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2 new rides for Dreamworld in 2011


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Remember these roller coaster plans could well and truly be finalised by now ash.111, because those 5 plans were seen back in January, so I think there's been enough time to finalise according to what djrappa said about how fluid plans can be for a theme park. Although I'm not an expert and could easily be wrong

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What would you guys think about a Euro Fighter, if that's indeed what this ends up being? I'm not a huge fan myself, especially considering there is already a portable version of the ride travelling around the shows at the moment. Sort of cheapens it. But in saying that, I have seen some pretty cool layouts

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My only concern with a Eurofighter would be the (I presume) short ride time, otherwise I wouldn't have any concern with the quality of the ride. They seem to really pack a punch and could possible fit well as a replacement for the mine ride. Wouldn't think they would get 2 coasters though, so will be interesting to see what the family thrill ride is. :).

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^Really? I have never ridden one but from the footage I have seen of Mystery mine it looks pretty awesome to me? I would personally rather see one of these than a Zacspin. Way too short IMO. My hunch was that DW was indeed getting one of those now if they aren't, (having such a small foot print and all) maybe MW should pick one up and squeeze it in behind Superman.

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Wouldn't be my first choice but if it was themed really well like Saw i think it would work really well at Dreamworld. My main concern would be capacity, i rode No Limits and the park was empty and it still took 20 mins to ride and Saw took over 2 hours in line before we took our seats, so i'm not sure about the 1000 person an hour capacity that the ride claims to have. But all in all i think it would be a huge hit and i'll be happy if in fact we do get one.

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Well nothing about capacity, Saw has nothing about it on rcdb, but on wikipedia... I know reliable right? It says it can take 1300 per hour http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SAW_–_The_Ride While Mystery Mine on rcdb says it can take 1000 per hours http://www.rcdb.com/3609.htm Obviously though they state these capacities as maximum capacities and don't usually hit this number, I can't say I've never seen one of these in operation but that's what they claim and if it can go close to it, it would definitely be a win for DW in terms of capacity.

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Mystery Mine is a really good themed ride, but only an OK coaster. It doesn't get going until the second half. SAW at Thorpe was much better, that was a fun ride. I've been on the 2 Zacspins in Scandinavia, and they're ok. They're a very different ride experience, but not really my cup of tea. I was surprised Magic Mountain got one. But in both cases, they are very eye catching coaster types that would be easy for Dreamworld to promote to the public. I'm not optomositic that the coaster will be anything special, but here's hoping.

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"We did some sneaking. Some asking. Some peeking. And some booing. And now we'd like to confirm that the two rides at Dreamworld Australia are BOTH coasters. What sort of coasters; we have no idea." Outsiders I was there today when we heard this (but didn't post it, but now that it's out, may as well let it go! ;)). So... 2 coasters. At least what we were 'told' or 'heard'. Whatever. Hahaha. I think the kid coaster will just be something small... I wonder. And the second coaster. It is Gold Rush themed from what I've heard. But $7 mill. Is that enough for a good coaster? Hmm...

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"We did some sneaking. Some asking. Some peeking. And some booing. And now we'd like to confirm that the two rides at Dreamworld Australia are BOTH coasters. What sort of coasters; we have no idea." Outsiders I was there today when we heard this (but didn't post it, but now that it's out, may as well let it go! ;)). So... 2 coasters. At least what we were 'told' or 'heard'. Whatever. Hahaha. I think the kid coaster will just be something small... I wonder. And the second coaster. It is Gold Rush themed from what I've heard. But $7 mill. Is that enough for a good coaster? Hmm...

Where/how/from who did you get this information from? How do you know it's Gold Rush themed? That's good news though!!
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I hope DW do stick to the solid Gold Rush theme this time around. I'm sick of seeing the usual mash-in every time they add something new (ie Giant wave vs big ugly Claw vs flouro Main street vs Nick Cartoons vs motor bikes etc etc). Meh, I guess one could argue that "Dreamworld" is themed as a "Dream" and as such makes no sense.. ergo..

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Oh; we're not sure about that it's Gold Rush themed. I forgot to add that's just what one of our fans (who says she's the fiance of a Dreamworld Employee) said. How do we know this??? Uhm... well there were a few things. The same person I mentioned above said that after the ride is built, the bus bay will still operate (so maybe the ride can go over it or something?). But I doubt that. And then an anonymous employee (who will remain anonymous) let us in on it. And finally, one of the Outsiders had claimed to 'of seen new cars underneath the mountain'. Yesterday there was DEFINITELY work going on under the mountain. You could hear them underneath there moving, people were going in and out through the door next to the cinema. We saw an engineer in there. We're 99.9% sure that they're coasters. But if they're not; at least we had a bit of speculation. There was also a rumor that Dreamworld was letting out info to employee that wasn't real, just to steer people off; but I don't believe this.

They were doing surveying in the gold rush area of the park today.

http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/208543_155931797803067_152421251487455_334031_1530009_n.jpg Edited by Bmull19
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