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Wonderland Sydney 2.0


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Hi my name is John Titor i am a time traveller from the future, I have been sent back to this time as it is a very crucial juncture point in the history of the world and my people want to learn as much as possible about what happened in the great war. 

Feel free to ask me any questions and i will answer as best as i can.

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10 hours ago, AlexB said:

As others have mentioned, there is some scepticism from a random new poster who makes big claims. We know you can't reveal what is part of the NDA - what we're looking for is some tangible substance that confirms you are legitimate. Surely there is something you could do that doesn't breach NDA to prove you are involved in something as you say?

You've said something already (which I won't reveal as yet) that I know not to be true from my own close involvement with the park both in the past and the present... Whether by ignorance, misinformation, or because you are not who you claim to be I don't know - but i'm going to be open minded as we've seen first hand how valuable having a senior level manager on the boards here can be (Adventure World's Mark Shaw).

If you are legit - Welcome. Wonderland was a big part of many of our lives, and we cannot wait to see what you guys have in store... look forward to what you CAN offer when you do. In the meantime, forgive those who regard you with caution - too many times we have had folks who cannot support their claims, and mislead or outright deceive the fans who frequent this board.

With all due respect, I have no idea who you are Alex- having no one working on the project whatsoever from your area and having never had anyone named Alex mentioned to me by Ammar or anyone else. So no idea what "involvement" in the project past and present you could be referring to- besides, everyone really involved knows precisely who I am and how to find me.

In any event, nope- no inaccuracies in anything I've posted and I really do have reason to know! 

Nice to "meet" nonetheless, though I find this forum a rather strange place and doubt I'll visit too often.  I'm already available enough elsewhere, and those truly "in the know" should have no difficulty getting in touch.

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7 hours ago, TheMousiah said:

With all due respect, I have no idea who you are Alex- having no one working on the project whatsoever from your area and having never had anyone named Alex mentioned to me by Ammar or anyone else. So no idea what "involvement" in the project past and present you could be referring to- besides, everyone really involved knows precisely who I am and how to find me.

In any event, nope- no inaccuracies in anything I've posted and I really do have reason to know! 

Nice to "meet" nonetheless, though I find this forum a rather strange place and doubt I'll visit too often.  I'm already available enough elsewhere, and those truly "in the know" should have no difficulty getting in touch.

Tbh you seem like an arrogant jerk.

You come to a theme park enthusiasts forum, and expect to be able to post whatever you like with questioning, and then meet any questioning with contempt.

we don't know you, and you don't know us, as you've just shown up - that changes through communication. Saying 'those truely in the know have no difficulty getting in touch with me' is just a Tosser of a thing to say, Do you understand the Australian culture and way of life? Might be an idea before you open a theme park here. 

being a jerk to people who make up a large part of your target market and are generally influencers in the community isn't going to help your cause. 

I suggest you walk out the door and then come back in with a different attitude and you'll find others will change there's towards you too 


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So true Brad.    Little does he know or failed to care on how many people in our groups have a lot of experience in Australian theme parks.   We also have people in tourism, business management, development and so on who bring great knowledge and a different perspective to things.       This is what makes parkz so great.     If he was any good at marketing he should know this is one group you want on your side because in the end and he may not like it but we are the customers.   

Edited by skeetafly
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It's the economics of this that makes me extremely doubtful that this is ever going to come close to happening.

When you consider the very high land value in the Sydney basin along with Australia's very high construction and labour costs, and lack of population, you don't have fertile ground for a development of this type and scale.

Even the scale of the (by comparison) modest Australia's Wonderland, which when it opened in 1985 became a national 'destination' was a financial disaster from start to finish. This park was also designed and planned by a bunch of Americans with no understanding of the market in Australia.

I will watch with interest. Good luck, David.

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Yeah, I don't think you can knock someone for trying. Ammar has admitted they're not home and hosed. I don't think the original Wonderland was destined to fail - I think it was allowed to. There's every chance in the world that Adventure World in Perth wouldn't exist if it hadn't been for Steve Sicerich and Mark.

Edited by iwerks
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Thank you to the group, both the supporters and the skeptics. I only stumbled upon this group because I accidentally ended up seeing a bunch of negative comments that I knew were based on everything except the actual facts about the project itself and wanted to investigate.  Ended up wanting to know more about the fan community on this group, though seem to have to run in circles just proving who I am- and, noticed that those who were skeptics long before I ever read these threads seem committed to remaining so for the time being. Also found some who want to give us the opportunity to prove the worth of the plans on their own merits, for which I am grateful. 

I don;t have any contempt for anyone. That does not mean I should just let people bad mouth things loudly without ever calling them out for it.  Not intended to offend at all, just to set the record straight.  Would love to share the details of what is really happening and look forward to being free to do so soon!  Just asking for some patience- it really will be worth the wait. 

As for asking someone who says they are "involved" to satisfy their own curiosity by confirming through established channels- that is specific to the person who said they were "involved" beyond  this fan community- simply because if they truly are, they can do so with a click of a mouse. Sounds reasonable? After all, this project has people in multiple time zones conferring all the time so it is hardly an issue for someone who claims to be involved to follow-up and confirm for themselves, I really am that easy for them to reach despite the time zones.

The plan's feasibility makes more business sense for their 2020's target date thanks to the numbers estimated to be either in Australia or visiting by that time. This is part of why what was not feasible in the '70's and '80's is possible for the decades to come.  The need for the correct site to hold this massive development is very real- it has to be large enough and it has to fit the infrastructure needs and possibilities in Western Sydney for the 2020's and beyond. This takes time, but again is worth the patience of being conducted with due diligence.

I am thankful for an opportunity to get to know you- including the skeptics. I remain certain that as time advances and events progress, you will find plenty to like about what we are trying to accomplish in Australia.  That said, between the time changes and my many responsibilities both with this project and elsewhere in the industry, I may not be available to take part here too often- that's not due to lack of interest in what you think or would like, it's just practicality. I will try to check in when I can.  

I came here to investigate some comments and now hope to try to stay around to get to know the people here and to see what I might learn from what the fan community would like to enjoy. 

Hope we all enjoy the ride!

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  • 2 months later...

Whilst true I don know I di cheekily email them for an update the other day no response as of yet, There has been no announcements which one would expect to build hype in an area before building, However Living in the Area I struggle to think where there is 300acres in those chosen areas most are 5-6 acres blocks and would sell easily for 1.5 mill each which would be a fair chunk of change let alone council.

I think they would have to go further out to Windsor or Richmond where they could easily get that type of land and pay somewhere between 15-20 Million.


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^which lacks infrastructure support (Richmond road is a nightmare), and floods. theres a reason the land out in the hawkesbury is so cheap - most of the big blocks out there you can't build on. great agricultural land though...


Nope. Badgerys creek area is the way to go, given the plans for the airport will mean infrastructure, transport and tourism will be on the doorstep.

Just one suggestion on a quick look over google maps - the Elizabeth Drive landfill facility in Badgery's Creek measures around 882,000m2. That's roughly around 220 Acres... not far off, and the land surrounding is mostly rural also.

I chose the landfill because google maps highlights the boundary of the facility when you search 'badgery's creek' - so don't read anything into the choice or the size. the point is, parcels of land around that size are there, and a landfill (most likely government owned) could be sold at a heavy discount in cooperation with a major developer, as a partnership... which has been done overseas for this type of development.

As for emailing them, don't expect much more than a canned and prepared answer of 'watch this space' similar to anything you'd get from any of the GC parks. Believe me when I say - as soon as a deal is done, announcements will be made.


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  • Richard changed the title to Wonderland Sydney 2.0

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