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1 hour ago, The_Ninja_59 said:

 fair enough :) 

So I'm heading down to the park again today, does  anyone want me to check on anything at the park? 

I'm not sure. Can you possibly check if the blue paint leftover from the Ocean Parade refurb is still spilt all across the floor of Cyclone's queue? Also is the coaster still rough like what Cooper Olsen pointed out?

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I paid $24 for a burger, fries, and a cider at that new "Grid" burger place yesterday. I only did it because I was a bit hungry and I was staying for Beatbox.

Never again! The cider was fine though only a plastic cup full). The fries were identical to the ones elsewhere in the park despite the fancy description (ok but nothing special, and far too much). The burger was a huge disappointment for the price, and made me wish I'd waited and had a proper gourmet burger at McDonald's after Beatbox finished. Sure, I wouldn't have got a cider there, but the burger would have been far better, I would have had table service, and I would have had an iced latte instead. 

Oh well. Sometimes you have to try something just to be sure!

If anyone still feels tempted to buy the "Grid" garbage, at least make sure the burger meat is fully cooked. Mine wasn't and it gave me food poisoning!

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That price absolutely stuns me. I know it's theme park foods, but even then that seems overly priced for the alleged quality.

For around $20, I can get a Mac and Cheese Burger with a giant Peanut Butter shake in the Brisbane CBD, and that is to die for. 

It would be a real shame if Dreamworlds efforts in the Food & Beverage department started to take a turn for the worse. Maybe they just had a bad day?

Edited by Zanstabar
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2 hours ago, Zanstabar said:

For around $20, I can get a Mac and Cheese Burger with a giant Peanut Butter shake in the Brisbane CBD, and that is to die for.

Miss Kay's + The Doughnut Bar? ;) haha

I love a good burger too! I've tried a lot of places and so far my favourite was Chur Burger in the Valley :) It's a shame our parks don't have the best burgers, I would definetly pay $10 - $15 for just a burger at a park if it were the quality of those I've had at various burger joints. Add chips (with sauce) & a drink then I would consider paying $20 - $25. But for now, it just really isn't worth it ?

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4 hours ago, XxMrYoshixX said:

Also is the coaster still rough like what Cooper Olsen pointed out?

It's much smoother than I went on Saturday, I strongly recommend you putting your head back when it comes to the SideWinder and the loop as it hurts your neck Big Time 

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8 minutes ago, The_Ninja_59 said:

It's much smoother than I went on Saturday, I strongly recommend you putting your head back when it comes to the SideWinder and the loop as it hurts your neck Big Time 

That's just the track layout, it's always been like that if you've been near or at the front. The further back in the train you go, the better.

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4 hours ago, pushbutton said:

The fries were identical to the ones elsewhere in the park despite the fancy description (ok but nothing special, and far too much).


I would have had table service, and I would have had an iced latte instead. 


it gave me food poisoning!

  1. Are you complaining that you received TOO MANY FRIES?
  2. Do you mean that you get to sit at a table, or do you mean that wait staff bring your food to your table (which is the correct definition of 'Table Service') and if so - which bloody Maccas are you dining at to receive actual table service???
  3. Drama much? Sounds like you had this as an early dinner yesterday, and you posted about this mid-morning today. Few actual cases of food poisoning occur that quickly - it is rarely the last thing that you ate. If the dreamworld burger legitimately gave you food poisoning, you should have seen a doctor by now, so that the health department could be notified and an inspection of the food prep areas done immediately.
    I'll bet you've done none of that, which will indicate it wasn't that bad, and\or it wasn't that that caused it. Burgers are only grey at fast food joints. Proper burgers should be cooked a bit more on the rarer side to be juicy and succulent. Its probably the first time you've seen a gourmet burger cooked properly, as McDonalds "gourmet" burgers are always grey.
    In the future, you should indicate whether you have proof of this sort of allegation, or whether it is just an opinion. Short of a health department inspection, i'm going to assume you're just being a DQ.
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Just now, The_Ninja_59 said:

but the thing is the cars doesn't go backwards^^

They do - in Totta's mind.

We must all try to be like him so we can experience it backwards!

In Cyclone's later days I used to just use the stairs to get up the tower. Is it a pain to have to constantly use the ramp to get up there?

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23 hours ago, AlexB said:
  1. Are you complaining that you received TOO MANY FRIES?
  2. Do you mean that you get to sit at a table, or do you mean that wait staff bring your food to your table (which is the correct definition of 'Table Service') and if so - which bloody Maccas are you dining at to receive actual table service???
  3. Drama much? Sounds like you had this as an early dinner yesterday, and you posted about this mid-morning today. Few actual cases of food poisoning occur that quickly - it is rarely the last thing that you ate. If the dreamworld burger legitimately gave you food poisoning, you should have seen a doctor by now, so that the health department could be notified and an inspection of the food prep areas done immediately.
    I'll bet you've done none of that, which will indicate it wasn't that bad, and\or it wasn't that that caused it. Burgers are only grey at fast food joints. Proper burgers should be cooked a bit more on the rarer side to be juicy and succulent. Its probably the first time you've seen a gourmet burger cooked properly, as McDonalds "gourmet" burgers are always grey.
    In the future, you should indicate whether you have proof of this sort of allegation, or whether it is just an opinion. Short of a health department inspection, i'm going to assume you're just being a DQ.

1:  No, he is complaining that the fries are too expensive.  They are.
2:  It's okay to come out of your cave now - McDonalds has been offering table service for their gourmet burger (CYT) menu for quite some time.  They even offer delivery in some stores.  Amazing and life-changing, I know.
3:  Not true, depending on the pathogen the onset of symptoms can be within hours, and may indeed have been the last thing you ate.  You are not recommended to see a doctor in most cases unless symptoms persist for more than three days.

Looks like 0/3 on that one.  Your aim is normally better.

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  1. He said the fries looked to be the same as what was sold elsewhere in the park, but were "nothing special and far too much". He was mid-description so i doubt he was talking about the price of the fries, as far too much doesn't suggest an elevated price in this context. I think you're stretching, and at any rate - as you weren't the OP of those comments, you're in no better position than I to judge that context.
  2. Ordering food at a counter, bar, touch screen or speaker box, and then going and sitting down to await the delivery of your order is not table service. Table service is where the waiter comes TO your table to take your order... ie: being served AT YOUR TABLE.
    I offer the following in support of this:

    Historically, restaurant referred only to places that provided tables where one sat down to eat the meal, typically served by a waiter. Following the rise of fast food and take-out


    restaurants, a retronym for the older "standard" restaurant was created, sit-down restaurant. Most commonly, "sit-down restaurant" refers to a casual dining restaurant with table service, rather than a fast food restaurant or a diner, where one orders food at a counter. Sit-down restaurants are often further categorized, in North America, as "family-style" or "formal".

    Fast food restaurants emphasize speed of service. Operations range from small-scale street vendors with food carts to multi-billion dollar corporations like McDonald's and Pizza Hut. Food is ordered not from the table, but from a front counter (or in some cases, using an electronic terminal). Diners typically then carry their own food from the counter to a table of their choosing, and afterward dispose of any waste from their trays. Drive-through and take-out service may also be available. Fast food restaurants are known in the restaurant industry as QSRs or quick-service restaurants.[2]


    I realise that McDonald's calls their CYT system 'table service'... but if it looks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, you can't call it a fish.

  3. To be fair - we're both kinda off the mark on this one - not entirely right, but not wrong either. I didn't say it was never the last thing you ate - only few actual cases of food poisoning occur that quickly... \ rarely the last thing you ate. Your articles support the fact that whilst it could be the last thing you ate, it can also be other things.

    My main issue with what he said was that he stated, unequivocally, that the brand new burger joint gave him food poisoning - however it did not appear that there was any medical evidence for it, and that gastro illnesses are rarely so simply explained as 'must've been the last thing I ate'... I didn't think it was a fair statement to the staff and to the park without at least allowing for alternatives.

    There's also a really bad gastro bug going around now - and given it's easy transmission on contaminated surfaces - spending a day at a theme park, touching hand rails, safety bars \ grab rails, queue rails, food service countertops - all of these public access surfaces are far more likely to have been the cause of his illness than a rare-cooked burger... especially when gourmet burgers at sit down restaurants can frequently be ordered medium rare...
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