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DC Rivals HyperCoaster - Fast Track available


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$15 was barely tolerable for one ride. Upping it another $4 just because they can is a bit rich. 

I mean sure they know people are paying and will pay for it, but it's just money grabbing because they can. 

Why does it need to be on its own fast track? Why not make it an additional tier for the existing one? 

We pay for backwards, we pay for fast track, soon enough they'll charge for general entry and single rider. 

Plus I'm known for complaining about everything, so why not this too. 

Edited by Reanimated35
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2 hours ago, Reanimated35 said:

Plan on riding fast track soon? 

Better byo lube or they're going in dry on this one. 

Fast track for Rivals has been bumped up to $19.

Let that sink in. 



I saw that sign there today too but I thought it was unlimited for $19? I would’ve taken a photo of the sign but I was pre-occupied with riding it. 

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Not a big fan of fast track in general, but I don’t see a $4 jump being a massive deal if demand and capacity warrant it. 

I mean if I’m desperate to skip the queue and was willing to pay $15, then an extra $4 that would buy me about half a bottle of water isn’t going to make me go “oh f**k it, I’ll just wait in the general queue for 1-1.5hrs and hold onto my $4...”

Edited by Brad2912
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Pretty funny that a $2 gouge for each time you want to ride superman is bad, but $4 more to use fast track once is way too much!

I still believe it should be bundled with other fast passes.  Can't believe backwards isn't also forced into a larger bundle.  That'd put the cost of a visit up $50 every time, rather than just $19.  Wouldn't use fast track for a forwards ride anyway, but would definitely pay more for backwards.

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For me personally $19 is pretty steep to jump a Q for a ride.. for 1 go.. but that's just me.. - Riding with my Partner would be a one off cost of $38  which, to me is far more realistically spent on fuel getting there / food / and or in the shops while visiting.. but that's just my opinion.

There are plenty of ppl out there who WILL and DO fork out big bucks for the prestige of instant access to DCR. I enjoyed 2 rides with my group yesterday afternoon before FN and waited no more than 10-15 minutes on both occasions.

If People are that wealthy,  impatient or time poor that they can't possibly forego 15 precious minutes of their busy lives waiting for a World Class Rollercoaster then let em. 

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On 13/10/2017 at 6:21 PM, Reanimated35 said:

I mean sure they know people are paying and will pay for it, but it's just money grabbing because they can. 

And yet you disagreed with me the other week when i suggested that VRTP monetised whatever they could.

Look - i'm not surprised by this, nor am I disappointed. Its completely understandable if the product was selling out that they would up the price - its simple supply and demand economics. They'll find a balance where they don't sell out, and don't impact the queue too heavily, and still make a bucket of money. As they sell less, they'll reduce the price.

I'm all for them integrating it into their existing fasttrack model, but given the ride is still in 'premiere' - i think it's safe to keep it separate for the moment. I'm sure once the demand wears off, they'll bundle it with their existing product.

On 14/10/2017 at 11:14 AM, Jdude95 said:

What annoys me most is the lack of it being a round number. Why stop at $19? Just make it an even $20 

It's the same reason why stores that compete on price will price something '$19.99' instead of $20. its a psychological thing. $19 makes it sounda lot cheaper than $20, even though its only a dollar.

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On 13/10/2017 at 6:53 PM, Aimsley81 said:

I saw that sign there today too but I thought it was unlimited for $19? I would’ve taken a photo of the sign but I was pre-occupied with riding it. 

My bad!! I went back to the park today and it is definitely $19 for single use. I guess I fixated on the word ‘unlimited’ and didn’t notice ‘excludes’ ^_^



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