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Mt Druitt water works?


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Found this: 1985 Mt. Druitt Waterworks opens. 1986 Australia's Wonderland (now Wonderland Sydney) opens. From here. And this quote:

hahahahahahaha... this was in OT a while back and as I recollect, Taranaki posted the same thing :D I still remember the urban legend of the waterworks in Mt Druitt (slides, and pipes style water-park - I dunno if it still exists). Anyway, a story went around about people attaching razor blades (old style - not disposable) to gum and then sticking them to the pipes as they went down - everyone knew a friend of a friend who got slashed up by them :P Hell, there was even a newspaper article on it until it came about it was just an urban myth. I went to the waterworks at Manly as a result though :D
From here. "The Bus is now leaving for The Waterworks, Tasmania"
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Yeah I remember those urban myths, I think they exist for every single water slide park tho :D I never went to Mt Druitt, but I went to Manly waterworks a few times when I was young. (btw, Manly waterworks is featured in the rad 80s movie BMX Bandits, starring Nicole Kidman) :D

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BMX Bandits was filmed Water Works Manly not Mt. Druitt
Did you read mikrowave's post?
Manly waterworks is featured in the rad 80s movie BMX Bandits, starring Nicole Kidman
"The Bus is now leaving for Gary Davidson BMX Track, Victoria"
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I remember the good ole waterworks... Spent many days out there when I was younge with my dad. They used to have the best tube slide Im still yet to see beaten. It was a serious of pools interconnected with slides that you progressed down through winding around the mountain (hill) that the slides were on. It also had a heap of enclosed slides, a large pool and some other things like a speed slide that was never open and bumper boats. Was one of those run down type places but was still fun. Pitty it never really got improved and eventualy just closed. Would have loved to have seen it when it first opened, I'm sure it woudl have been quite good.

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if anybody remembered, in lansvale they had luna park magic kingdom, it was really dull, had animals, elephants giant slides, swinging chairs fair rides ect, and the main feature were 2 water slides that go to a very small hill. That was the main attraction, very boring. But it was more of a picnin place, anybody remember?

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Last time I was at Magic Kingdom, which was about 5 years ago they still had the slides and they had a bungee jump from a cherry picker thingy and that was about it. I was there for a company Christmas party so it was free food so it was all good. "The Bus is now leaving for Black Magic Soak, Western Australia"

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  • 5 weeks later...

A few years ago I visited a park in Sydney called 'Adventure Land - Carnival on the farm'. I'm a bit confused because it sounds exactly like this Magic Kingdom place. Is it possible that it is the same park and they changed their name at some stage? Anyway, checking out Adventure Land turned out to be very interesting so I'll give you a little trip report... It was like a park out of a horror movie. We drove into the parking lot which was deserted. There was this little canteen area where the whole family that runs the place were sitting. They stared at us as we approached in amazement. They told us if we wanted to go on any rides to let them know and they would turn them on. We were the only ones in the park. The park was actually quite large. An old rusted railway track circled the entire perimeter. There was a lake/river which obviously used to be some kind of boat ride but it was totally overgrown. The boats were covered in weeds and bushes. You could just picture the place in its heyday with the train chugging along the track and the boats cruising down the river. There were a few portable rides like a Ferris Wheel and Cha-Cha. There was also an in-ground waterslide winding down the hill. A massive yellow dry slide (similar to the ones you see at the Easter Show) was supposedly still in operation but upon closer inspection I noticed the base of the slide was covered with redback spiders. My guess is that you'd end up with a rather sore behind after riding that one. From what I could tell the park had once been lots of fun, I'm guessing before Wonderland opened. I think the operators also ran a portable ride business which was probably their main income 'cause they certainly wouldn't have been making much cash from Adventure Land

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Nope adventure land was/is on Camden Valley Way. I went there once many many years ago and remember it exactly as you describe. We went out there once in the school hols and it was certainly up an running, just basically a bunch of carny rides dumped around the joint. I was much more interested in the things you decribe when I was there too. The boat ride, slide, waterslides, train and who knows what else used to be there. I know that it was called Walley World when these things were running but don't know anything more about it :-( Does anyone? To throw another one into this mix there was also another park just near Magic Kingdom called Dizzyland... all I ever saw of it was an old defunct sign outside what used to be the entrance many years after it closed and that was back when i was 12 or so. Maybe I need to go for a drive out that way... the only time I ever went to Magic Kindom was after going out to WL one day with dad in the first week of the xmas hols. Some of you may recall WL never used to be open the first week but that had not been publicised, many people rocked up to admin unhappy that day, us included. We were offed free return passes, dad took me to MK to cheer me up :-p

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A few years ago I visited a park in Sydney called 'Adventure Land - Carnival on the farm'.
Sydney? Im guessing if so then it is probably ONeill's AdventureLand at Prestons (Camden Valley Way) that you're thinking about. No there's not much left. The slides are still there I think. I think the land was sold as recently as earlier this year. O'Neills were a carnie firm that have been around for yonkers. The land was mainly used to store the carnie rides. ZordMaker.
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Clint let me know if you're planning to go for a drive and check out some of these defunct parks as I would love to tag along. We can make it a field trip. I didn't realise it was O'Neils that ran Adventureland. Considering they are a fairly reputable company I'm surprised they let it get into such bad shape. Remind me not to go on any of their travelling rides. It would make sense for them to sell the land as the area is probably worth more now. Same with Magic Kingdom. Maybe these poor guys will finally make the profit they've been waiting soo long for

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I dont know if any of you remember African Lion Safari in Sydney?... Next door to it was this really crappy park that I have been told never opened it looks like it was totally home built ..chicken wire and paper mache it was called FunLand or something..and its still all there rusting away..

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Can anybody help me on this one? I remember a theme park in the 80's in Sydney it had a very large castle with a bridge, an oversized shoe the size of say a house...paddle boats, swimming areas..I do have old photos its just nobody can remember anything about it....... Cheers Sean

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GoBoi, Its not Magic Kingdom im taking about its an older park that vanished in the 80's...the shoe was like the one at Magic Kingdom but like the size of a large two level house!...Ill grab the photos this weekend and scan away...someone told me that the site is now possibly a gold course?.. I had the idea in my head for a long time now to make a documentary about the forgotten theme parks of Sydney..interviews with the original owners.. maybe try to track down old super 8 footage of the parks in operation..has anyone done a film/doco like this before? Cheers Sean

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Daniel, Nope its not that one...this place basically closed in the 80's. I know because my uncle remembers it closing and the land being developed into a Golf Course.. Daniel, did this park have a Large "Robin Hood" Style Castle and a Mega sized shoe? Cheers Sean

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