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Wonderland Sydney 2.0


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5 hours ago, jason_roberts13 said:

Just some guys fantasy huh, lets see you eat your words when more news is announced and we get closer to development.

According to Wonderland history website...

"The Space Probe was sent to Sunway Lagoon in Kuala Lumpur, but was never erected. It still sits un-erected in a nearby paddock.
The reason for this is the cost associated with the concrete footings required, and the cost to upgrade the ride."

That's sad. To have a once great ride just sitting there rotting away doing nothing. If it's been sitting there long enough and Sunway isn't doing anything someone might just have to grab it back and put it up in Sea World or something

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52 minutes ago, coasterdude44 said:

I still don't get why they closed the park. The park was doing fine financially, was it...

no one in their right mind would close a successful theme park for no reason at all

As @AlexB has pointed out on these forums, Wonderland never made a profit. It is a very well known fact that Sunway dug the park into the ground from the moment they bought it.


23 minutes ago, coasterdude44 said:

That's sad. To have a once great ride just sitting there rotting away doing nothing. If it's been sitting there long enough and Sunway isn't doing anything someone might just have to grab it back and put it up in Sea World or something


Do you seriously know how much rust and corrosion that thing could have gotten over 12 years sitting in a paddock? 

Edited by XxMrYoshixX
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it's better off on the scrapheap. It's gotta be past the point of no return

Though I still see more hope in it coming back to life in any way or form than Orphan Rocker carrying passengers anytime in the future. There's no way  in hell that ride will ever open to the public...

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On 30/4/2016 at 3:20 PM, GoGoBoy said:

A theme park based on a defunct (and very average/underwhelming) theme park, even reincorporating some of the same themed lands? Just weird.

You're forgetting the fact that Australia's Wonderland was modelled on Canada's Wonderland - a park that still exists (and flourishes) to this day. It's one of the most popular parks in Canada, and many of their attractions were the same OUAT.

On 30/4/2016 at 4:54 PM, coasterdude44 said:

Just asking a question. What ever happened to Space Probe. Was it moved to a different location when it was closed or was it just demolished?

Also after searching up the ride. It says that the ride had a top speed of 120kmh even though the ride was 67m tall. The DW Giant Drop on the other hand is about twice as tall and goes 135kmh...only 15km faster

SP must've had a much quicker drop acceleration. Shame it closed so young, looked like fun

Probe was dismantled at sent to KL. It was in a paddock for a time, before they decided not to erect it due to the cost of the foundations required. It has since disappeared from the paddock and it's location is unknown, probably scrapped.

On 30/4/2016 at 7:50 PM, Brad2912 said:

I agree with you, the proposal is just a pipedream.. What are we, 3 years now since it was first proposed? Still not concrete financing, land, anything really that shouts "we're committed to this going ahead".

Actually they made a concrete announcement about funding in the past 12 months, along with the appointment of a CEO with industry experience. Land is still an ongoing negotiation, but i'm sure once they lock that in, things will move much more quickly. As an example - the Alma Park zoo, which was to have built in Logan - things took about 18 months before the council finally cancelled the contract holding them in breach. Negotiations take time.

On 30/4/2016 at 11:42 PM, XxMrYoshixX said:

As @AlexB has pointed out on these forums, Wonderland never made a profit. It is a very well known fact that Sunway dug the park into the ground from the moment they bought it.

@XxMrYoshixX - I don't recall having ever said that, and i'd like for you to quote me if you can find it.

I do know that that is something @TheMousiah said, which I don't believe to be true.


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7 hours ago, AlexB said:

You're forgetting the fact that Australia's Wonderland was modelled on Canada's Wonderland - a park that still exists (and flourishes) to this day. It's one of the most popular parks in Canada, and many of their attractions were the same OUAT.

Probe was dismantled at sent to KL. It was in a paddock for a time, before they decided not to erect it due to the cost of the foundations required. It has since disappeared from the paddock and it's location is unknown, probably scrapped.

Actually they made a concrete announcement about funding in the past 12 months, along with the appointment of a CEO with industry experience. Land is still an ongoing negotiation, but i'm sure once they lock that in, things will move much more quickly. As an example - the Alma Park zoo, which was to have built in Logan - things took about 18 months before the council finally cancelled the contract holding them in breach. Negotiations take time.

@XxMrYoshixX - I don't recall having ever said that, and i'd like for you to quote me if you can find it.

I do know that that is something @TheMousiah said, which I don't believe to be true.


its true that australia's wonderland didn't make the profits that were expected during its conception - planning in its early years .

but it did make some sort of profits during the early 1990's while still under ownership of the original investors.

witch was when the wildlife park was built 1990 - demon 1992 - fred flintstones splash down 1993 - outback woolshed - new retail plaza - space probe 7 1995

the park was still makeing a profit in 1997 when it was sold to sunway

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1 hour ago, jason_roberts13 said:

aww im sorry if i hurt his feelings, lets all attack the newbie like you did with David Bakas earlier in the thread, we all saw what opinions everyone had to say about him including you. Good luck getting any further updates from him on this forum.

I made no attack on him. I certainly didn't stand on a pedestal whilst pointing at him screaming "ner ner ner ner ner" I simply asked him to give some firm indication that he was who he claimed to be. We've had many impersonators on these forums over the years, and newcomers sprouting knowledge of big things are always met with skepticism.

He also made a statement regarding the park's profitability. I mentioned that above. He stated the park never profited (go back a few pages if you don't believe me). I know that for a fact to be untrue. I told him in a post earlier in the thread he'd made a false statement which gave me cause to doubt his authenticity. He dismissed it, however - his last post, even after all this discussion, still stated that he would return despite the lack of welcome when he had more to share, but advised it would be rare given the work he was involved in.

I've since reached out to the folks I know, and whilst they've confirmed the appointment of Mr Bakas to the role (even the media has that confirmation) I still haven't been able to confirm whether it was in fact David who had registered on this forum with the nick name @TheMousiah - so I still have my doubts as to whether it was even him or just another imposter.

However I will state again that in the main, most people who questioned the authenticity of the poster, still did it with some respect. "Ha! In your face..." doesn't really fit.

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57 minutes ago, AlexB said:

I made no attack on him. I certainly didn't stand on a pedestal whilst pointing at him screaming "ner ner ner ner ner" I simply asked him to give some firm indication that he was who he claimed to be. We've had many impersonators on these forums over the years, and newcomers sprouting knowledge of big things are always met with skepticism.

He also made a statement regarding the park's profitability. I mentioned that above. He stated the park never profited (go back a few pages if you don't believe me). I know that for a fact to be untrue. I told him in a post earlier in the thread he'd made a false statement which gave me cause to doubt his authenticity. He dismissed it, however - his last post, even after all this discussion, still stated that he would return despite the lack of welcome when he had more to share, but advised it would be rare given the work he was involved in.

I've since reached out to the folks I know, and whilst they've confirmed the appointment of Mr Bakas to the role (even the media has that confirmation) I still haven't been able to confirm whether it was in fact David who had registered on this forum with the nick name @TheMousiah - so I still have my doubts as to whether it was even him or just another imposter.

However I will state again that in the main, most people who questioned the authenticity of the poster, still did it with some respect. "Ha! In your face..." doesn't really fit.

Ok, well it was said with tongue in cheek, no need to get all worked up over it. I've seen worse comments here from other members poking fun at Mr Bakas which seem to have gone unnoticed. No one has said anything about that.

Theres too much scepticism and negativity around the subject which is why David felt the need to speak up himself, but of course no one is taken seriously around here unless you have a high post count and well known member. 

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4 hours ago, AlexB said:

I made no attack on him. I certainly didn't stand on a pedestal whilst pointing at him screaming "ner ner ner ner ner" I simply asked him to give some firm indication that he was who he claimed to be. We've had many impersonators on these forums over the years, and newcomers sprouting knowledge of big things are always met with skepticism.

He also made a statement regarding the park's profitability. I mentioned that above. He stated the park never profited (go back a few pages if you don't believe me). I know that for a fact to be untrue. I told him in a post earlier in the thread he'd made a false statement which gave me cause to doubt his authenticity. He dismissed it, however - his last post, even after all this discussion, still stated that he would return despite the lack of welcome when he had more to share, but advised it would be rare given the work he was involved in.

I've since reached out to the folks I know, and whilst they've confirmed the appointment of Mr Bakas to the role (even the media has that confirmation) I still haven't been able to confirm whether it was in fact David who had registered on this forum with the nick name @TheMousiah - so I still have my doubts as to whether it was even him or just another imposter.

However I will state again that in the main, most people who questioned the authenticity of the poster, still did it with some respect. "Ha! In your face..." doesn't really fit.

Dave has gone by that nick name before - it took about half a minute to verify it. 


I think it's highly unlikely someone would go to that detail to impersonate someone who is connected to the new development. I also think his use of language indicated he is a professional.

Of course I think the best way for park representatives to get on board at Parkz is to contact Richard or do what Matk Shaw did by using his real name and an original photograph, but then again that's Dave's prerogative.

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28 minutes ago, iwerks said:

I think it's highly unlikely someone would go to that detail to impersonate someone who is connected to the new development. I also think his use of language indicated he is a professional.

I don't mind too much about who's who and what's what around the Sydney stuff as it doesn't directly impact me, but more themeparks for Australia can't hurt, right? 

Anyway - finding a social media name connected to a person would be one of the most simple and basic forms of identity theft. "Going to that detail" really wouldn't be more than a few minutes of searching for someone keen enough to pull it off. 

I agree 100% that park reps should contact Richard first and establish themselves with him. They could then choose to remain private as to who exactly they are or what position they hold to the rest of the forum, but they should have some sort of "verified" tag for the forums. 

Edited by reanimated35
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14 hours ago, jason_roberts13 said:

Theres too much scepticism and negativity around the subject which is why David felt the need to speak up himself, but of course no one is taken seriously around here unless you have a high post count and well known member. 

Actually, new members, with low post counts are taken seriously where they can offer some sort of evidence that they are who they claim to be. We had a Dreamworld PR rep join the forum before the launch of V8 Redline. They offered enough info to legitimise their statements.

Mark is another example.

We are always skeptical of those who join the forum, drop a bombshell, and have nothing to back it up. It's happened too many times before.

11 hours ago, iwerks said:

Of course I think the best way for park representatives to get on board at Parkz is to contact Richard or do what Matk Shaw did by using his real name and an original photograph, but then again that's Dave's prerogative.

I totally agree with this, and I think Richard has discussed it as a possibility in the future. Given the forums now have a 'crew' badge for paying customers, I wouldn't think it would be too hard to extend that functionality to official representatives with a different badge.

10 hours ago, reanimated35 said:

I agree 100% that park reps should contact Richard first and establish themselves with him. They could then choose to remain private as to who exactly they are or what position they hold to the rest of the forum, but they should have some sort of "verified" tag for the forums. 


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On 3 May 2016 at 8:27 PM, iwerks said:

Dave has gone by that nick name before - it took about half a minute to verify it. 


I think it's highly unlikely someone would go to that detail to impersonate someone who is connected to the new development. I also think his use of language indicated he is a professional

I agree, highly unlikely. What would he gain by doing this, if anyone is going to do that just to impress everyone here they really must have no life.

Like he said if anyone here was really 'involved' or work within the industry they could confirm his identity by contacting him directly if they really wanted to

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'Verified' members is something we've looked at, but it's not something that comes up often enough to push any further.  The track record of park reps joining the forums hasn't been great, the Dreamworld PR rep was shot down basically because the attraction that she was announcing was a bit crap, someone from Jamberoo joined and happened to misspell something and got jumped on to hell.  Mark is really one of the few who has joined with any success.


I'm totally down with the idea that the member was Dave, I'm also open to the idea that this whole thing might happen one day.  I just have been around long enough to have seen countless proposals come and go, many of which have been further along than this one is, and still came to nothing.  When I say I doubt it, that's based on how these things normally go, if this one is different, then that's great!  There's just nothing in the public domain to make me think this one will be any different to the other proposals that didn't happen.  This one is way more ambitious than the Paramount Park for Melbourne, the Village Roadshow Safari Parks, Wet 'n' Wild Sunshine Coast, the Cultural Theme Park for Molendinar, and the 5 story indoor theme park that was proposed to take over the Surfers Paradise Transit center all combined, and each of those had more compelling information in the public domain than this does. 


If it happens I'll be there on opening day, but I'll be honestly shocked if I end up having to book a flight to Sydney.

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  • 2 months later...

WORLDS of Wonder is destined to propel Western Sydney to the nation’s top theme park destination, knocking off the Gold Coast.

The new project to resurrect Wonderland Sydney has been earmarked for completion by 2021 with a new location in Western Sydney still to be finalised.

Florida-based manager David Bakas has researched some of the top theme parks across the world while developing the master plan that includes all the attractions, resort hotels, shopping precinct and water park.

59ac898fd98c26fa38d74a9f95479494?width=6NEW.....Masterplan for Worlds of Wonder 7cf79024938741f31cefb25e4de10249?width=6OLD.... Sydney’s famed Wonderland

“Ninety per cent of what I want (for the master plan) I already have,” Mr Bakas, operations manager of Orlando’s Walt Disney World, said.

“It is kind of like having a foot but you don’t know the exact shoe size.”

He said some of the rides will stem from the now defunct Wonderland Sydney, such as the Bush Beast, but will harness cutting edge technology as well as setting new boundaries.

“Technology has changed so drastically between decades,” he said. “Wonderland was designed in the late 1970s. What we have available now is on such a different level.”

c22d4a26f6ed27a35fa37d3a1aef18eb?width=6How new Worlds of Wonder might look. 6d91d13be05ed6f8b2a794b288ec60f2?width=6Construction oat the old Wonderland site.

Mr Bakas is closely monitoring a new $5.5 billion theme park in China called Shanghai Disney Resort which opened last month. It has a ‘‘Pirates of the Caribbean: Battle of the Sunken Treasure’’ attraction specifically based on the Hollywood blockbuster series which uses “trackless technology” allowing the ship to freely move.

“We are thinking ahead of time,” he said. “Taking the technology and making it move in a different direction.’’

Urban Estate Developments Pty Ltd owner Ammar Khan said a Badgerys Creek site would be the best location for Worlds of Wonderland. “Badgerys Creek is ideal but the sites are still under investigation,” he said.


im still not sure how this proposal can be taken seriously without land being locked in..

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Unfortunately private, but quite reliable.

I'm the first to get hung up on people who say they heard something, but can't identify source for reliability. Take this as rumor and nothing more. Those that know me well know what my connections are to Wonderland, and will have an idea of my sources, and will probably vouch for me on this.

Unfortunately I can't divulge any more than that.

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