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Main Street In for a Change...


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Good, because a month or two from now when it's basically six months straight of clear blue skies with tops of 25ºC that's precisely what the park will need. We have had our first truly wet summer in a decade or more. Meanwhile that roof exists at Tokyo Disneyland because that park is subjected to everything from blizzards to monsoon season year in year out. And it was a colossal compromise when they were designing the park because no Imagineer wanted to make the park a big themed indoor mall. Besides, can't they make more money selling ponchos and Tweedy umbrellas?

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I personally think this would be a BAD move for Movie World. I personally think it looks really quite ugly, whereas Main Street looks really good in the day time. The lattice effect looks tacky in my opinion, I can see why Tokyo Disneyland had to do it (Monsoons etc.) But all we really get is rain, which is what an umbrella or the rain poncho's are for.

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MW Management have been talking about this for years now and I personally think it's a great idea! There really aren't many places in the Park where you can get out of the sun / rain except for inside many of the attractions and shops. It would be a good place for people to congregate comfortably to get out of the weather but not so good if they planned on any fireworks shows during (hopefully oneday) late night trading in Holidays

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Well that roof looks pretty good in my opinion but VERY expensive. I'm worried that ours could be a cheaper option and you know, no sunlight means no trees so that would be a shame given main street looks so pretty as it is all landscaped.
Yes, if i had to make a choice i would go no roof and keep the trees, It seems like a big jump just because we have had one bad summer season in terms of rain.
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One of the big things that roof doesn't convey is the heat. The few days we spent there last October were not especially hot, but after a few hours of sunlight the heat under the roof at Tokyo Disney gets almost unbearable - it's muggy, stuffy and uncomfortable to the point where people tend to congregate inside the shops as opposed to on the street. Now magnify this to Movie World, where its on average hotter more of the time and I think you'd get a pretty horrible structure. On top of that, I reckon it looks damn ugly. :P

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1. Well below standards in terms of aesthetics. 2. Unnecessary, especially considering that there are ways to protect yourself from the rain (poncho, umbrella). 3. Would turn Main Street into a greenhouse, causing temperatures to soar. 4. Would not shelter you from the sun if it were made of glass. 5. If Movie World decided to go cheap and not make it out of glass, you would be walking through "Main Tent". In the words of The Comic Book Guy: "Worst idea - ever"

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Hey that's a good point about the heat Nev, I never even thought about that. For whoever said we've never had a bad season in terms of rain then clearly you're forgetting the past 2 months, this summer season was BAD for the parks. One thing worth thinking about as was mentioned to me is that now during rain people flee to the shops, thus increasing retail revenue. Once they no longer have to do this I think we'd likely see a hit to retail takings on rainy days... What do you think Nev, I say they just go and build a shorter version of the Freemont Street roof, if you're going to have a big ole roof over main street, it may as well be cool.

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The thing I find odd is that Gold Coast Tourism proudly boasts its 300 days of sunshine a year. Taking their marketing hype at face value, but also disregarding the fact that probably 50% or more of those remaining 65 days are just overcast without rain, we're looking at a structure that serves a valid purpose at most around 18% of the year. Sun protection? I'd look at providing better shade by way of more aesthetic means such as trees in the other 3/4 of the park before focusing on Main Street where, unlike around major rides, people don't generally congregate for long periods of time. Given that the only attraction on Main Street is Shrek, it'll provide little purpose to the majority of guests who will spend most of their day alternating between attractions all around the park. Don't think I could imagine a Fremont Street Experience without the sleaze... it just wouldn't have that same appeal.

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Not to mention a Fremont street ceiling wouldn't look as good during the day. And we all know our parks aren't open at night unless during special events. I think this would be the worst move yet, it would be a waste of money, an eyesore and unnecessary. I mean if I get a few days of rain, I'm not going to carry an umbrella around with me for the rest of my life.

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