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Movie World Scheduled Maintenance 2023


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Superman Escape now has modern TV's in the queue (that were turned off, but it's a start!

All the effects were working

Also shout out to the great operations, probably the most efficient I've ever seen SE. The team were doing a fantastic job and were really friendly.

Edited by Ogre
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25 minutes ago, Ogre said:

Superman Escape now has modern TV's in the queue (that were turned off, but it's a start!

Great news! I hope they only use the new TV’s to play the original queue line video and don’t try to run ads on them like 90% of screens on VRTP properties. 

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8 minutes ago, Noll_57 said:

Great news! I hope they only use the new TV’s to play the original queue line video and don’t try to run ads on them like 90% of screens on VRTP properties. 

Yeah, bit worried about that...

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Quick question re Superman queue. Last time I visited the park was January 2020. My biggest grievance of the day was the lack of air conditioning in the queue building. The queue was a furnace the day I visited. And, of course, the shitty locker policy, so no water bottle on my person. Has this been fixed? Do they run A/C in the building properly now?

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I get that this is meant to be a joke, but the peak headway between trains on the NYC Subway are 6mins.

On 25/04/2023 at 8:31 AM, Dean Barnett said:

Superman ops were really bad too... 4-6 min cycles


I dunno man, I really get the impression that you're one of those people that isn't happy unless they're complaining.

Edited by joz
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On 07/05/2023 at 1:15 AM, Dean Barnett said:


You really can't help yourself, can you? - you've always got to disprove the other guy and defend your statement even when you've been called out. And you always fail.

Saddle up.

Even if you take the average of all of those running times over the course of the day, the average frequency of the NYC is 7 minutes and 22 seconds across its operating day. The 5 minutes quoted run time during peak hours is also smack bang in the middle of your quoted Superman dispatch times.

However you should be careful of your sources. The site google has quoted there is not an official site - but a tourist blog run by a commercial tour company - Civitatis Tours


Let's check some other sources:

Wikipedia starts off noting there are actually five different service patterns, rather than the three the tour company mentioned (the others are late night and weekends, so presumably won't help bump the average). What's also notable is the fact the NYC Subway has 28 different routes, and each operates different frequencies - expresses, all stops, some only in non peak times - but what gets really interesting is this table:


What we see here is that, even in rush hour, not every train comes every 2 minutes, and if you average it out (based on the fastest time for each line), it still comes to 5 minutes and 40 seconds during peak.


Now, assuming we take wiki with a grain of salt:

The official MTA website shows all the schedules for every line, and if you go and look at those examples during peak hour the frequency is scheduled quite often less (ie, longer wait) than posted even in Wiki.

Pedestrian Observations has written an article specifically regarding the NYC Subway frequency, and in their own analysis, they found an average of 5 minutes and 42 seconds during morning peak across all lines.

New York City Photo Safari (another tourist blog) states most trains run every 7-10 minutes, with some as many as 15. It notes that if you wait more than 10 or 12 minutes, it's unlikely the line is operating at that time.



TL:DR - you got owned, stop talking out your arse and just accept the L occasionally.


Edited by DaptoFunlandGuy
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25 minutes ago, Dean Barnett said:

(also more than one service uses the same platforms in actual NYC

You can't help yourself.

25 minutes ago, Dean Barnett said:

I'm not sure how we got to this

We get to this because you make flippant off-hand remarks that aren't based in reality. As Joz demonstrated above, you even contradict yourself at times. 

26 minutes ago, Dean Barnett said:

wasn't really expecting a deep dive into MTA's efficencies compared to a roller coaster based in a ficitious city based off NYC

You probably should have. You should by now have realised that people here aren't going to let you get away with bullshit. And providing a complete and utter shutdown in one post reduces your avenues of attempted rebuttal.

  • You attempted a stab at Superman Ops by expressing your desire for superman to dispatch as often as a real subway.
  • Your previous words (which identified Superman Ops as "bad" when it was 4-6 minutes) were thrown back at you.
  • You tried to give your original comment legitimacy by screenshotting a travel blog that claimed 2-5 minutes was normal.
  • I provided numerous sources that called your source into question and showed a much more balanced assessment of the frequency of the subway you yourself pointed to as a source.
  • You switch to implying the direction the conversation went is somehow unexpected
  • You double down on your original position trying to explain that one platform can handle multiple services, while ignoring the fact that that platform is also fed by multiple tracks, whereas this fictious rollercoaster city only has one track.
33 minutes ago, Dean Barnett said:

can we just get VRTP to operate their roller coaster amusement devices more efficently.

Objection your honor, this question has been asked and answered. He's badgering the witness!

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sorry for posting in this thread, didn't know where to put it

8 of the 15 rides at Movie World are down for maintenance, including 5 of the 7 major rides (DCR, WWF, SD, DD, GL) as well as half the kids rides (Splash Zone, Carousel, Sylvester). Only SE and BS as well as some kids rides are open, with SE having a 170 min wait time. Must hurt for a family going today seeing all the rides they wanted to go on closed.

Edited by TBoy
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32 minutes ago, Ogre said:

Extended again!

If we count the days it was closed for this period as well as the unscheduled maintenance at the start of the year (first 9 days) then it has been closed for 142 days out of 169. If it just keeps getting extended I feel like it might be time to get rid of it.

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1 hour ago, TBoy said:

If we count the days it was closed for this period as well as the unscheduled maintenance at the start of the year (first 9 days) then it has been closed for 142 days out of 169

I have no hard data but would guess this ride has been inoperable for around 50% of the time since it opened. A complete dud purchase. Time to sell it off and use the space for something that will draw a crowd.

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