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Six Flags Australia

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So this was just something i came up with on photoshop and i thought this could be a forum where you could have a say of what rides and attractions you would want to add to Six flags Australia and hope if i can with all your ideas create a park map of what it could look like if i have the time but let your imagination be loose and enjoy with this park


Here are some other Six Flags logos i made on photoshop

Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 8.14.07 pm.png

Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 8.14.34 pm.png

Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 8.15.07 pm.png

Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 8.15.31 pm.png

Screen Shot 2020-05-22 at 8.16.02 pm.png

Edited by Taj O'Neill
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2 hours ago, Brad2912 said:

Those must have taken all day to whip up...

Kudos to you. 

It’s basic editing it only took 5 minutes of my time no biggy 

1 hour ago, Prequel said:

Welcome to Six Flags Canberra!

Six flags canberra two.jpg

Not gonna lie but that’s probably true and I’m still confused how it’s the most liveable city in the world

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I remember making a Six Flags Australia park in RCT3 when I was like 14 or 15 years old. Too bad the hard drive I had that save on broke, because I'd happily look at what kid me thought was cool to put into a theme park.

As for rides and attractions to add, pick any one of these Six Flags favourites.

  • RMC Raptor
  • S&S 4D Free Spin
  • RMC Hybrid Ground Up
  • Larson Super Loop (marketed as a 'coaster')
  • Funtime Starflyer
  • Zamperla Giant Discovery
  • Insert Zamperla Flat Ride Here
  • Justice League Dark Ride Clone

Bonus points if any of these rides are named The Joker, Goliath, (Harley Quinn) Spinsanity, Skyscreamer or Wonder Woman.

Good luck getting anything else. Six Flags is so hilariously cheap when it comes to their parks that you can literally guess what a park gets out of a list because they order a lot of clones.

Edited by Baconjack
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6 minutes ago, Baconjack said:

I remember making a Six Flags Australia park in RCT3 when I was like 14 or 15 years old. Too bad the hard drive I had that save on broke, because I'd happily look at what kid me thought was cool to put into a theme park.

As for rides and attractions to add, pick any one of these Six Flags favourites.

  • RMC Raptor
  • S&S 4D Free Spin
  • RMC Hybrid Ground Up
  • Larson Super Loop (marketed as a 'coaster')
  • Funtime Starflyer
  • Zamperla Giant Discovery
  • Insert Zamperla Flat Ride Here
  • Justice League Dark Ride Clone

Bonus points if any of these rides are named The Joker, Goliath, (Harley Quinn) Spinsanity, Skyscreamer or Wonder Woman.

Good luck getting anything else. Six Flags is so hilariously cheap when it comes to their parks that you can literally guess what a park gets out of a list because they order a lot of clones.

Thank you for this i will start working on this in the coming weeks in my spare time and i have to learn some more stuff on creative cloud first before i would outline a map to start = )

Edited by Taj O'Neill
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I think it would be a great idea to put in a Six Flags somewhere in Australia. I don't think the Gold Coast would be the best place as Six Flags is more of an regional park rather than an NATIONAL THEME PARK! OH MY GOODNESS THEY ARE THE CHOSEN ONE! Anyways, even though it would be a great idea, and a good investment in practice. But Six Flags is already having financial problems again and it is seeming like they are going to look for a new owner, most likely Warner Brothers. More information here: 


 And even if they were not in financial difficulty, since the end of the 20th Century, nobody wants to invest in Australia because of the high wages of a minimum of $18.50 per hour! And you need usually for a big park like Six Flags over 500 people. And with all the other expenses, it would not be financially viable. Unless if the minimum wage went down, which of course NOBODY would like. They would all be protesting in the streets. Right next to parliament saying. "HIGHER MINIMUM WAGE, WE CAN'T AFFORD TO LIVE NEXT TO THE NOOIIISSE ANYMORE OF SILLY LUNA PARK!" That is what they would be chanting, and we really do not want that. So the foreseeable future, sadly no.

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10 hours ago, Baconjack said:

Good luck getting anything else. Six Flags is so hilariously cheap when it comes to their parks that you can literally guess what a park gets out of a list because they order a lot of clones.

So hilariously cheap? I think that is a bit of a misnomer. They certainly do not skimp on attractions- I dont think anyone would look at the ride line up at Six Flags Magic Mountain and call it "cheap". What they do miss out on is general theming and immersiveness that chains such as Disney and Universal prize so highly. Even SeaWorld Parks and Cedar Fair , overall , has general attention to detail and theming greater than most Six Flags. Its never been their strongpoint or even their purview. Thats not to say that they CANNOT produce highly themed attractions however, the quality of their rides is clearly undisputed. They certainly cannot be described as "hilariously cheap" IMHO.

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On 23/05/2020 at 3:10 PM, A.H said:

All jokes aside Six Flags would never enter Australia. Six flags hasn't built a groundup park since 1971 and even if they did enter the Australian market it would have Been during the Premier Parks era when they were expanding like crazy. 

It could be possible of Six Flags to purchase Gumbuya World. Or another regional park a little like the aforementioned parks.  Buy some more land, do immerse renovation, to turn the park into a Six Flags.  But that is still very unlikely right now as mentioned in my post further up.

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1 hour ago, AheadMatthewawsome said:

It could be possible of Six Flags to purchase Gumbuya World. Or another regional park a little like the aforementioned parks.  Buy some more land, do immerse renovation, to turn the park into a Six Flags.  But that is still very unlikely right now as mentioned in my post further up.

Regional parks cannot sustain the attendance required to operate a full scale park, especially with the type of attractions Six Flags are known for, and if you are going to do a half-assed version why bother. 

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