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Dreamworld / WWW Update

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Well, when you lose the loop through goldrush, and then the backup loop down the train line...

I mean - it's a bit like Disneyland closing fantasyland and one half of the hub. Its a long way around, but there isn't really any other way to avoid it if the works required are that extensive...

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23 minutes ago, AlexB said:

^then people would just be bitching about the long walk to corroboree.

What they should have done was opened an alternative path, even if it crossed the rail line, and suitably fenced it so people still had direct access to Rocky Hollow.

Corroboree is always a long work no matter which way you go.  

What they should have done is sell DW after they realised how incompetent they are. 

The problem with that is only a competent person would know that they are incompetent.

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I was moreso making the point that even if the ride maintenance was timed well, people would still find things to bitch about.

I wondered just how much longer around it is, and I was surprised that it actually isn't that much... according to nearmap, from the front gate, to corroboree station, its 509 metres going via GD and Rocky Hollow. (not as the crow flies, but actually following the paths, including the elevated ones)

Going past central station, through wiggles world and past billabong to get to corroboree station its 639 metres...

So yes, if they could have synchronised the maintenance for GD and RHLR, it wouldn't be such a big impost for people.

For those wondering - with the path open, its 252 metres to GD, and another 70 metres to RHLR. The same pathway through Wiggles world will take you 840 metres to get to RHLR and 910 metres to get to GD.

Walking a kilometre in a theme park is nothing really - (when there are amazing attractions all the way along) but the issue is that there really isn't much appeal for most thrillseekers on the way here, and almost half of that route is devoid of even a token attraction.


As I said before... that's just disgusting.

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"No sign of the ride remains"


Except that concrete wall right behind the text that formed part of the rapid channel.


I had seen demolition of the channel wall in other areas, but it doesn't look like they decided to take this part out. Hope it doesn't come back to bite them in future construction...

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2 hours ago, AlexB said:

I had seen demolition of the channel wall in other areas, but it doesn't look like they decided to take this part out. Hope it doesn't come back to bite them in future construction...

Maybe there waiting on more dirt to be dug up from the lazy river.

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