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This Movie World hypercoaster rendering is cool... but it's not real

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13 hours ago, GoGoBoy said:

 I also find it strange that there is an attempt to bring down and fault the user that created that great mock-up video of the coaster. It certainly gave a sense of the scale, regardless of whether individual elements were 100% correct. Are people envious about this or something?

For the most part, the discussion was just about taking guesses and turning them into facts, of which, seems to be cleared up. No one's specifically attacking the great contributions of @Theme Park Girl or any of our other members. It's worth noting (as it's also been noted elsewhere), if you don't agree with any of the content posted by other members, there's a report post link on every single post on Parkz Community.

As a side note, just incase it wasn't clear (it didn't seem to be in terms of how you worded yourself in your post) but Parkz Crew are not representatives of Parkz itself. They're folks who have decided that what we do here is of some value to them, and they've purchased a membership to help support us in keeping the wheels turning. If you feel the same way, you too can become a Parkz member, there's even a great pack you can buy that includes an annual membership, t-shirt, lanyard & stickers.

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38 minutes ago, Slick said:

As a side note, just incase it wasn't clear (it didn't seem to be in terms of how you worded yourself in your post) but Parkz Crew are not representatives of Parkz itself. They're folks who have decided that what we do here is of some value to them, and they've purchased a membership to help support us in keeping the wheels turning. If you feel the same way, you too can become a Parkz member, there's even a great pack you can buy that includes an annual membership, t-shirt, lanyard & stickers.

I had no idea - thanks for the clarification. Crew makes it sounds like they are either staff members, volunteers or mods. I've been around these forums forever and I still have no idea what's going on ;)

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19 hours ago, joz said:

I mean of the 4 things that have been built 2 are right, one is off the mark and one is totally wrong, another is about to be wrong.  Don't take it as a personal attack when someone points that out. 

Prime example of what is wrong with this community... Instead of thanking members for their contribution such as the fantastic animation made they focus their energy on this BS, how inaccurate it is. Because hey, everyone here needs to be a bloody engineer or work in the amusement industry to post.

Did you even read the thread, probably not because the Parkz clean up team has already removed any traces and mopped everything up.

14 hours ago, GoGoBoy said:

I also find it strange that there is an attempt to bring down and fault the user that created that great mock-up video of the coaster. It certainly gave a sense of the scale, regardless of whether individual elements were 100% correct. Are people envious about this or something?

Yeah, exactly this.

Take note. This guy is new, his view is not clouded by political/cultural goggles and he see's it for what it is.

19 hours ago, Theme Park Girl said:

But that post was clearly more than just pointing out a mistake on my part. Why not simply state "I think you should admit to Richard that you were wrong and apologise" in a respectful manner and leave it at that? Why leave remarks implying that a off-forum personal grudge against me is a contributing factor as well? Why go on to lecture over alleged personal faults, and then be as petty as to mock me over what smilies I choose to use regularly in my posts? Exactly how does any of this relate to anything? 

Honestly, I'm questioning how can any of the above could NOT be clearly seen as a personal attack?  

This is the other problem. Pointing out isn't the real issue, its the manner in which this is done, sometimes it manifests into personal attacks, down votes and blatantly bullying people. It is ridiculous. New people come in, get a taste of this community and never return. Only the few new people with thick skin remain.

I have never been a part of a more nastier community that this. It's people like @themagician@Theme Park Girl and others that keep me coming back.

/end rant

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24 minutes ago, GoGoBoy said:

Crew makes it sounds like they are either staff members, volunteers or mods.

Exactly, to new members it's easily misinterpreted.


10 minutes ago, Fultre said:

New people come in, get a taste of this community and never return. Only the few new people with thick skin remain.

I have never been a part of a more nastier community that this.

Sadly I also mostly agree with this. I've been/am a member of many forums over varied topics/themes so I have a lot to compare to.

I've tried to tale a back seat on this forum and now really only come here to keep updated on things.

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Well this post by @Fultre is about as ridiculous as they come. 

Nobody has BROUGHT DOWN the animation. All anyone has done is said it's great but not accurate to the finished coaster design. 


There seems to be some strange thing here that nobody can say ANYTHING negative about anything/one without some group of crusaders coming out with pitch forks. 

Reality check, not everything in he big bad world is positive and 'you're wonderful' all the time. And not everything said negative is a personal attack. 


As as for this being the nastiest community around, I think you need to get out/read more.

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30 minutes ago, djrappa said:


Reality check, not everything in he big bad world is positive and 'you're wonderful' all the time. And not everything said negative is a personal attack. 

As as for this being the nastiest community around, I think you need to get out/read more.

A community leader that misunderstands the case in point, screams at members (caps), thinks that world is "big and bad", that not everything should be "wonderful or positive" and is apparently a member or a leader of many bad communities... Well that's just great. Should I even bother.

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I'm not exactly sure where you're coming from @Fultre?

I can't recall anyone putting down the video in question nor its author. It's a great video and I believe everyone has stated that. It's also only loosely based on fact so should be treated as such.

The point that the video is wrong has never been directed at the author who is working with every piece of information available to him. It's to statements like "[it] has been practically spot on" which are simply incorrect and are worthy of correction in a black-and-white, fact-based approach.

We've deleted a couple of posts in the last day or two that contained/quoted inappropriate personal attacks. As far as I can tell none remains in this current debate but perhaps we have different standards for what constitutes bullying? Not sure what posts you're referring to that have been swept under the rug... and whether your overall point is that we're censoring posts... or that we're not censoring enough posts?

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20 hours ago, joz said:

It's really good what he made, but it's not right

@Fultre Just added the bit you decided not to quote.  If pointing out that something is good but inaccurate is part of the problem with the community, then honestly I don't know what to say.  FWIW I agree that this isn't the friendliest little corner of the Internet.  But if someone pointing out the world isn't all wonderful and positive is a challenging concept I suggest never leaving the house TBH.  I'm with you and don't like people down voting people they don't like or disagree with.  I only very rarely use the downvote option, but as part of the 'Parkz Clean up team' if there is a low quality post or something that just descends into nonsense I can hide it.  Fun piece of trivia, the MW coaster thread is actually 167 pages at the moment.


Also @GoGoBoy ain't new, he's as much a piece of the furniture as I am.  Everyone should listen to him though, people like him are why I stay around. 


Finally I don't follow who doesn't get along with who off the site or in private messages.  I moderate based solely on what's posted here.  If someone is bullying you on here and in your life in general feel free to private message us to let us know, but generally we don't have to worry about that because our audience is mostly adults who know not to take things said about them on the internet to heart.

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4 minutes ago, Richard said:

I'm not exactly sure where you're coming from @Fultre?

I can't recall anyone putting down the video in question nor its author. It's a great video and I believe everyone has stated that. It's also only loosely based on fact so should be treated as such.

The point that the video is wrong has never been directed at the author who is working with every piece of information available to him. It's to statements like "[it] has been practically spot on" which are simply incorrect and are worthy of correction in a black-and-white, fact-based approach.

We've deleted a couple of posts in the last day or two that contained/quoted inappropriate personal attacks. As far as I can tell none remains in this current debate but perhaps we have different standards for what constitutes bullying? Not sure what posts you're referring to that have been swept under the rug... and whether your overall point is that we're censoring posts... or that we're not censoring enough posts?

Just to be clear I actually have no issues with the article itself, in fact I think it is a great that Parkz has given spotlight to the creator. Again, I also have no issues with people pointing out that something is incorrect it's the manner in which they do so. Finally, most of what I had to say is related to my entire experience here, not just this thread.


5 minutes ago, Skeeta said:

@Fultre please stop being a bully towards @djrappa


oh the irony.

A bit of rain and Parkz has turned to shit.

And yet, here is Skeeta, class act, browsing through peoples profiles in search of material to put them down...

I got two down votes, figured one of them was from djrappa judging by the tone. Now, both my down votes are gone, wonder who down voted me...

Finally, take a look at Richard's post, you may learn something from it, like being constructive, reasonable and sincere.

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47 minutes ago, Fultre said:

Prime example of what is wrong with this community... Instead of thanking members for their contribution such as the fantastic animation made they focus their energy on this BS, how inaccurate it is. Because hey, everyone here needs to be a bloody engineer or work in the amusement industry to post.

No one is saying the NL2 creation was bad. It was just rich for them to claim that it was "90% Accurate" when all they had to guess the layout from are the footings. We can see from what's been built so far that they got things wrong, which is completely understandable.

It was a fantastic representation of what the coaster will be like in general, and seeing the video really did get me excited for the coaster because it just shows you the real scale of this project.

You don't need to be an engineer to use your brain and think about what you've written before you post.

41 minutes ago, Fultre said:

I have never been a part of a more nastier community that this.


Any community is going to have drama, and unfortunately it does get personal sometimes. In other forums I've been the target of it and I should also admit that been guilty of it.

Frankly, this is probably the most civilised place I frequent, I don't see any toxic "kill yourself" spam and personal attacks are a real rarity.

33 minutes ago, Fultre said:

A community leader that... thinks that world is "big and bad", that not everything should be "wonderful or positive"

News flash, the world is pretty big and it's also pretty bad. Even if this is the most toxic internet community you're a part of, I find it hard to believe this is the nastiest community you're part of in the entire world. Have you been to school? Worked in a workplace?

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10 minutes ago, joz said:

@Fultre Just added the bit you decided not to quote.  If pointing out that something is good but inaccurate is part of the problem with the community, then honestly I don't know what to say.  

Initially I wasn't going to quote you at all, as your response was fairly neutral but you did touch on a very sensitive topic, accuracy. I was going to however quote the ridiculous posts that got removed but when I switched pages and refreshed they were gone. I only cut your quote short because I wan't to keep my post somewhat manageable size, my bad.

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1 minute ago, Fultre said:

you did touch on a very sensitive topic, accuracy.


I'd write down domestic issues, cancer, sexual problems, substance addiction problems etc. down as sensitive topics.

Not sure what your problem is with people on a forum such as this wanting to know what is accurate information or what is inaccurate information.

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7 minutes ago, Fultre said:

And yet, here is Skeeta, class act, browsing through peoples profiles in search of material to put them down...

Finally, take a look at Richard's post, you may learn something from it, like being constructive, reasonable and sincere.

 @FultreIf you become a Park Crew member you don't have to search at all. 


1 hour ago, Fultre said:

This is the other problem. Pointing out isn't the real issue, its the manner in which this is done, sometimes it manifests into personal attacks,




10 minutes ago, Fultre said:

And yet, here is Skeeta, class act,

LOL, you are doing what you are fighting against.


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So hang on we removed a post and you wanted to carry on the argument?  If there was a silly post and it was removed, wouldn't that be a sign to drop it if your point is 'we all need to be more positive'?  Not trying to pick a fight but you know?


Meh bugger this I'm more than willing to put this whole thing behind us.  Peace pipe dude?


EDIT My god you lot respond fast!

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16 minutes ago, AllegroCrab said:

You don't need to be an engineer to use your brain and think about what you've written before you post.

I won't even try to decode this one... :D


I should also admit that been guilty of it.

Guess it's another day in the office. :lol:


Frankly, this is probably the most civilised place I frequent, I don't see any toxic "kill yourself" spam and personal attacks are a real rarity.

I honestly want to know which forums you and djrappa go to?


News flash, the world is pretty big and it's also pretty bad. Even if this is the most toxic internet community you're a part of, I find it hard to believe this is the nastiest community you're part of in the entire world. Have you been to school? Worked in a workplace?

I was referring to internet community of course... Really, you see this sort of behavior in your workplace...?

8 minutes ago, Slick said:

Here's two theme park related: Theme Park Review & RRC
Here's two non-theme park related: 4chan, Reddit/r/TheDonald

Report back in a week champ and let us know how you go!

So what exactly is your argument here, that lots of community's around have these issue, so it is ok if we have them here because why bother to set higher standards.

Well, what do you know, he's is also browses 4chan...

8 minutes ago, joz said:

So hang on we removed a post and you wanted to carry on the argument?  If there was a silly post and it was removed, wouldn't that be a sign to drop it if your point is 'we all need to be more positive'?  Not trying to pick a fight but you know?


Meh bugger this I'm more than willing to put this whole thing behind us.  Peace pipe dude?

I didn't want to carry the argument I just wanted to bring a serious issue to the forefront, becuase I felt bad for some people involved.

I am too, and I've never really had any issues with you, I just quoted one of your posts.

9 minutes ago, Skeeta said:

 @FultreIf you become a Park Crew member you don't have to search at all. 

LOL, you are doing what you are fighting against.

And finally, some more words of wisdom from Skeeta... :D

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Just now, Fultre said:

I honestly want to know which forums you and djrappa go to?

You could start with the comments on any public facebook post or youtube video and end with /pol/ on 4chan.

5 minutes ago, Fultre said:

Really, you see this sort of behavior in your workplace...?

You really do need to step into the real world.

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5 minutes ago, AllegroCrab said:

My work is fine, I accept that I need to deal with difficult people because it would be the same anywhere else in retail.

And now that things have become completely irrelevant I think it's time for me to stop.

Retail can be tough I bet, doesn't mean you can't do other things if you put your mind to it. It's never too late to change a career.

Well this thread has descended into a clusterf**k of whinging, whining and nit-picking.

lets all sing kumbaya and move the f**k on. 

Agreed, time to clean this up. Clean up crew, isle 4. :lol:

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4 minutes ago, Skeeta said:


"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in!"

Skeeta's got my number :D

Ah ha! Though it might of been you... Good to see you've been putting that membership to good use and also keep those down votes UP (literally)!

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