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Dreamworld Lego Store construction

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Gotta be honest, I don't understand why they need a vineyard to hide the already functioning and decent enough looking facades? It's not like you're taking a slash in the open, there's still doors and stuff in the restrooms right?

In any case, will be cool to checkout the combo of stuff opening in and around there soon. I'm guessing they'll be funnelling people back through there as an exit asap.

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I had a dream I was an actor last night so I feel we need to roleplay this.

I will play the part of the disabled person.  (In this roleplay you will refer to me as Tom Cruise)

Since you asked the question you can play the role of my support person that takes drives me around and looks after me. (In this roleplay I will refer to you as Donald Trump)


Tom:                      “Yay we made it to Dreamworld.  I am so excited”

Donald:                “Settle down Tom, we are not even in the front gate yet”

Tom:                      “Hurry up, I need to go to the toilet”

Donald:                “What have you eaten Tom?  You went before we left and you live across the road”

Tom:                      “That was a number 1.  Now I feel the need – the need to poo”

Donald:                “Ok, it just happens to be a newly renovated toilet next to the Lego store”

Tom:                      “It’s not going to be so new when I’m finished with it”

Donald helps Tom into the toilet area.

Tom:                      “What the hell are you still doing in here?  Get out, I can poo by myself”

Donald:                 “Sorry”

Donald leaves the toilet and waits outside.  5mins latter Tom calls out.

Tom:                      “Donald! Donald!”

Donald:                “Yes Tom, I heard you the first time”

Tom:                      “Come in here.  I need help.  I need help getting my pants back up”

Donald:                “I’m not coming in there; your paints are down and everybody outside will

                              see you when I open the door”

Tom:                      “Don’t be stupid Donald that’s what the screen is for”

Donald:                  "Hey that's not fair why don't they have a screen for me when I go to toilet"

Tom:                      "Silly Donald, you have a cubical"

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12 minutes ago, reanimated35 said:

At first I thought that was absolutely absurd and stupid. Then I realised we were talking about Donald Trump and Tom Cruise. 

For this to be completely accurate, wouldn't Mr T have been in the bathroom having a 'shower' though? 

No that would only be in the areas a shower is required by law and this is not one of those areas.

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29 minutes ago, Slick said:

This got weird real quick.

Back on topic, Lego... the building itself is very visually impressive from the highway. I loved lego as a kid but haven't followed it at all for many years, so what are people excited the most about? The custom brick stuff, the one-offs and rare legos?

First point - i'd like to pose another thread de-railing question. I've always considered that the plural of lego was lego. It always irked me when people would say 'legos' - and it seems like i'm not the only one thinking this way: link


As for your question, I am very much looking forward to having a one-stop lego shop on my doorstep - my little guy turns 1 next week, and I'm counting the days until I can spend hours playing with his lego sets. Sadly Duplo isn't suitable until age 2, and most lego sets, not until age 5 or 6. Very glad to report an extensive Disney collection exists in the lego universe too.

4 minutes ago, Brad2912 said:

Maybe they can sell a limited edition Dreamworld Defunct Attractions collection.

Captain Sturt

Rocky Hollow


Eureka Mountain


Would make a nice little set..


Ummm dude... Corkscrew was a Sea World attraction - i think you mean Thunderbolt.

Also you forgot TRRR....




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I’ll put it out there a lot people on this site will go to it once just because it something new at DW.  Once it’s ticked off they will never step a foot back into the shop again.  The same people would never have gone to it if it was built somewhere else.  I’m still on the fence if I like this direction the parks have been going.  TopGolf, Lego Store.  TG is a bit different only because I have never classed that land usage to be within MW footprint.  I would even go as far and say the new coaster has gone outside of MW footprint.  The Lego store in my eyes has gone into DW footprint and doesn’t add to DW.

To add on to this:

I thought Ardent would have built a Main Event under it's own name much like village has done with TG before sticking a Lego store into DW.

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49 minutes ago, AlexB said:


Ummm dude... Corkscrew was a Sea World attraction - i think you mean Thunderbolt.

Also you forgot TRRR....




Most certainly did, Will fix it but acknowledging the error haha.

and I intended to surf right around that Big Can of Worms, largely due to the the way Lego characters are put together.

Moving on

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So here is some news for you all. The construction walls have been completely taken down, with just some low metal fencing in position now. The store I think looks really pretty at night, and does have multi coloured LED strips along the roof.





You can see in the bottom left corner of the below image that there are some glass sliding doors which will provide an entrance/exit to and from Main Street, where there currently is that part fenced off.



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They were flashing pretty quick, and there were quite a few of the colours that alternate and miss match. It does look impressive from the highway or as you drive up to the park. But after watching it for a while it does begin to look a bit tacky. It isn't bad, but as @rac2703 said, just a couple of colours probably would be better.

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I like the lighting touch - MW has a giant green billboard which really smacks you in the face as you drive down the highway.

I have been houseboating on the broadwater at night and see the ToT lights, so I like them having something that will draw attention at night. The LED RGB strips are simple and effective - I just hope they maintain them. It's nice that they've added this kind of thing, and it will probably go really well if they keep up periodical night time trading.

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