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Star Tour All Access Pass - Behind the scenes at Movie World

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I wonder if an upcharge tour would work well in the Studios?  With small controlled groups you could provide lockers and make people put their phones/cameras away, and the studios finally have enough history that interesting things have happened there.  I don't know if it's something you could do with a big production in town (not without a change to the hiring agreement anyway) but I've got a suspicion that there's a bigger market for behind the scenes studio tour than there is for a behind the scenes theme park tour (despite the theme park tour being significantly more interesting to me).

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Wouldn't even need to be an upcharge - could be a completely standalone attraction sold by the studios themselves without need for MW entry. (Might make it more desirable to tourists who would like to do it, but don't want to waste part of their 'day' booked at the park.

Wouldn't take much for a couple of sets. I am aware that the sets used for PotC filming here a year or two back is now being used by the GC Renaissance Fair in a little over a week - so the sets wouldn't be hard to keep around - wouldn't even have to be a VRL film really - it wouldn't be about VRL productions, it would be about productions shot at VRS

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Agree with @djrappa, except sometimes one does need to differentiate between us as enthusiasts \ fanatics \ more knowledgeable park goers - ie: people who would refer to coasters by their manufacturer or model, as opposed to people who go - hey look - a roller coaster!

For me, I prefer GP, or general public, vs. Enthusiast. Whilst I realise that enthusiasts are still 'general public' as far as the park is concerned, its what I use to differentiate.

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19 minutes ago, Santa07 said:

^Pretty much this, I never intended it in a derogatory manner


Something unexpected and irrelevant, but often amusing. A very over-used word now, use it when something really is random.

The problem with calling a non-enthusiast a random is a non-enthusiast is not random but more the norm and an enthusiast would be more random.

I love the urban dictionary.   

"The latest buzzword used amongst mindless teenagers as a way of showing just so utterly irreverent their predictable sense of humour is. Particularly dominant among English teens and University students, the word "random" or the act of being "random" is a desperate plea for others to recognise how totally against the grain of the norm you are and that you're really crazy and out there. Trouble is, being "random" is predictable, boring, moronic and extremely sad indeed."

In all seriousness @Santa07 I didn't think it came across in a derogatory manner.

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1 hour ago, YLFATEEKS said:

^because I can't spell it.

I think it's a good sign that it's been out for a little while now and only 3 spots left.

Surprisingly I agree with you on this. I wouldn't read it in a derogatory (thanks autocorrect) way at all.

Screw trying to spell enthusiast (again, thanks autocorrect). They are "random" in the fact that we don't know who they are. To "us" (is that bad too?) members of this forum, we don't know who they are and we'll call them something that implies we don't know that. 

Plus, were quite likely to have even done the tour with some "random" parkz member that you don't know or recognise either. 

I know of one highly prominent member who's done the tour with other "random parkz members" and no one knew who they were. 

Edited by reanimated35
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1 hour ago, djrappa said:

Yes, I just don't like it when any reference is made that comes across as looking down on them. 

I don't see why non enthusiast can't be used. 

We tend to abbreviate a lot on these boards. for a newcomer, the abbreviations tend to be the number one reason for them to post (ie: what's SBNO mean? What's an LSM?). Many of these can now be successfully googled, but many of our park specific ones (HWSW vs. HWSD) do get confusing.

What's my point?

I like abbreviating (mainly because i'm lazy) - and for me GP is a far easier abbreviation than NE. GP is a commonly accepted acronym for the term 'general public' whereas i'm more likely directing people North East than referring to non enthusiast.

Again, I note that while we all (when entering through the front gate) are considered GP by the parks, I use the term to denote the public 'in general', rather than enthusiasts less generally. I don't consider use of GP to be looking down on general park goers, and I acknowledge that we, as enthusiasts also fit into that group - but for discussion purposes are separated by using 'enthusiast'.

If someone can come up with an acronym to refer to "us" enthusiasts (maybe TPG or TPN would work - being theme park geek or theme park nerd - but I note in my unofficial Parkz acronym dictionary that these are already in use for TP Girl and TP Ninja... Plus someone might find them derogatory... Oh well... back to the drawing board.


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