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Eureka Mountain Mine Ride reopening discussion


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Well I think Dreamworld should win an award. Why make a mine themed roller coaster themed to be abundant mine. Why not make it an actual abandoned mine ride. Great theming I think. Well done Dreamworld for going to the extra effete for this wonderful piece of scenery.

LOL Always good to end the night on a joke.

That is actually a pretty cool idea, market it as an "old ride" that was abandoned and left to rot (I'm getting a Five Nights at Freddy's feeling here! ;) ) and that has suddenly sprung back into operation one night for some reason, maybe the ghost of the Buzz Saw moved into Eureka Mountain and started playing havoc with some of the old equipment and brought it back to life (the reason why the Buzz Saw no longer works LOL), You are part of a research team (Bermuda anyone?) to investigate the weird goings on inside the old ride... OH MAN!! I would love to create the TV ad for the grand reopening of a ride like that! If we have learned one thing from rides it's that themeing and a good backstory to create atmosphere can make all the difference...

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Let me explain where I am coming from, as a terrified rider.

I find Scooby Doo quite ok to ride, the start and ends are tame, the backwards part is frightening but brief and then you can see the track laid out in front of you for the main section of the ride.

My memory of the Mine Ride is of it feeling super fast and having little track visibility and it scared the bejesus out of me to ride it. After my first ride the operator said I was the most terrified rider she had ever seen in fact, a title I have carried proudly now for many years, and one I look forward to defending if (when) the ride re-opens.

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I think rides in recent years have naturally gotten less scary as in "feeling out of control"... trying to take into account the fact that as i get older the rides naturally become less "full on" but imagine if u had never ridden scooby doo and when u do the big wearhouse part was in pitch black like parts of the mine ride... you would probably shit yourself... in recent years the rides have naturally been designed to try and "reasure" riders that everything is perfectly safe... whereas the mine ride half the time u didnt know what the hell was going on... mostly due to poor lighting and not being able to see the track... makes people feel uneasy... but i loved that! :D

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Let me explain where I am coming from, as a terrified rider.

I find Scooby Doo quite ok to ride, the start and ends are tame, the backwards part is frightening but brief and then you can see the track laid out in front of you for the main section of the ride.

My memory of the Mine Ride is of it feeling super fast and having little track visibility and it scared the bejesus out of me to ride it. After my first ride the operator said I was the most terrified rider she had ever seen in fact, a title I have carried proudly now for many years, and one I look forward to defending if (when) the ride re-opens.

i remember riding it as a kid when we came up here on holiday it scared the shit out of me too. than when we moved up here i rode it again and it wasn't the same.

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I think rides in recent years have naturally gotten less scary as in "feeling out of control"... trying to take into account the fact that as i get older the rides naturally become less "full on" but imagine if u had never ridden scooby doo and when u do the big wearhouse part was in pitch black like parts of the mine ride... you would probably shit yourself... in recent years the rides have naturally been designed to try and "reasure" riders that everything is perfectly safe... whereas the mine ride half the time u didnt know what the hell was going on... mostly due to poor lighting and not being able to see the track... makes people feel uneasy... but i loved that! :D

I have had my own experience of light on and lights off and the lights on was more crazy then lights off.

I was riding the supernova at Expo 88 when it stopped at the final brake run before it entered the station. The light came on and they pushed us back into the station. They sent us around a second time, I can only assume they forgot to turn the lights out again.

The supernova I would class as a family coaster but not for smaller kids. Once the lights came on it became a thrill coaster there was a lot of track squeezed in that shed so the whole ride was full of head choppers and the drops that where very steep but you lose that perspective on a ride when you have no horizon line.

Edited by skeetafly
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I mentioned in the other DW thread about how the back doors of Eureka were open this morning while I was on the tiger walk and was largely empty back there apart from some water dummies which could be the same ones we've seen for awhile.

Perhaps the long line for TRR could be due to the fact that it didn't open until about midday as around 11:30 a lot of the course was dry

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2hr line for TRR on a weekday?

Haven't even seen a 2hr waitline on a weekend for years

well a lot of rides weren't working at the time including the claw. i dunno if it was actually 2 hour wait but they were lined up right outside the door where the photo shop was. we took 1 look and said screw it lets go to www which wasn't packed at all surprisingly. :P

Edited by bladex
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When the cart wasnt there, they probably were fixing something or doing some modifications to the cart itself, then maybe over the weekend they did some test runs and then left it on the track... but why leave it on the track in the first place? Who knows, it could just be a coincidence that they actually have no other place to put the cart when it isnt being worked on... or they are teasing the hell out of us.

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