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Hollywood Stunt Driver 2


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Guess it's better than nothing. Would have like to see them more seamlessly integrated into the exiting facade.

I totally agree. At least they just didn't leave it as just a blank and boring ramp. I think it would have been good if they placed a couple of street stalls in front of it and one of them was tilted over so it might have looked like they driving up the stall roofs. Just an idea.

Also, the first show is at 11am

Edited by themagician
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Interesting choice to bring back the "Rodney" type of character from the Police Academy days, as what I'm assuming will be the comedic relief, rather then a Marty type character. The Rodney type character however requires better acting that hopefully the Doug character will pick up better in time.

Other then that looks promising, I didn't have much hope but the green screen gives me faith it might still have a trace of the Movie Making Magic aspect rather then just a Rev head show.

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I haven't seen the above video (*stupid work gateway) so will withhold my comments on the above until later...

Re the ramp - yes, but for years they've had the smaller ramp on the back of the truck doing the same tricks. They've been able to turn around the existing ramp, and they've had 2 or 3 people on the ramp and jump a bike over them on their existing ramp. I guess we'll have to see what they have in store.


Does a view of the screen matter though? I mean you're there to see it live, but again it depends on what they utilise the screen for.

I disagree the truck was smaller. At it's travelling width, it's easily 2.5-3 metres wide, and it then has 'fold out wings' which extend it further. My best guess on the fixed ramp would be about 5 metres... so if the truck is 3, and has wings that are 1metre each, thats 5... if its a little less, sure - but this ramp isn't THAT much bigger than the travelling ramp.

And yes, if they're using the screen the way it was used for HWSD - as some scenes are done on screen, and others have the live actors interacting with the screen. Green screen effects (as mentioned above) would require use of the screen to show the end result - so yes, a view of the screen IS necessary.

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I actually really liked it

Im writing a review as well so will post when its up

Went and swy it as well today. Had a chance to chat to Warren Luff and a few of the creative minds behind the show at the end of the 1:50pm show.

The shows today ran for 12 minutes in total. However, this is not the final version... one example: parts of the screen action (checking cameras) show the truck and incomplete ramps.

The briefing when they were designing this one was that they wanted to bring the best of both worlds together from Police Academy and HSD (as they referred to it). Hence the return of the Rodney type character (which was very obvious from the moment he stood up, let alone took a tumble down the stairs), the high fall, and the body burn.

I did love that they have made this as a filming of the teaser trailer for their next big budget movie. Ally, Dave and Morgan Ross all make a return as well. The green screen component currently places the female in front of a shot of the painted alleyway at the back of the set, but that is also going to be changed down the track.

The re theme of the arena still is a puzzle to me... It doesn't fit in either way and to be honest, leaving it as an Italian town would have been fine and saved some bucks, unless part of what we haven't seen yet makes reference or use of this.

Vehicles involved: 2 HSV Holden utes, 2 black evos with similar decals, 3 dirt bikes and a Segway.

Only downside I felt from today (despite it did feel a bit unnatural, and needs wearing in but hey... day 1 so letting that slide obviously) is that it did feel a lot like FMX Overdrive. Except... The utes were out the whole time and not just at beginning and end.

This show has great potential and I feel this will be a bigger hit for the park than HSD was.

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I saw it today, but have to go against the grain and say I was severely disappointed. The show lacked any real decent storyline, sure it has the "we are filming a trailer", but after that introduction, it was basically just cars and bikes doing burn outs. There were only 2 stunts which impressed me, which were both jumps near the parking garage, but apart from that, the show was a "see once, don't bother again", and honestly, I actually preferred HSD1.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I've watched the show and these are my thoughts:


- They involve the audience

- The cars and bikes do great stunts

- The bikes don't just do the same tricks, they use different ramps and do different tricks

- Doug character provides a bit of humour to the show


- Theming isn't great. Especially for Movie World.

- Show is unclear of its location

- The explosion at the end seems to have no point. It just happens and then Doug walks out on fire.

- There isn't much of a story line. Plenty of great stunts, but thats it. Yes they are filming a movie trailer, but thats it.

- Because of the plot for the new show it doesn't make use of the whole set. Such as the bridge the car used to go over.

Overall the show isn't as good as HSD. Even though the planning of the show has been going for a few years now, it needs a lot of work. Even though they made some effort with the ramps they still look of of place. The Italian/American theme doesn't work well (for obvious reasons). They should have closed the show down for a couple of weeks to rep are everything correctly. As I said before the explosion at the end has been a key feature in the shows, but in this one it seems pointless. Something needs to crash into the building or something needs to happen at the top of it to cause it.

Police Academy Show was 5 Star

Hollywood Stunt Driver was 4 Star

Hollywood Stunt Driver 2 is 3 Star (Mainly because of the great stunts)

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  • 9 years later...

It amazes me that 10 years later, this version of the show is still going. The first HSD was really good, but only last 5 years and it was replaced by something that has just never hit the mark. They have had 2 or 3 versions of HSD2 in the past decade, but the fact it’s still going and the park haven’t invested in a whole new (and better) show amazes me. 

Edited by themagician
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