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Ideas or thoughts of mazes, themes etc for 2014 Fright Nights?


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I know that it's 11 months away but thought we could discuss some ideas or thoughts for what should be there/ done for next years (2014) Fright Nights. I am personally hoping for a Carrie maze for next year as I watched the movie yesterday (the remake with Chole Grace Moretz) and boy it was fantastic, I had ideas of what scenes etc could be placed in the movie and thought it seemed pretty good (or bad)... it would an awesome maze! What are your guys ideas and thoughts?

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I can tell you now, the Fright Nights Creative Team would be brainstorming mazes and attractions for next year, so it's never to early. I do like the idea of Carrie but I don't think it could be a stand-alone maze. I remember seeing an interview with John Murdy of HHN and how he decided what franchises to do, and his three rules where many iconic scenes, great characters and a good setting. With Carrie, there is really only one iconic scene, two major characters and one great location. If MW does the same thought process, I'd expect Carrie in a sequel to the Film Vault. As for me, I would just love some more scare zoned that have a different theme. Maybe one themed to clowns, another themed to famous movie murders, etc.

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If MW does the same thought process, I'd expect Carrie in a sequel to the Film Vault.

I would love to see film vault again but I didn't like the whole chained fences thing, I'd prefer to see it as like Hollywood Horrors that travels the country with its individual movies in their individual rooms instead of having a chain fence and seeing the characters walking around.

Edited by j_m-kelly
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I would agree and I didn't think Hillbilly Slasher 2 was overly scary either. What have the themes been in the past? I know last years was a Circus.

In people's opinion what have been the best mazes of the years? (I had from friends that the Arkham Asylum and Freddy Kruger Mazes were really good.)

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I would agree and I didn't think Hillbilly Slasher 2 was overly scary either. What have the themes been in the past? I know last years was a Circus.

In people's opinion what have been the best mazes of the years? (I had from friends that the Arkham Asylum and Freddy Kruger Mazes were really good.)

Evil Dead was definitely a favourite, but I found last year's Walking Dead to have better overall themeing.

If they do go for a cohesive theme that ties in with the mazes, I wouldn't mind seeing something similar to the Director or the Usher from Halloween Horror Nights. It's movie themed, easy to tie in, and satisfies a lot of people. Last year's circus theme wasn't really evident, which kinda disappointed me.

But anyway, I don't want to get too excited for anything until I actually see something official done by Movie World.

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Some people pushing the envelopes of their employment....

Anyway Id like to see more, smaller mazes, focusing highly on being scary as hell and less on extensive sets. The mazes last year got me we "wow look the detail is amazing" but weren't holy shit balls I messed my pants. Which I think comes from limited actors in a small space.

Is like to see the terror factor upped this year possibly using now high tech gags in mazes like Knott's for example is doing.

Oh and let's shorten the length of the maze and increase group spacing.

What's everyone thoughts on this?

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I wouldn't be too keen on smaller maze/more scares. Not that I've found any of them scary, just that I don't want to walk in and go, "oh, that's it...ok" I'd rather the full immersion. I want to walk into a maze and be taken somewhere else. I don't want to feel as though I'm in the park any more. Last year, they had that done pretty damn well IMO.

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I'm all for smaller mazes - think about it - you can take the sound stage, divide it in half, and have TWO mazes in the same space - divides the same crowd into two lines. People will line up for it just as much as the full-sound-stage mazes.

And ABSOLUTELY increase the spacing with the groups. Last year they were sending people through so close together that one group stopping for every scare quickly had the groups behind them catching up, and then the actors didn't get an opportunity to 'reset' for the next scare. The result was very few scares.

That said, some of the big open mazes were good - while there weren't very many 'shit yourself' moments, the constant 'when is the next one coming' fear was always there and it helped build tension.

  • Scooby's queue works well - use it for a maze of some sort.
  • Intencity - I know the arcade is a money spinner - but I really feel they could condense the arcade somewhat, and use half the arcade space for another little maze - it's a dark building and you can do a lot with it.
  • soundstages. They're deep - divide them - 4 mazes for the price of two. It's not going to cost you much more for actors - but queue control needs a few extra people.
  • Show Stage - i think another dimension is needed here - the stage area has stairs both up into the seating area and up onto the stairs. I know there are some safety aspects to consider here, but I think it would be achievable
  • A few years ago, they used chinatown alley for a blackout maze - Dragon something or other. It was a great maze concept, but it did clog main street a lot. I'd like to see them do something else with that in another space - behind Rick's, or somewhere up western area... If they aren't doing anything else with the other half of LTRR's stage right now they could use that... i know there are several reasons why these places don't work (WB kids isn't open and neither is the Western area... but it wouldn't be hard to make something happen around that space) Another option would be the extra switchback area outside stuntdriver - enter one way, exit on the other side of Rick's. People can always enter Stunt Driver Arena for the night shows from the WB Kids end...

All ideas, not all of them good, and some of them not possible for various reasons, but i'd like to see them exploring different locations, rather than just the same 4 spots every year... change it up a little...y'know?

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That's interesting Joz - surely that would have been an issue when they did the Dragon's Lair or whatever it was? (And is that why they never did it again?)

Arkham Piazza is ripe for something as an area too. My point is that there are plenty of "spaces" they could put a maze into. (I think Intencity is the easiest to do though)

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  • Intencity - I know the arcade is a money spinner - but I really feel they could condense the arcade somewhat, and use half the arcade space for another little maze - it's a dark building and you can do a lot with it.

Achievable, they did a Fun House maze there back in '09

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I would love to see them address capacity this year. I have been to fright nights with groups the last few years and it was challenging to enjoy all the mazes whilst stopping to enjoy the shows and other attractions. Last year we did no rides (what's the point when you can anytime at a fraction of the wait!) If a scare zone was added to the line up down the alley and perhaps leading into a short Maze of its own, wrapping around superman, that could take the heat off things.

I get that they want the opportunity to sell more front of line tickets, truth is most ppl (including me) won't buy them and after waiting for 1hour+ for two mazes, most ppl get sick of waiting in lines.. I wonder if they have any knowledge of what the average FN guest is getting to see on a typical night? An attendance of 10000+ on a typical event warrants more entertainment Imo. I absolutely love what is done with fright nights at MW, it juat gets better every year. The event is exceedingly popular, perhaps if more mazes/zones could be added then more nights could also be added to the calendar to make it more viable?

Edited by MickeyD
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^i'm in total agreeance with you - but I guess the point is - many of the tickets to FN are free on the VIP passes - they're counting on upsell opportunities, add-ons and upcharges to make money out of it. Much as i'd love to see them increase capacity, attractions and entertainment - they can't do that without upping the price to pay for it all.

If as you say - most people won't buy the fastpasses, then they aren't going to make much money off them - which means the only viable way to increase capacity is to charge more for admission - either by increasing the cost of admission, the cost of the VIP or decreasing it's included benefits so you don't get in free - maybe just 'reduced price admission'.

If you get sick of waiting in lines - buy a fastpass, and support this worthwhile event that you and most others got into for free with your yearly pass. I bought one last year, did all mazes in less than an hour and a half, and had plenty of time to watch the shows (which I didn't enjoy) and even got a chance to sit down, eat dinner, have a drink, and queue for a ride that eventually broke down before i got on it. I left the park at probably around 8:30, which also meant I avoided the chaos of the carpark. It was GREAT!

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What do you all think about how the park could possibly make a leap in a few, or several years time to a paid ticketed event?

The event is getting bigger and better every year and eventually to grow any further to the level of something like Knotts or Universal it will have to start charging to get it.

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But they used to charge for it... Then they started giving it away... Same with the entry tickets now being almost the same cost as a VIP pass... With these they have created the typical guest you see at MW getting in for next to no cost, bringing their own food, not buying anything in shops...

Of course there is still the tourists that spend heaps, the occassional visitor who will buy lunch and spend a little in shops but the majority spend very little on an average visit.

Like several others here have posted previously it was better when the cost was higher meaning a different type of guest and experience.

As far as FN... How about an abandoned meat packing facility or warehouse... To help enhance the theme limit the number of people admitted to FN each night so you can actually move around.

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Rappa - i'm 100% on board with that leap.

The issue is - right now I ensure that I go every year, because my pass includes an entry. I buy a fastpass or whatever upgrade is available because its a small additional cost for a better experience... however - if admission wasn't included in my pass, I couldn't guarantee i'd go every year. I wouldn't have a 'use it or lose it' mentality.

I didn't make it to Carnivale, because I didn't renew my pass in time. I wanted to see it, but be buggered if i was going to pay a separate admission price for it when I could get it free on my pass... which I didn't get... which meant I didn't go... and I think thats how the general public would react.

For the park to change their business model after they've conditioned so many people to do it that way, i think they need to announce the changes well in advance. they need to offer the compromise for those who do see the value in paying extra (which is originally what the Gold was intended to do), so that people who still want to get it at a discount can pay a premium price for a VIP (gold platinum magic kryptonite?)

Anyone with a kryptonite will have guaranteed entry for one night, pre-booked, and everyone else pays admission as per the prices. THEN they need to learn their mistake from Wet N Wild Sydney and not panic when the public reacts badly. Not panic when ticket sales are low a week before the event. They need to be prepared to make a loss on the event for at least the first year... as they say - if you build it - they will come.

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Yeah like I said, I don't see it having to be (or working as) a ticketed even for years yet, it needs to build and build to a cult 'must do' level before that. But once it's a that point it simply won't be able to expand any further as an event (number of nights, size, etc) because it will simply be too expensive to run to make money. But with the event getting bigger and bigger each year, I can see it in 4 or 5 years time getting to the size and popularity of the big US events (well maybe them, 5 years ago, but that's still big).

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