effects not working or deactivated (looking at you West) Removing cool signage such as road runner and scooby and replacing it with shit flat ones that all come from the same machine (why? are they a safety issue or something) Rubbish and upkeep (managers at these kinds of places need to be on the ball with this stuff so I wonder what they are doing) Removing virtual queue to gouge more people for fast track (straight up anti consumer I actually hate this one) Seldom touching WB Kids in a decade, apart from removing a hut and a ride and then adding another one (when i last visited a year ago the state that it was in was embarrassing, would hate to see what it's like now) Unenthusiastic/sometimes rude staff (I wonder what the management team are doing right now, because I know from experience that doesn't happen at entertainment venues with the right people in those positions) Retiring ride specific staff uniforms (Superman, West and probably scooby when it's back are worse without them)
    2 points
  8. From memory, I called it that as soon as a private equity fund got a hold of the place, it'd go downhill while they chased profits. Greg needs to stay at Dreamworld, his leadership is what the park needed. The public are starting to return.
    2 points
  9. 2 hours here and i’m calling it - movieworld is now the worst theme park in the country, by a decent margin hopefully Oz and and a reopening Scooby make a difference but there is no magic left here
    2 points
  10. it tells you where the train is, it says where they are boarding in those photos because i’m guessing they’re hoping on/off the train and took a photo.
    1 point
  11. Awesome to see them add this. Small thing, but helps improve your day. Im really hoping they plan on reopening the Billabong (Rivertown) Station when the land opens. Even though it’s not a massive walk, I think it will (again) help improve a guest day just by reducing some of the walking
    1 point
  12. this is such an embarrassing article. You don’t even mention one of the rides you’re going to be opening soon in it. I don’t see Greg begging Taylor swift to go to dreamworld. Draw your own conclusions with that one
    1 point
  13. You liked Superman? Good news, it’s closed!
    1 point
  14. I reckon it’s code for “off peak shut down to save $$$”
    1 point
  15. With Superman and Batwing closed, the best way to view the construction site is now to turn around on DCR’s lift (or, if you’re not able to, ride it backwards). Doing so, I can (obviously without photos) confirm the SFC has it’s dark grey supports for the turnaround closest to Arkham’s facade installed, and 1 section of track is onsite.
    1 point
  16. I miss when the Wild West falls had its effects working my favorite effects at the last bit have been broken now for almost 3 years. It is pure laziness and completely with in the parks ability to fix. Rember when Justice League had half of the screens broken but it stayed open for like 2 years before they fixed it. And I agree about the staff the only good staff there is one of the ladies at guest services Virtual Que wasn't working for me and when we fixed it it was full for everything, so she gave us a skip the line pass to any ride we wanted. and there was a good one at the batman store to. I Rember them cause everyone else are miserable angry and rude.
    1 point
  17. I’m not talking about ride lineup, that’s not the magic magic is atmosphere, interaction, experience it’s all lacking. from dead zones, to ride ops who look and act like they wish they were not there, to lack of upkeep, to closed shops and food outlets. to take one thing in isolation from yesterday - the 3pm parade. It was over and done with in 7 minutes. - no floats stopped, no characters got off floats to interact, half the floats were not there with the characters just walking (no scooby van, no joker, no Supergirl, no justice league), literally just went down turned around and went out the back Where the f**k is the magic in that? I remember 6 or so years back everyone decanting from the floats, dancing, taking photos. I remember Bugs lifting my toddler son up and dancing with him and the joy in my son’s eyes. Nothing now. Gone.
    1 point
  18. *dreams wistfully of the Police Academy Stunt Show for the last 20 fucking years*
    1 point
  19. Greg should definitely stay at Dreamworld, he ran Movieworld well but they couldn’t keep it up once he left. Dreamworld is definitely the best park on the coast now, Rivertown and their future plans are just going to maintain their position.
    1 point
  20. This no Suprise to me people are fed up with how Movie world is run. I went to Dreamworld last week and it was full of life it was pretty busy around 30 minutes to 45 for steel Tipan same for sky voyager and the Giant Drop had a 1-hour que in the afternoon. But it was great to see and it didn't feel suffocating like Movie world.
    1 point
  21. I kind of feel sorry for ANYONE running a social media page for ANY Australian theme park because it's like, what else are you going to talk about?! I looked it up and I haven't posted on this website in EXACTLY a whole year, like literally to the day and nothing has changed in the Australian theme park landscape. This isn't a post defending bad socials, it's a post decrying the sorry state of literally EVERY Australian theme park and their lack of forward progress in any swift or meaningful way, the lack of any additions actually being exciting, newsworthy or even worth mentioning frequently at all. Being a theme park fan SUCKS in this country...
    1 point
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