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Constrictor for Wet 'n' Wild


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Frustrated with Village Roadshow's marketing again - where is the big ad for Constrictor on either the Wet 'n' Wild or themeparks.com.au websites? There should be a huge splash banner saying 'NEW! Constrictor' like they always used to. It seems like a really decent ride but unless you closely followed their facebook page, you wouldn't even know it existed. By the way, has anyone been on it yet? Thoughts? The splashdown looks awesome

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I rode this today, time for another roundup. -I guesstimated the hourly capacity at around 180....50 second interval, say 2.5 riders each time. -When you ride as a 2, you sit like the old whirlywheels on Tornado, face to face offset. When you ride as a 3, the three people sit with legs parallel, 2 on the 'outside' facing one way, and the third in the middle facing the other way. -Loading is a bit awkward, you sit on the edge of the raft and then swing your legs over. The raft is quite floaty and lighter, and the water in the starting trough is say 30cm or so, so it moves around a bit more than a cloverleaf or a Mammoth Falls raft when loading. On the plus side, the light weight of the raft makes them easy to carry and roll. -The inside of the slide lets some light in, so its not pitch black. Kinda just soaked in orange light inside...Haha, kind of like being in the intestine of the snake. -The helixes work really well, and the cool thing is slide picks up speed continuously, with each helix feeling more intense than the last, and sets the tone for the final drop. The raft rides the wall all the way around each helix, it doesn't undulate on and off the wall like what happens when you go around those first couple of long turns on Mammoth Falls: post-88-0-04588700-1349776684_thumb.jpg -I got a ride where I was backwards the whole time, and the quick speed around the helices left me a little light headed! -Splashdown at the end is really fun too, and you get satisfyingly soaked by it since it makes a big wave. It's nice that the rockwork of the old Terror Canyon was emulated to finish off the area. -No shade sail yet over the queue, but it's hard to imagine it will go without. Some of the The fencing between the path up and the slide isn't done yet either (Still temp fencing) so I think it's just a case of being able to get in there to do it.

Edited by Gazza
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To be honest, there are only two reasons I go to WnW... The wave pool and calypso beach. I do not see the point of walking up so many flights of stairs, standing in a queue, normally wet and in the wind just to spend 30 - 60 seconds sliding back down to do it all again.

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I do not see the point of walking up so many flights of stairs, standing in a queue, normally wet and in the wind just to spend 30 - 60 seconds sliding back down to do it all again.

Umm, because the 30-60 seconds is really exhilarating and full of feelings like weightlessness and speed depending on the type of slide, and because walking up stairs is really not too difficult. And I mean, for Aqualoop yesterday the waits were 5 mins or so, because the capacity is so high and the staff were working well together. Absolutley worth it considering how good that slide is. Hey, whats the point of spending all that time just sitting there on Arkham Asylum slowly going up the lift hill, when all you do is just roll downhill and through a few loops for a minute or so, only to go out the exit ramp and ride it all again. Edited by Gazza
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Hey, whats the point of spending all that time just sitting there on Arkham Asylum slowly going up the lift hill, when all you do is just roll downhill and through a few loops for a minute or so, only to go out the exit ramp and ride it all again.

That is my thought on coasters which is why I am not a fan of them either. and joz, like this is the most pointless comment ever made in a topic... I just personally don't see the big excitement about the fact they have put in another slide... Ultimately they are all the same. Sit in a tube and look at the plastic walls until you get to the splashdown.
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They aren't all the same because many have different elements that feel different to ride. It's like saying the feel of Superman escape is the same as Green Lantern. I don't really like it when people use oversimplification to make something sound bad when it's not. I can do that too... Mt Everest: Just a big hunk of rock.

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Did I say all coasters are the same? No, I agreed with the "whats the point of spending all that time just sitting there on Arkham Asylum slowly going up the lift hill, when all you do is just roll downhill and through a few loops for a minute or so, only to go out the exit ramp and ride it all again." comment you made. Of course Superman and Green Lantern have a different feel. I like Superman for the pre coaster section. But other coasters, as you mentioned, are a long lift hill and then rolling downhill with a few inversions. How are slides not all the same? Go downhill in a tube on water until you hit a pool...

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So I guess the Hydrocoaster is the same as Aqualoop? Or the same as the Tornado? Each slide has different elements, as Gazza said, and these elements make each slide unique. There are so many different 'products' offered by slide manufacturers, each with their own different feature and I believe that even Wet'n'Wild at its massive size still has many possible new rides that could be constructed. Wyncenuros, I just think you're being ignorant. I dislike shows and don't see the point in watching one of them more than once, but do I randomly state in a topic that "I hate shows" without adding anything to the discussion regarding the topic?

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I think BMulls post is pretty much spot on.....Tell me more about why Aqualoop is "the same" as Hydrocoaster.

How are slides not all the same?

Woah hang on a sec, so first you say you don't bother riding water slides, then you try and tell people who have experience riding a wide variety of slide types that they are "all the same".

Go downhill in a tube on water until you hit a pool..

For starters, not all slides are downhill...You might be propelled uphill by magnets like Hydrocoaster, or by powerful jets of water like Master Blaster slides, or just under your own momentum like Aqualoop. Some have you going uphill and falling back down in their own way, like Tornado/Kamikaze, or the "Boomerango" slides .And even if they are downhill, it might be a moderate run like the Temple of Huey, or something steep and fast like the Jetstreams at WnW.Clearly they have to be different in intensity and experience, or else why are some people afraid of one but not the other? Some slides have you bulleting along, some have you sloshing from side to side on the turns. And of course, newer slides have elements that break up the normal chute from top to bottom...Toilet bowls, funnels, halfpipes, walls, "Megatube" sections. Not all slides use a tube, some you ride on your back, like a classic flume slide like the River Rapids, so you have a bit of control, by arching your back and bending your body on the turns to go very fast. Some have you riding on a head first mat (racers...And ive been on the Mach 3 slides at WnW Orlando which use them too), some on a conventional inline 1/2/3 person tube, facing forwards, some on a circular raft that can spin around (so think of it like the difference between a normal coaster versus a spinning coaster)They all feel different. In some parks, you do see a couple of slides that might be similar..The black hole and sidewinder slides at WnW are basic forward facing tubes (Though black hole is pitch black inside, so hey, it still manages to be different), though this tends to just be a case of having enough slides to meet demand. But at WnW and WWW (And Jamberoos/WnWSyd plans do it well too), but I'd struggle to name more than a couple of rides at any of these parks that are too similar.

I just personally don't see the big excitement about the fact they have put in another slide.

Water parks need to build new rides to keep people coming back, and 90% of times the choice is a water slide. There is also the capacity argument, Wet n Wild is very popular, so needs as many people eating slides as it can get. Finally, this slide offers something new...Those helix elements are really cool.

Ultimately they are all the same. Sit in a tube and look at the plastic walls until you get to the splashdown.

I can see what you are doing, refering to "plastic walls" makes it sound really cheap and nasty", "sit in a tube till the splashdown" just makes it sound like nothing at all happens along the way and its completely emotionless like sitting at a bus stop. post-88-0-37905700-1349846503_thumb.jpg Edited by Gazza
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To be honest, there are only two reasons I go to WnW... The wave pool and calypso beach. I do not see the point of walking up so many flights of stairs, standing in a queue, normally wet and in the wind just to spend 30 - 60 seconds sliding back down to do it all again.

With all due respect, are you high?
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Yep this is the most rediculous argument every. Saying all slides are the same but all coasters is different is a rediculous comment. You don't have to like slides at all but to basically discount everyone's opinion that do like them just because you don't is indeed ignorant.

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With all due respect, are you high?


Yep this is the most rediculous argument every. Saying all slides are the same but all coasters is different is a rediculous comment. You don't have to like slides at all but to basically discount everyone's opinion that do like them just because you don't is indeed ignorant.

Where am I discounting everyone's opinion? Hydrocoaster... Not hydroslide... It incorporates magnets to counteract the normal forces of a slide therefore it cannot be classified as a slide. Aqualoop meanwhile, sit and slide down on water... Does fiberglass walls sound better? The variety in coasters comes from different types, ie suspended, stand up, launched and so on. A slide is a slide...
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You are not propelled by the magnets the whole time - each downhill in fact is a 'slide'. Aqualoop - tell me - at what point do you sit down? Every time i've ridden it, i've loaded standing up, ridden standing up, and finished laying down... (also for part of the initial drop, i don't slide on water, i fall through the air) The variety in coasters comes from different types, ie standing launch, sitting launch, laying down launch, open tube launch, cloverleaf tube launch... splashdown pool, splashdown channel.... All hotel employees are the same - rude and ignorant, with bad body odour. See the generalisation I made there based on my opinion of a group that i don't particularly like? Is it factually correct? You tell me.

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Hydrocoaster... Not hydroslide...

<Bangs head against wall> Hydrocoaster is just what the park decided to call the ride. The manufacturer product name is "Hydromagnetic Rocket"

Aqualoop meanwhile, sit and slide down on water..

But the intensity is different to a regular water slide, you couldn't have a 5 year old ride it!

It incorporates magnets to counteract the normal forces of a slide therefore it cannot be classified as a slide.

Bugger off, it has several downhill sections, and waterslidey parts: http://www.parkz.com.au/photo/AU/Gold_Coast/WhiteWater_World/209-Super_Tubes_Hydrocoaster/3,2,1266-Super_Tubes_HydroCoaster.html 0325-1_Super-Tubes-Hyd_012.jpg Ok....So Roller coaster traditionally use gravity to make it through the circuit. This roller coaster starts off with a couple of downhill turns, before using an uphill set of magnetic boosters in the tunnel to get the train into the next section of twisty track. If Supertubes at WWW is not a water slide "because it uses magnets to counteract the forces of the slide" then I guess you think this must not be a roller coaster, because it's using magnets to counteract the normal forces of the coaster!......... :blink::wacko::huh:http://rcdb.com/9463.htm?p=39629 3g30fmv4mdjmh6mdi9to00.jpg Have you ever ridden any of the newer slides at WhitewaterWorld, or Wet n Wild? Even a couple of them?
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Wycernuros, your "philosophy" on watersides is frankly the dumbest thing I have ever read on this forum. So you're basically saying that a trip down a waterslide is about as fun as walking down the stairs you walked up? Do you expect some "location" at the end of your journey or something? I'm actually thinking of how to respond to your idiotic posts but words are failing me. Thankfully Gazza seems to be doing a good job lol

Edited by alex_1
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I mean seriously - re-read your arguments, and the responses made by others (including me). You believe that everyone just jumps on you because you have a different opinion... But you're not just sharing a different opinion - you're insisting that others are wrong, and that there is to be no enjoyment from a waterslide! How in the hell can you expect to receive no negative reactions from an ENTHUSIAST SITE, when you're essentially saying that the fastest growing leisure industry across the world - is crap?

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I didn't have to go very far, so I won't bother quoting it - your comment 'but a slide is a slide' IS saying that those who disagree are wrong. You didn't say 'in my opinion' or 'to me...' you made an argument to say that there are various different types of coasters, but a slide is a slide???? I'm not going any further back. You're being argumentative simply because you find it impossible to say 'in my opinion'... you also find it impossible to say 'i appreciate your view, but i disagree'... Anyone who speaks against you must either be attacking you, or wrong...

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