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Eureka Mountain Mine Ride Maintenance


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Oh, forgot about that big thunder river rehab where they took all of the water out of the system, but I don't remember a general clean up, either way it wasn't a re theme as it is still very much the same gold rush. Re your post before, my favourite areas of DW were the ones still in their original state, so river town and gold rush for example, though Nick central is OK.

Edited by Gazza
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Yes Goldrush has had minor improvements made over the past few years, but no major rehab. If you look at the way the park has progressed in terms of re-theming and major improvements, the entire Ocean Parade/Tiger Island etc side of the park is pretty much complete. Rivertown will probably be next with the new coaster/boardwalk area they seem to be constructing. It would make sense for Rocky Hollow and Goldrush to receive a rehab over the next few years - especially with the excess land they now have for expansion where Blue Lagoon used to stand. I'm not saying this is definately why Eureka Mountain Mine Ride is closed, but it's another possibility...

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With the rapid ride maintence I went to the park eight times from last March to 2007 Feb, and in those visit's the first, third and second last time I visited the park River Rapids was closed with no water in it! I don't know weather it was in parts its maintence but that's what happended, it was a bit disapointing because I love that ride! Does anyone have any info on what was going on with this unusual maintence?

Edited by Original
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  • 3 weeks later...

Dunno weather this has been bought up or makes any sense. i just read in the photo section of the eureka mine train area that the company that constructed this coaster had closed down and where no longer operating. Would this possibly be the reason that the coaster is been down for so long as DW is not able to source the parts? I know it is not a special type of rollercoaster i just thought maybe the company had done somethign different which could cause troubles. What do you guys think? it is only my second post so i hope it isn't stupid

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Just got of the phone with dreamworld, the mine ride is closed due to the age and unavailability of parts to repair which would also explain the temporary eating area and no work, (no parts meens no work) the lady did say the ride is one of their most popular and providing they can get the parts the ride will reopen but unsure when untill they get the parts to repair the ride.

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About time we heard something about it. And i hope it's correct as well, it was a great ride. I have one query. Why does everyone keep bagging the log ride? It is actually pretty good. Sure, the themeing could use a good re-vamp, but apart from that it is very very wet, family ride which is what the ride should intend to be.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Yeah, earlier this year I went to Dreamworld, coz I havn't been there since 2000, and I was quite disappointed that the Eureka Mine ride was closed for maintenance, I was really looking forward to riding it. I have never been on it but I have heard that it's pretty sweet. I went there on the 31st of March this year (Which kicked ass coz we had a special RACQ pass that allowed us to enter the park an hour before it opened to everyone else. So I was able to ride The Claw, Tower of Terror, Cyclone, Giant drop, with no line ups or waiting, coz there wasn't many people who got in early) and then again 2 weeks later (lucky me, I got the $10.00 return visit thing), I wasn't able to go on the Wipeout the first time I went(which is a ride that's really showing it's age these days) because it was under general maintenance, but two weeks later when I went again it was working and this pleased me :) I was also kinda hoping that the Eureka mine ride would be open the second time I went as well, but it wasn't :( and I don't think it will be open again for a while, because the main entrance of the ride was temporarily bordered up with a few tables and chairs in front of it. I suspect that they are currently doing a massive overhaul of the ride and replacing and fixing anything that has had a lot of wear over the years, which could take some time. Seeing as how that was opened in 1987 with the rest of Gold Rush Country. I hope it will be open again soon, so the next time I go there I can finally ride it for the first time(yes, sad I know, I have never ridden the mine ride at dreamworld). P.S: The Giant Drop scared the crap out of me, I never thought it would be that freaky. I almost lost one of my shoes when it was at the top. Trivia: Apparently not all of the Thunderbolt roller-coaster was trashed. Dreamworld kept at least one train and a section of the track, which is now being stored in the back of house area.

Edited by Bubco
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Although this isn't my field of expertise, I would be assuming that this is an annual maintainence check. HOWEVER, I do agree that it's quite odd not to have a re-opening date. I have a couple of reasons why. 1. There may have been an end-of-the-day routine shutdown/clean/check of the ride and there has been a problem noticed in the ride. This often causes rides to be closed for an unconfirmed length of time. I'm sure you all know that when the Tower of Terror malfunctions, we can never tell riders exactly when it will be open. The only problem with my theory is that we haven't heard of any break-downs, problems or faults with the ride, plus unless it IS an annual check, the public would be notified somehow. 2. The ride may be getting a refurbishment. This isn't a check, or a maintainence runthrough, simply something as little as repainting, repositioning, anything really. Hope this helps.

If they were closing the ride permanently then they would say that so I wouldn't be too worried.
Not entirely true, Richard. On the one hand, you are correct in saying that we would publicly announce the closure of the ride. On the other, we would not necessarily announce it until the ride WAS closed, because up until the point where executives decide that the ride cannot function anymore, for reasons of either safety or otherwise, there may be a change, a reopening, or a decision made that would allow the refurbishment then reopening of the ride. I must say, though, no-one should be getting worried about the closure of the ride because it ISN'T being closed. I myself am not sure on what is exactly happening, but I know it isn't closure. Thanks guys.
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if they knew from the moment it stopped operating last year that it would be permanently closed, they'd have said it then and there.
It would be great if the ride ops and engineers could just 'know' that the ride would be permanently closed. Firstly, they have to go into nearly every aspect of the ride: the engineering, the controlling, the physical aspects and many other things, to find the cause of the problem. When that's done, there's extensive work done to minimise the chances of closure, whether that be finding a way to fix the ride, or just holding any work off until engineers DO find a cause and try to fix it. Closure only occurs when a. The ride producer carries out safety checks and confirms that the ride is undeniably and uncontrollably unsafe, or b. When Macquarie Leisure has requested that Dreamworld close the ride. Unfrotunately though, ther's no way of just 'knowing' that a ride cannot funtion anymore, thus there being no way of just closing the ride on the spot. Edited by Dreamworld Ride Op
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Well, you missed my point completely. If Dreamworld's management had decided to throw in the towel on the ride and cease to operate it, i.e. if they knew it would no longer be operating at the park, then they would have indicated that from the start. When Thunderbolt closed permanently it was indicated that it was permanent, despite the ride sitting dormant for several months. That's not what has happened with Eureka Mountain, which was my point all along. Most rides have a finite lifetime. There comes a point where they simply cease to be financially viable as attractions in a theme park. What about when a ride simply becomes too expensive to source parts for or they become too difficult to procure, what if it needs to be removed to make way for a new attraction, it isn't popular enough to warrant its operating costs? There absolutely are ways of just 'knowing' a ride cannot function anymore. Of course this isn't going to just happen one day without extensive thought given to the situation by management and engineering staff; no one would try and suggest that. When a ride becomes unviable it should be closed, and anyone with a modicum of experience in theme park operation could make these decisions very easily and with great certainty.

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I agree with the last part of what you said, and if that was to take place, no part of it would directly involve me, so I can't comment on it further. However, as far as your comments went on the ride's popularity not supporting the finincial costs of operation and promotion to the ride? The Eureka Mine Ride is the second most popular attraction at Dreamworld, after the Giant Drop. Look at the public reaction to the ride's temporary closure. The number of people that have commented on it, comlained about it and been upset by it indefinitely proves that the ride is extremely popular and I know for sure that this ride hasn't reached that point where it has basically just become a dull attraction. I also need to point out you have made a comment about the ride being taken down to make way for a new attraction. The only new attraction Dreamworld has in sight for the next year at least, is the Motorcycle Accelerator ride. And as you know, that ride isn't going anywhere near Gold Rush Country. If a new ride was to be put in the place of the Mine Ride, it would be announced. That IS something that would be publicly released then and there. It is by far making enough money to pay for parts, restoration and maintainence, so your comments on it's financial situation were wrong.

Edited by Dreamworld Ride Op
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